Webinar #7: Klinik Teşhis ve Çip-üstü-organ Teknolojilerinde Elektrokimyasal Biyosensörlerin Önemi


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Electrochemical biosensors can detect a biological target molecule (such as DNA mutations, disease biomarkers whose quantities vary due to faulty gene expression - small non-coding RNAs - microRNAs / proteins / genes), which can be used to detect a biological recognition reaction (bioreaceptor molecule - target molecule interaction) with high precision and in a short time. ) are portable devices in which it is transformed into an electrochemical response and this response is recorded electrically (current, potential or resistance). Thanks to its integration with microfluidic technology and flexibility in its designs (the ability to use different electrode materials and microfabrification methods, the advantages of nanomaterials, bioreaceptor molecule diversity, etc.), it is of great importance in the clinic, especially in molecular diagnostics and in monitoring drug effects in on-chip-organ technologies. In this presentation, detailed examples of microfluidic-based immunosensors used in the determination of drug efficacy in on-chip-organ technologies will be given, as an example of the clinical applications of electrochemical biosensors, microRNA and extracellular vesicles determination and therapeutic drug monitoring.

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