Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Civil Engineering

- Phone
- +90 (262) 605 3302
- Office
- Block Z, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü, 25
- Areas of interest
- Lean Construction, Safety Management, Construction Safety, Performance Management, Performance Measurement, Risk Management, Mistakeproofing, Construction Management
Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI,SSCI, SCI-E, Arts and Humanities)
31. Sadikoglu, E., Demirkesen, S., Dal, O., Seker, O., Nowak, P., Toprak, S. (2025). Fostering Sustainability in Engineering Education and Practice: Lessons Learnt from the 2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquakes, Sustainability, Accepted for Publication.
30. Demirkesen, S. (2025). Exploring the Causes of Sunk Cost Fallacy in the Construction Industry: Case of Mega Projects, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Accepted for Publication.
29. Korkmaz, M., Zulfikar, A.C, Demirkesen, S. (2024). Leveraging Digital Twins as a Common Operating Picture for Disaster Management: Case of Seismic Hazards, International Journal of Geo-Information, 13 (12), 430;
28. Kumar, D., Zhang, C., Holubnyak, E., Demirkesen, S. (2024).Integrated Assessment of Levelized Costs of Hydrogen Production: Evaluating Renewable and Fossil Pathways with Emission Costs and Tax Incentives, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 95, 389-401 ;
27. Dobrucali, E., Demirkesen, S., Zhang, C., Damci, A., Besiktepe, D. (2024). Critical Success Factors of Sustainability Implementation in the Construction Industry. Buildings, 14(11), 3661 ;
26. Abdi, A.P., Damci, A. Kirca, O., Turkoglu, H., Arditi, D., Demirkesen, S., Korkmaz, M., Arslan, A.E. (2024). A Spatial Decision-Support System for Wind Farm Site Selection in Djibouti, Sustainability,16(22), 9635 ;
25. Turkoglu, H., Sadikoglu, E., Demirkesen, S., Damci, A., Acar, S. (2024). An integrated multi-criteria decision making approach for selecting the starting location of railroad projects. Engineering, Construction, and Architectural Management;
24. Polat, F.,Demirkesen, S. (2024).Measuring the Impact of Lean Implementation on BIM and Project Success: Case of Construction Firms. Engineering, Construction, and Architectural Management;
23. Demirkesen, S., Tezel, A., Uysal, F., Ozturk, Z. (2024).Investigating the Impact of Blockchain on Project Risk Management Success: A Structural Equation Model. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71,8356- 8368,10.1109/TEM.2024.3371057
22. Kiral, I,A., Demirkesen, S. (2024). Evaluating the Impact of Different Hard Hats on the Peripheral Vision of Construction Workers. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 30(2), 436-449.
21. Liu, P., Zhang, C., Arditi, D., Li, H., Demirkesen, S. (2024). Using Eye-Tracking Technology to Assess the Effect of Daily Safety Training on Hazard Recognition Skills, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 71, 8548-8561,10.1109/TEM.2024.3367230
20.Sadikoglu, E., Jager, J., Demirkesen, S., Baier, C., Oprach, S., Haghsheno, S. (2023).Investigating Impact of Lean Leadership on Construction Project Success, Engineering Management Journal,
19. Dobrucali, E., Sadikoglu, E., Demirkesen, S., Zhang, C., Tezel, A., Kiral, I. (2023). A Bibliometrics Analysis of Digital Technologies Use in Construction Health and Safety. Engineering, Construction, and Architectural Management,Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
18. Kuinkel, M., Zhang, C., Liu, P., Demirkesen, S., Ksaibati, K. (2023).Suitability Study of Using UAVs to Estimate Landfilled Fly Ash Stockpile, Sensors,23(3), 1242;
17. Dobrucali, E., Demirkesen, S., Sadikoglu, E., Zhang, C., Damci, A.(2022).Investigating the Impact of Emerging Technologies on Construction Safety Performance. Engineering, Construction, and Architectural Management,
16. Kiral, A., Demirkesen, S. (2022). Assessing the Impact of Peripheral Vision on Construction Site Safety. Engineering, Construction, and Architectural Management,
15. Dobrucali, E., Sadikoglu, E., Demirkesen, S., Zhang, C., Tezel, A.(2022). Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on the United States Construction Industry: Challenges and Opportunities, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,10.1109/TEM.2022.3155055
14. Bayhan, H.G.,Demirkesen, S., Zhang, C.,Tezel, A. (2022). A Lean Construction and BIM Interaction Model for the Construction Industry, Production Planning and Control,
13. Demirkesen, S., Tezel, A. (2021). Investigating Major Challenges for Industry 4.0 Adoption Among U.S. Construction Companies, Engineering, Construction, and Architectural Management, DOI 10.1108/ECAM-12-2020-1059.
