Doç. Dr. Özlem AKKAYA
Moleküler Biyoloji ve Genetik

(262) 605 25 10, laboratuvar: 25 29
D Blok, GTU MAR-Z19
Çalışma alanları
Mikrobiyal Biyoteknoloji, Biodegradasyon, Sentetik Biyoloji, Metabolizma Mühendisliği, Bitki-Bakteri Etkileşimi

Indexed Publications (SCI - SCI Expanded)
1. Akkaya Özlem, Aparicio Perez Tomas, Perez Pantoja Danilo, De Lorenzo Victor (2021). The faulty SOS response of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 stems from an inefficient RecA-LexA interplay. Environmental Microbiology.

2. Akkaya Özlem (2020). Nicotiana tabacum-associated bioengineered Pseudomonas putida can enhance rhizoremediation of soil containing 2,4-dinitrotoluene. 3 Biotech, 10(9).

3. Aydınoğlu Fatma, İltaş Ömer, Akkaya Özlem (2020). Inoculation of maize seeds with Pseudomonas putida leads to enhanced seedling growth in combination with modified regulation of miRNAs and antioxidant enzymes. Symbiosis, 81(3), 271-285.

4. Arslan Ebru, Akkaya Özlem (2020). Biotization of Arabidopsis thaliana with Pseudomonas putida and assessment of its positive effect on in vitro growth. In Vitro Cellular Developmental Biology-Plant, 56(2), 184-192.

5. Akkaya Özlem, Arslan Ebru (2019). Biotransformation of 2,4-dinitrotoluene by the beneficial association of engineered Pseudomonas putida with Arabidopsis thaliana. 3 Biotech, 9(11).

6. Batool Maria, Akkaya Özlem, Gül Şeker Mine, Özden Çiftçi Yelda (2019). Biohardening of Arabidopsis thaliana Seeds and Seedlings with Fraser Photinia Associated Bacterium (PGB_invit) in in vitro Conditions. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 47(3), 954-961.

7. Şah Irmak, Akdemir Koç Hülya, Kaya Ergun, Akkaya Özlem, Özden Çiftçi Yelda (2019). The association of fraser photinia and its beneficial bacterium (PGB_invit) provided in vitro storage without subculture. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 136(3), 605-615.

8. Akkaya Özlem, Ivan Nikel Pablo,Perez Pantoja Danilo, De Lorenzo Victor (2019). Evolving metabolism of 2,4-dinitrotoluene triggers SOS-independent diversification of host cells. Environmental Microbiology, 21(1), 314-326.

9. Akkaya Özlem, Perez Pantoja Danilo, Calles Belen, Ivan Nikel Pablo, De Lorenzo Victor (2018). The Metabolic Redox Regime of Pseudomonas putida Tunes Its Evolvability toward Novel Xenobiotic Substrates. Mbio, 9(4)

10. Gül Şeker Mine, Şah Irmak, Kırdök Emrah, Ekinci Muhammed Hamit, Özden Çiftçi Yelda, Akkaya Özlem (2017). A Hidden Plant Growth Promoting Bacterium Isolated from in vitro Cultures of Fraser Photinia (Photinia × fraseri). International Journal Of Agriculture and Biology, 19(6), 1511-1519.

11. Akkaya Özlem, İşsever Öztürk Saliha, Bolhuis Albert, Gümüşel Füsun (2012). Mutations in the translation initiation region of the pac gene resulting in increased levels of activity of penicillin G acylase. World Journal Of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 28(5), 2159-2164.

Book Chapters
1. Beneficial Microbes for Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Management, Bölüm adı:(Plant Growth Promoting Microbiome Networks) (2020). Akkaya Özlem, Gül Seker Mİne, Özden Çiftçi Yelda, Apple Academic Press, Editör:Jeyabalan Sangeetha, Devarajan Thangadurai, Saher Islam, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 420, ISBN:978-1771888189.

2. Recent Advances in Plant Science, Bölüm adı:(CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing in Plants) (2020). Özden Çiftçi Yelda, Akkaya Özlem, Türkölmez Nil, Cebrailoglu Nicat, Kavas Musa, Nova Science Publisher, Inc, Editör: Filiz Vardar, Yıldız Aydın, Ahu Altınkut Uncuoglu, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 434, ISBN:978-1-53617-265-2.

