Assignment Procedures

ÖSYM carries out the appointment of examiners by using the Centralised Examination Assignment System. As of 20 March 2011, the observations made during the implementation of this system have shed light on the subsequent exams and improvements have been made in the assignments of the exams. In line with the suggestions of the examiners, the improvements in the Centralised Assignment System will continue.

The number of officials whose information is transferred to the electronic environment by our Centre to be assigned to the exams is 450.000. Assignments in exams are made in two groups among these officials registered in the system.

In case of neglect of duty in all assignments, if it is detected during the exam, the duties are terminated by using substitute officials, and if it is detected later, it is not assigned again in ÖSYM exams.

Group A Assignments
Assignments made by the Provincial Examination Coordination Office:

  1. Building Manager
  2. Disabled Hall Attendant
  3. Prison Officer
  4. SK Substitute Supervisor (1 Official)
  5. Building Janitor
  6. Urban Examination Paper Courier
  7. SK (local) Examination Document Protection Officer

The principles of these Group A assignments determined by ÖSYM and carried out by the Provincial Examination Coordination Office;

Building Manager
The Building Managers and Assistant Building Managers to be assigned in the buildings belonging to higher education institutions shall be the Dean and Vice Dean / School Director and Vice School Director or Faculty Secretary, who are considered as the senior authority of the relevant building. In primary and secondary education buildings, these officials must be the Principal and Vice Principals of the relevant school. However, instead of the official who declares to the Provincial Examination Coordinator that he/she is unable to fulfil the exam duty and whose excuse is deemed appropriate by the relevant coordinatorship, the school official who is qualified to deputise for his/her current duty is assigned by the Provincial Examination Coordinator in line with the recommendation(s) of the senior responsible of the relevant building.


Disabled Hall Attendants
At least two officials, one of whom is a reader and one of whom is a signer, are assigned to these tasks by the Provincial Examination Coordination Office. The officials with poor reading ability cannot be assigned to this task. The Provincial Examination Coordination Office pays attention to ensure that the appointed officials themselves are not disabled. The officials who are found to support disabled candidates during their duty are not assigned in the following exams.


Prison Officers: They are appointed by the Provincial Examination Coordination Office from among the appropriate officials, taking into account the principles of examination practice and prison conditions.

(SK) Substitute Supervisor: Firstly, research assistants are appointed. In case there are not enough staff, then teachers affiliated to the Ministry of National Education are assigned.


Urban Transport Couriers
These duties are assigned by the Test Centre Administrator in accordance with the nature of the task. This task cannot be assigned to those who have a health problem that would prevent them from supervising the transport of exam documents or cause disruption of the task. In some cases, urban transport couriers may also be required to support the loading and unloading of documents. Urban transport couriers are assigned to areas as close to their own residence addresses as possible.

Group B Assignments
Assignments made by ÖSYM with the Central Assignment Exam Assignment System:

  1. Building Examination Supervisor
  2. Assistant Building Examiner
  3. Hall Chairperson
  4. Supervisor
  5. Building Reserve Supervisor
  6. SK Substitute Supervisor

All assignments in this group are made upon request. They are assigned according to the preferences they will make via


Building Examiners and Assistant Building Examiners
Appointment to these positions shall be made starting from the highest academic title in the relevant examination centre. In test centres where there are not enough academic titles, appointments are made according to the titles in the Ministry of National Education. These officials are not assigned as building examiners in the buildings where they actually work, they can only work as building examiners in other exam buildings.


Hall Chairperson
Firstly, among the academicians who prefer the relevant building, assignments are made according to the order of points. In case there are not enough staff, then assignment is made among the staff affiliated to the Ministry of National Education according to the order of points.


Considering the title of the assigned hall chairman, assignments are made according to the order of points from the officials who prefer the same building with the appropriate title.


Substitute Supervisors
Firstly, research assistants are appointed. If there are not enough staff, then teachers affiliated to the Ministry of National Education are appointed.


Group C Assignments

ÖSYM Representatives and Regional ÖSYM Representatives
Professors, Associate Professors, ÖSYM and YÖK employees are assigned from among the staff who attended the trainings given by our Centre. ÖSYM Representative is assigned from Ankara and Regional ÖSYM Representative is assigned from the provinces close to the Test Centre. Representative assignment process starts immediately after the candidate assignment for the exam, when the preference procedures for the test centres are taken via Assignment is made according to the score and the preferences made for the test centres. These assignments are made before the assignment of Building Examiners, Building Managers and Assistants by the Test Centre Administrations.


Criteria for Appointments
1. Position Title
Academic titles and Ministry of National Education titles, which constitute the basis for the assignments made by ÖSYM, are assigned in order of priority.


2. Point
To start with, each registered official is given 10,000 points and each task taken by the official is deducted from the available points. uan.


3. Officials' Preference for Examination Buildings
Following the assignment of the candidates to the buildings where they will take the exam, ‘Attendant Operations System ( (GIS)’ is used for the ‘Examination Building Preference’ process, which is based on the assignments for these buildings and which can be made by all the officials in the pool. In this process, it is obligatory to make at least ‘5’ and at most ‘20’ building preferences.


4. Year of Service
It is the year of service of the official and determines the assignment priority among the officials with the same score.
In the attendant cluster created for each building preference for the exam, assignment is made using the title, score and year of service criteria. The assignment is made on the basis that the official with the highest title in the building is the Building Examiner. For officials with the same title, the right of priority belongs to the official with the higher score. For officials with the same title and the same score, the year of service is taken as basis. In assignments, ÖSYM Representatives and Regional ÖSYM Representatives are appointed first, then Building Supervisors and then Building Officers.


Examination Assignment Procedure Steps

  1. After the finalisation of the buildings and halls for the exam, Group A assignments are made by the Provincial Examination Coordinator using ÖSYM Management Operations System.
  2. Group B assignments are made after those who want to take part in the assignment make their Examination Building preferences from ‘(’ (GİS) address.
  3. The appointment process of the Test Centre Managements and the process of collecting preferences from the attendants are completed at the same time and the appointment process as hall attendant is carried out by ÖSYM through the programme (Group B Assignments).
  4. At the end of Group A and Group B assignments, the ‘GIS’ environment is opened for Approval/Cancellation Operations. With this process, officials can approve or cancel the task assigned to them until the end date specified in the system.
  5. The Provincial Examination Coordinator will reassign the vacant posts after cancellations.
  6. Although they have approved the exam task, the official who wants to cancel it can cancel these tasks by notifying the Provincial Examination Coordinator of their valid excuse.

Within the framework of these procedures, all officials who want to take part in the exam should follow the GIS system in the period between the Application Dates and the Examination Date of the exam announced on ÖSYM's website

IMPORTANT NOTICE: ÖSYM has the right to make changes in these guidelines. For this reason, it is recommended that those interested take into account the most up-to-date guidelines.





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