12.Tezel, A., Dobrucali, E., Demirkesen, S.,Kiral, A. (2021). Critical Success Factors of Safety Training in the Construction Industry,Buildings, 11(4), 139.
11. Li, H., Zhang, C., Song, S., Demirkesen, S., Chang, R. (2020). Improving Tolerance Control on Modular Construction Project with 3D Laser Scanning and BIM-A Case Study of Removable Floodwall Project, Applied Sciences, 10(23), 8680.
10. Demirkesen, S., Sadikoglu, E., Jayamanne, E. (2020). Investigating Effectiveness of Time Studies in Lean Construction Projects: Case of Transbay Block 8, Production Planning and Control, DOI:10.1080/09537287.2020.1859151.
9. Demirkesen, S.,Bayhan, H.G. (2020). A Lean Implementation Success Model for the Construction Industry, Engineering Management Journal, 32(3), 219-239.
8. Demirkesen, S.(2020). Measuring the Impact of Lean Implementation on Construction Safety Performance: A Structural Equation Model,Production Planning and Control, 31(5), 412-433.
7. Demirkesen, S., Bayhan, H.G. (2019).Critical Success Factors of Lean Implementation in the Construction Industry, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,10.1109/TEM.2019.2945018
6.Demirkesen, S., Ozorhon, B. (2017). Measuring Project Management Performance: Case of Construction Industry, Engineering Management Journal, 29(4), 258-277.
5.Demirkesen, S., Ozorhon, B. (2017). Impact of Integration Management on Construction Project Management Performance. International Journal of Project Management. 35(8), 1639-1654.
4. Ozorhon, B., Oral, K., Demirkesen S. (2016), Investigating the Components of Innovation in Construction Projects. ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering, 32(3), 04015052.
3. Demirkesen, S., Arditi, D. (2015). Construction safety personnel's perceptions of safety training practices. International Journal of Project Management, 33(5), 1160-1169.
2. Halicioglu, F.H., Cakir, F., Demirkesen, S. (2014), “Structural Assessment of Traditional Stone-Timber Houses in Turkey,” Gradevinar - Journal of the Croatian Society, 66 (8), 727-738.
1. Ozorhon, B., Demirkesen, S. (2014), “Analysis of International Competitiveness of the Turkish Contracting Services,” Technical Journal, 421, 6831-6848 (In Turkish).
Uluslararası diğer hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
15.Zhang, C., Demirkesen, S., Mahajan, D., Sadikoglu, E., Pal, U., and Timalsina, S. (2025). A Multi-Output Regression Approach to Predicting Gender-Centric Workplace Fatal Accidents, Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management (in press)
14. Yilmaz, S., Kumar, D., Hada, S., Demirkesen, S., Zhang, C., Li, H. (2024). A PMBoK Based Construction Cost Management Framework for BIM integration in Construction Projects. International Journal of Construction Management.
13. Demirkesen, S. (2024). Prediction of Number of Insured Having Work Accident in the Construction Industry: A Neural Network Fitting Approach, Management, Procurement and Law, Accepted for Publication.
12. Kamran, M., Zhang, C., Kumar, D., Demirkesen, S., Li, H. (2024).Enhancing Safety in the Construction of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and Microreactors (MRs) through Improving Guidelines and Involving Digital Technology Tools, Journal of Engineering, Project & Production Management 14 (2)
11. Akin, F.D., Damci, A., Arditi, D., Demirkesen, S. (2024). An Advanced Decision Support System for Ranking Unbalanced Bids. Construction Management and Economics,
10. Kuinkel, M., Zhang, C., Felton, G.,Demirkesen, S., Li, H. (2023). Compromise or Problem-solve: Conflicts in construction schedule update. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, Accepted for publication.