3. Bitki Biyoteknolojisinde Güncel Yaklasımlar, Bölüm adı:(Bitki Büyümesini Tesvik Eden Mikrobiyom) (2019). Akkaya Özlem, Gül Seker Mine, Palme, Editör:Yelda Özden Çiftçi, Ahu Altınkut Uncuoglu, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 382, ISBN:978-605-282-304-0.

4. Moleküler Biyoloji-Yönlendirilmis Mutagenez: Temel Bilgiler ve Deneysel Uygulamalar, Bölüm adı:(Konjugasyon) (2003). Akkaya Özlem, Tübitak, Editör: Sevnur Mandacı, Semra Aygün, Basım sayısı:1, ISBN:975-403-293-9.

National articles
1. Akkaya Özlem (2019). Arabidopsis thaliana ile Pseudomonas putida Arasındaki Etkilesimin in vitro Kosullarda Belirlenmesi. BEÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(2), 459-465.

Conferences with Journal Abstracts
1. Akkaya Özlem (2021). Rhizoremediation of 2,4-DNT-contaminated soils: A model system for beneficial plant-bacteria interactions. Third International Green Biotechnology Congress, 1(1), 35.

2. Akkaya Özlem, Gül Şeker Mine, Türkölmez Nil, Albayrak Merve, Kayihan Ceyhun, Özden Çiftçi Yelda (2019). A novel beneficial endophytic bacterium-mediated plant growth promotion. 4th Edition of Global Conference on Plant Science and Molecular Biology, 1(1), 34.

3. Kılıç Gülçiçek, Akkaya Özlem, Gül Şeker Mine, Özden Çiftçi Yelda (2019). Beneficial effects of endophytic bacterium PGP_invit to Tobacco seed germination. II. International Green Biotechnology Congress, 1(1), 61.

4. Özden Çiftçi Yelda, Gül Şeker Mine, Akkaya Özlem, Türkölmez Nil, Albayrak Merve, Ünsal Selin Gül, Akel Mert, Süzerer Veysel, Kıtır Şen Nurgül (2019). Growth Efficiency of Red Led Light Mounted Baby Food Jar Usage on Fraser Photinia and Tobacco tissue culture. II. International Green Biotechnology Congress, 1(1), 31-35.

5. Türkölmez Nil, Albayrak Merve, Ekinci Muhammed Hamit, Akkaya Özlem, Gül Şeker Mine, Aydınoğlu Fatma, Kayıhan Ceyhun, Özden Çiftçi Yelda (2019). Interaction between endophytic beneficial bacterium (PGP invit) and in vitro cultured plants. II. International Green Biotechnology Congress, 1(1), 62-63.

6. Akkaya Özlem (2019). The association of Pseudomonas putida with in vitro cultures of two different model plants. 2nd International Euroasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Sciences, 1(1), 85.

7. Akkaya Özlem (2019). Biotization, a Good Approach to Pre-Evaluation of Plant-Bacteria Interactions. 4th International Scientific Research Congress, 1(1), 167.

8. Akkaya Özlem, Arslan Ebru, Özden Çiftçi Yelda (2018). Influence of Pseudomonas putida on in vitro germination and seedling growth of Arabidopsis thaliana. 2nd International Congress on Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 1(1), 47.

9. Akkaya Özlem, Batool Maria, Gül Şeker Mine (2018). Usage of Model Plants to Harness Plant-Endophytic Bacteria Interactions: A Case Study of Arabidopsis thaliana. 2nd International Congress on Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 1(1), 17.

10. Gül Şeker Mine, Ünal Melike Yağmur, Akkaya Özlem (2018). Optimization of medium and growth conditions of putative endophytic bacteria (PEB) isolated from Fraser photinia. International Congress on Engineering and Life Science (ICELIS), 1(1), 424.

11. Batool Maria, Kayihan Doğa Selin, Gül Şeker Mine, Akkaya Özlem, Özden Çiftçi Yelda (2017). Positive influence of a Photinia associated plant-growth promoting bacterium on in vitro growth of Arabidopsis thaliana. International Green Biotechnology Congress, 1(1), 113.

12. Şah Irmak, Gül Şeker Mine, Ekinci Muhammed Hamit, Kırdök Emrah, Özden Çiftçi Yelda, Akkaya Özlem (2017). Characterization of Plant Growth Promoting Bacterium from in vitro cultures of Fraser Photinia. International Green Biotechnology Congress, 1(1), 112.

