"KBeyin" Student Society Organizes Coffee Talks 2.0

December 26, 2018

Microsoft Business Development Manager Onur Kemal Koç was recently a guest speaker at the Coffee Talks 2.0 event, organized by GTU's "KBeyin" (KBrain) Student Society. At the event, which took place at GTU's Architecture Department building, answers to questions such as "Where is technology headed?", "What is career; what defines career steps?" were sought.

Mr. Koç provided information on Turkey's current situation in the face of recent technological developments, the impact of technology use on social and business life, and possible scenarios related to the future.  A Q&A session also took place following Koç's talk, and Koç was presented with flowers at the end of the event. The high school students that participated in the event were also presented with books as gifts.

News and Photos: GTU KBrain Student Society

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