9.Cabrera, O., Tejeda, J., Llontop, J., Mendoza, P., Alvarez, J.C., Demirkesen, S. (2023). A validation model to reduce non-contributory time based on Lean tools: Case of a construction company in Perú, Cogent Engineering,
8. Kamran, M., Zhang, C., Kumar, D., Demirkesen, S., Li, H. (2023). Enhancing Safety in the Construction of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and Microreactors (MRs) through Improving Guidelines and Involving Digital Technology Tools. Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, Accepted for publication.
7. Cinko, E.G., Demirkesen, S., Sadikoglu, E., Zhang, C. (2022). Investigating the Critical Success Factors of Claims Management in Construction Contracts. ASCE Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution.Accepted for publication.
6. Ugurlu, S., Harris, N.,Demirkesen, S. (2021). A Framework for Implementing Lean in the Turkish Construction Industry, Journal of Construction Engineering, Management and Innovation, 4(3), 117-133.
5. Demirkesen, S., Sadikoglu, E., Jayamanne, E. (2021). Assessing Psychological Safety in Lean Construction Projects in the United States, Construction Economics and Building, Accepted for Publication.
4. Demirkesen, S., Zhang, C. (2021). Lean TRIZ Method to Prevent Safety Related Problems in the Construction Industry, Journal of Construction Engineering, Management and Innovation, 4(2), 68-79.
3.Demirkesen, S.(2020). Investigating Linear Models of Accident Causation: A Review Study in the Construction Safety Context, Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 38(4), 1939-1949.
2.Demirkesen, S. (2020). ''Investigating the synergy between Lean construction practices and post disaster management processes,'' Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics, 6(1), 23-30.
1. Ozorhon, B., Karatas, C.G., Demirkesen, S. (2014), “A Web-Based Database System for Managing Construction Project Knowledge,” Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 03/2014; 119, 377-386.
Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
24. Valencia, B., Ventura, D.C., Altamirano, E., Alvarez, J.C., Demirkesen, S. (2024). Proposal of lean manufacturing in the fertilizers warehouse of a grape agroexport company. 22nd LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology, San Jose, Costa Rica, 17-19 July 2024. 
23.Abdi, A.P., Damci, A., Kirca, V.S.O, Arditi, D.,Demirkesen, S. (2022). A Multi-Attribute Decision Support System for Site Selection of Wave Energy Converters. 7th International Project and Construction Management Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
22. Akin, F.D., Damci, A., Arditi, D., Demirkesen, S. (2022). Overview of Finance Based Scheduling in Construction Management Research, 7th International Project and Construction Management Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
21. Cabrera, O., Tejeda, J., Llontop, J., Alvarez, J., Demirkesen, S. (2022). Conceptual model to reduce non contributory time based on Lean tools in the construction industry in Peru, IESTEC 2022, Panama City, October 19-21.
20. Zhou, R., Li, H., Zhang, C., Lv, L., Tian, J., Demirkesen, S. (2022). Construction Cost Segregation Process Using Building Information Modeling, ICCEPM2022, Las Vegas, NV, June 20-23.
19. Middleton, E., Zhang, C., Dyer, B., Demirkesen, S. (2022). Post-COVID Analysis on Workplace Design and Trend. 58th Annual ASC International Conference, Atlanta, GA, April 20-23.
18. Sadikoglu, E., Demirkesen, S., Zhang, C. (2022). Identifying the Commonalities between Lean Construction and LEED Requirements, CI-CRC Joint Conference, Arlington, VA, March 9-12.
17. Demirkesen, S., Zhang, C. (2020). Designing Out Errors: Application of Lean TRIZ method to Safety Related Problems in the Construction Industry, 6th International Project and Construction Management e-Conference (e-IPCMC 2020), Istanbul, Turkey, November 12-14.
16. Li, H., Zhang, C., Song, S.,Demirkesen, S.(2020). A Framework for Automatic Tolerance Analysis of Removable Flood Wall Anchor Plates with 3D Laser Scanning and BIM, International Project and Construction Management e-Conference (e-IPCMC 2020), Istanbul, Turkey, November 12-14.
