Biological Clock

Laboratuvar İsmi


Laboratory Responsible

Assist. Prof. Nuri Ozturk


Molecular Biology and Genetics


Office: +90 262 605 2510


Gebze Institute of Technology Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, C Block 41400 Cayirova, Kocaeli, TURKEY

Laboratory Staff

PhD Students

  • Tuba Korkmaz

MSc Students

General Information

Biological Clock (circadian clock) regulates physiological events (such as body temperature cycles, hormone release, and sleep-wake durations etc) in synchrony with the solar clock. This regulation is achieved through regulation of 10% of transcription by circadian clock at molecular level at any given time point. Therefore, the abnormalities of the biological clock are observed either as a cause or a result in diseases.

Our laboratory focuses on the effect of biological clock on cancer, aging and aging-dependent metabolic alterations. Additionally, the biochemistry of the biological clock resetting by light is another subject of our laboratory.


  1. The investigation of effect of mutations in biological (circadian) clock genes on the steps of cancer development. 
  2. The investigation of the relationship between circadian clock and aging. 
  3. The study of the effect of circadian clock on ER-stress response in the context of aging. 
  4. The investigation of the relationship between circadian clock and tissue regeneration capacity. 
  5. The study of the biochemistry of the circadian clock.


  1. Laminar air flow 
  2. CO2 Incubator 
  3. Insect cell culture system 
  4. Vortex 
  5. Magnetic stirrer 
  6. Heating blocks 
  7. Water bath 
  8. Shaker/Rotator 
  9. Cooled centrifuge 
  10. Micro centrifuge 
  11. Vertical gel electrophoresis 
  12. Horizontal gel electrophoresis 
  13. Power supply 
  14. Refrigerator 
  15. -20 Freezer 
  16. -80 Freezer



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