To the attention of our students who are intern at STAR Program

To the attention of our students who are intern at STAR Program


Students in the STAR program will be required to fill in the Internship Book in English and submit it to the department secretariat at the end of the semester in order to have their internships counted as compulsory internships in the semester. The internship duration should be set between February 1 and March 1, and including Saturdays,

To reach Internship Book


After processing the internship notebook downloaded from the link above, the signed form of the Internship Notebook must be submitted to the department secretary until 30th of March 2021.


In addition, within one week (until 20-02-2021), our students can fill out the forms of the 1.Staj fişi (A- FR-0076_Staj_Fisi) and 2. Staj Zorunluluk belgesi (B- FR-0338_Staj-_Zorunluluk_Belgesi)  in the following link below. Forms must be sent to address by e-mail.


1. Staj fişi (A- FR-0076_Staj_Fisi)



2. Staj Zorunluluk belgesi (B- FR-0338_Staj-_Zorunluluk_Belgesi)



3. Staj kabul belgesi (C- FR-0337_Staj_Yeri_Kabul Belgesi)   (This form should be sent directly to 0262-605 31 30 via Fax to ‘Meral Eryiğit’ via email.)



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