15. Sadikoglu, E.,Demirkesen, S., Oprach, S.,Baier, C., Jager, J., Hagsheno, S.(2020). Current Practice of Lean Leadership in Construction: An Empirical Study, 6th International Project and Construction Management e-Conference (e-IPCMC 2020), Istanbul, Turkey, November 12-14.
14.Ugurlu, D., Harris, N.,Demirkesen, S.(2020). A Lean Implementation Framework for the Turkish Construction Industry, 6th International Project and Construction Management e-Conference (e-IPCMC 2020), Istanbul, Turkey, November 12-14. (Best Paper Award).
13.Bayhan, H.G., Damci, A.,Demirkesen, S.(2020). Line of Balance Scheduling (LoB) versus Takt Time Planning: A Comparison of Two Methods, 6th International Project and Construction Management e-Conference (e-IPCMC 2020), Istanbul, Turkey, November 12-14.
12. Bayhan, H.G.,Demirkesen, S.(2019).Impact of Trust on Partnership Selection in the Construction Industry. IPMA Research Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, September 4-7.
11.Demirkesen, S.,Wachter, N., Oprach, S., Haghsheno, S. (2019). Identifying Barriers in Lean Implementation in the Construction Industry. International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC), Dublin, Ireland, July 3-5.
10. Bayhan, H.G.,Demirkesen, S., Jayamanne, E. (2018). Enablers and Barriers of Lean Implementation in Construction Projects, World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium (WMCAUS 2018), Prague, Czech Republic.
9.Demirkesen, S., Bayhan, H.G. (2018). Subcontractor Selection with Choosing-by-Advantages (CBA) Method, World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium (WMCAUS 2018), Prague, Czech Republic.
8.Demirkesen, S., Ozorhon, B. (2017). An Iron Triangle Project Management Model for Construction Firms. 7. Insaat Yonetimi Kongesi, Samsun, Turkey.
7. Howell, G., Ballard, G., Demirkesen, S. (2017). “Why Lean Projects Are Safer”. Proc. of 25th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC), July 9-12, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
6.Demirkesen, S., Tommelein, I. (2016), “Lean Management Methods for Design and Construction: Built-in-Quality and Safety-by-Design,” 12th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 21-23 September, Istanbul, Turkey.
5.Demirkesen, S., Ozorhon, B. (2016), “Assessing the Impact of Project Characteristics on Construction Project Success,” 12th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 21-23 September, Istanbul, Turkey.
4. Ozorhon, B., Demirkesen, S. (2015), “Managing risks in public-private partnership projects: The case of Izmit Bay suspension bridge,” 8th International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-8) "Changing the Field: Recent Developments for the Future of Engineering and Construction,” 27-30 May, Thessaloniki, Greece.
3. Ozorhon, B., Demirkesen, S. (2014), “International Competitiveness of the Turkish Contractors,” 11th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 21-25 October, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
2. Ozorhon, B., Karatas, C.G., Demirkesen, S. (2013), “A web-based database system for managing knowledge in construction firms ,” 27th IPMA World Congress, 30 September-2 October 2013, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
1.Demirkesen, S., Arditi, D. (2012), “Challenges in Effective Construction Safety Training,” 10th Advances in Civil Engineering Congress, 17-19 October, 2012, Ankara, Turkey
Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
1.Demirkesen, S., Arditi, D. (2011), “Safety Training in Construction Industry,” Turkish Engineering News, 469, 2011/5, 49-55.
Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
5.Demirkesen, S., Ozorhon, B. (2016). Impact of Firm Characteristics on Project Success, 4th Construction Engineering and Management Congress, 3-5 November, Eskisehir, Turkey (In Turkish).
4. Ozorhon, B., Islam, M., Demirkesen, S. (2014), “Feasibility Studies in Hydropower Plants,” 3rd Project and Construction Management Congress, 6-8 November, 2014, Antalya, Turkey (In Turkish)
3.Demirkesen, S., Arditi, D., Ozorhon, B. (2013), “Safety Training Practices in Construction Industry,” 4th Symposium on Worker Health and Work Safety, 1-3 November, 2013, Konya, Turkey (In Turkish).
