
At the Department of City and Regional Planning, which has been conducting its activities within the Department of Architecture since 1995, currently a graduate program that aims to improve interdisciplinary collaboration is being conducted. This program admits students from various disciplines such as City and Regional Planning, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Geodesy and Photogrammetry, Public Administration, Sociology, Economics, and Geography. Students who complete the program are entitled to earn a Master’s Degree in the field.

City and Regional Planning is the process of organizing "spaces for people" in line with the economic, social, cultural and technological developments and making the necessary decisions in terms of planning and design. City Planning involves identifying urban and regional settlement and development policies and preparing plans and projects by examining developments of various scales within the framework of national policies and development plans. Shaping of the dynamic social structure and the integrated urban structure with agile and effective decisions is of prime importance for City and Regional Planning.

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