13. Akkaya Özlem, Perez Pantoja Danilo, Ivan Nikel Pablo, De Lorenzo Victor (2017). Innovators and imitators: how environmental bacteria conquest the chemical space. FEMS 2017, 1(1).

14. Akkaya Özlem, Ivan Nikel Pablo, Perez Pantoja Danilo, De Lorenzo Victor (2016). DNA damage elicits a different SOS response in Pseudomonas putida and Escherichia coli. 17th European Congress on Biotechnology, 33(S), 197-197., Doi: 10.1016/j.nbt.2016.06.1401.

15. Akkaya Özlem, Perez Pantoja Danilo, Ivan Nikel Pablo, De Lorenzo Victor (2015). Evolutionary routes of novel catabolic pathways recreating 2-4 dinitrotoluene biodegradation in Pseudomonas putida. Gordon Research Conference on Molecular Mechanisms in Evolution.

16. Akkaya Özlem, İşsever Öztürk Saliha, Bolhuıs Albert, Gümüşel Füsun (2012). New insights into the translocation mechanism of Escherichia coli penicillin G acylase. 15th European Congress on Biotechnology, 29(S), 211-211. Doi: 10.1016/j.nbt.2012.08.592.

17. Akkaya Özlem, İşsever Öztürk Saliha, Gümüşel Füsun (2009). Effects of mutations introduced into translation initiation region TIR of the pac gene on penicillin G acylase production. Enzyme Engineering Conference XX, 1(1), 245.

18. Akkaya Özlem, İşsever Öztürk Saliha, Gümüşel Füsun (2008). Improvement of the penicillin acylase PA production in the mutants bearing the alterations on the Shine Dalgarno sequence SD or in the spacer region between SD and initiation codon. The International Enzyme Engineering Symposium, 1(1), 56.

19. Akkaya Özlem, Mandacı Sevnur, Daldal Fevzi, Öztürk Yavuz (2003). Inactivation of ubiquinol oxidase in Rb. capsulatus and characteristics of the null mutants. 13th Balkan Biochemical Biophysical Days Meeting on Metabolic Disorders, 28(3), 209.

20. Akkaya Özlem, Çakıcı Alp Nese, Alaçam Sema, Aydın Aksan Aslı (2018). Mimarlığın Yasayan Arayüzleri: Sentetik Bakteri Tabanlı Tasarım Stratejileri. MSTAS 2018:”Dönüstürülebilir Mekanlar” XII. Mimarlıkta Sayısal Tasarım Ulusal Sempozyumu, 1(1), 307-314.

21. Iltas Ömer, Akkaya Özlem, Aydinoglu Fatma (2018). Investigating Growth-Related Micrornas Roles in Response to Growth-Promoting Bacteria in the Leaf of Maize Seedlings. GTU FBE Lisansüstü Arastırmalar Sempozyumu ve Tanıtım Günleri.

22. Arslan Ebru, Özden Çiftçi Yelda, Akkaya Özlem (2018) Influence of Pseudomonas putida on in-vitro Seedling Growth of Arabidopsis thaliana. GTU FBE Lisansüstü Arastırmalar Sempozyumu ve Tanıtım Günleri.

23. Gül Seker Mine, Akkaya Özlem (2014). Potential in Endophytes in Plant Biotechnology. Workhop on Green Biotechnology, 1(1), 43.

24. Akkaya Özlem, Öztürk Yavuz, Mandacı Sevnur (2003). Rhodobacter capsulatus’ta ubikinol oksidaz knockout mutantların eldesi. XV. Ulusal Biyofizik Kongresi, 1(1), 84.

25. Akkaya Özlem, Öztürk Yavuz, Mandacı Sevnur, Akçın Abdülkadır (2003). Rhodobacter capsulatus’ta ubikinol oksidazın kromozomal mutasyon ile inaktivasyonu. XIII. Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, 1(1), 215.

Review articles:

1. Cebrailoglu Nicat, Yıldız Ali Burak, Akkaya Özlem, Özden Çiftçi Yelda (2019). CRISPRCas: Removing Boundaries of the Nature. European Journal Of Biology, 78(2), 157-164. Doi: 10.26650/EurJBiol.2019.0009

1. International Summer School on Gel-Based Proteomics, Porto Conte Ricerche, Italy, 01.10.2012-05.10.2012

1. Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB)/Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), SPAIN, 2014-2016.
2. Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Tübitak (2219), 2013-2014.

  • Doktora: Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü
  • Yüksek lisans: Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü
  • Lisans: İstanbul Üniversitesi
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