2.Demirkesen, S., Dikmen, S.U., Ozorhon, B., Demirturk, O. (2013), “Evaluation of the Worker Health and Work Safety Issues in the context of Contracts,” 4th Symposium on Worker Health and Work Safety, 1-3 November, 2013, Konya, Turkey (In Turkish).
1.Demirkesen, S., Arditi, D. (2011), “Safety Training in Construction Industry,” 3rd Symposium on Worker Health and Work Safety, 21-23 October, 2011, Canakkale, Turkey (In Turkish).
Kitaplar ve Kitap Bölümleri
5. Toprak, S., Demirkesen, S. (2023). Building Information Modeling in Geotechnics and Infrastructure. Noroozinejad Farsangi, E., Noori, M., Yang, T. Y., Lourenço, P. B., Gardoni, P., Takewaki, I., ... Li, S. (eds). Automation in Construction Toward Resilience: Robotics, Smart Materials and Intelligent Systems.
4. Sadikoglu, E., Demirkesen, S. (2023). Green Construction Project Health and Safety Management. In Darko, A., Chan, A. (eds.) Developing a Body of Knowledge for Green Construction Project Management.
3. Sadikoglu, E., Demirkesen, S. (2022). Agile Supply Chain Management. In: Sarkis, J. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Supply Chain Management. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
2. Demirkesen, S. (2021).From Lean Manufacturing to Lean Construction: How Principles, Tools, and Techniques Evolved, In the book ''Lean Manufacturing'', DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.96191.;
1. Demirkesen, S. (2020). Yalın Hakkında Bildiğim Herşeyi Birinci Sınıfta Öğrendim (Everything I Learned about Lean I Learned in the First Grade), İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Yayınları, Çeviri Kitap, E-ISBN: 978-975243897.
Diğer yayınlar
1. Tommelein, I., Demirkesen, S. (2018). Mistakeproofing The Design of Construction Processes Using Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ). CPWR-The Center for Construction Research and Training, CPWR Small Study Final Report, Silver Spring, MD
- CE 241 Engineering Economics for Civil Engineers
- CE 342 Construction Law and Engineering Ethics
- CE 441 Construction Management
- CE 541 Economic Decision Analysis
- CE 547 Lean Construction
- EQE 541 Ekonomik Karar Verme Analizi
- CE 642 Building Information Modeling in Civil Engineering
- CEET 547 Lean Construction Tools and Techniques
Selçuk Yılmaz, ''Facilitating Cost Control Practices Through BIM Applications'', 2021 (Yüksek Lisans)
Emine Gökçe Çinko, ''Investigating the critical success factors [CSFs] of claims management in the construction contracts , 2023 (Yüksek Lisans).
Emrah Altuğ, ''A system dynamics model of lean and BIM interaction'', 2023 (Yüksek Lisans).
Furkan Polat, ''Researching the synergy between lean construction, building information modeling (BIM), and project success'', 2023 (Yüksek Lisans).
Bünyamin Çiftçi, ''Afet sonrası süreçlerin yalın uygulamalar ile yönetimi'', 2023 (Yüksek Lisans).
Gözde Alnıaçık Kahya, "Investigating the efficiency of ISO 9001 standards for the construction of reinforced concrete buildings", 2024 (Yüksek Lisans)
Esra Sarıay, "</span>Comparison of BIM and digital twins in the construction industry", 2024 (Yüksek Lisans)</span>
Furkan Turunç, "Assessing the Benefits and Challenges and Digital Twins in the Building Construction Industry'', 2024 (Yüksek Lisans)
Ersin Metin, "Critical Success Factors of Precast Concrete Production'', 2024 (Yüksek Lisans)
Furkan Boğatekin , "Critical Success Factors of Disaster Preparedness and Response'', 2024 (Yüksek Lisans)
Third Cycle (Doctoral): Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü, 2016
University of California, Berkeley-Post Doctoral Scholar (2016-2018) - Second Cycle (Master's): Illinois Institute of Technology, Construction Engineering and Management, 2011
- First Cycle (Undergraduate): İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü, 2010