Rector Aslan speaks at the opening meeting for "Let's Code Our Future"

The opening meeting for PİHMED's project titled "Let's Code Our Future" takes place under the joint organization of GTU, MÜSİAD, and Pendik District Directorate of National Education and the support of İSTKA

GTU Rector Prof. Muhammed Hasan Aslan (PhD) recently participated in the opening meeting at Pendik Atatürk Cultural Center for PİHMED's (Pendik İmam Hatip Schools Alumni and Members Association) "Geleceğimizi Kodlayalım" (Let's Code Our Future) project, which aims both technological and social development of youngsters. The project, for which MÜSİAD (Independent Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association) is also a stakeholder, is supported by İSTKA (İstanbul Development Agency) at the same time. Addressing the high schoolers at the meeting Rector Aslan remarked: "The children for whom we will be providing education under the project is our future, the future of our country. It is up to our children that Turkey becomes a world power in 2071, which corresponds to the 1000th anniversary of when Turks first arrived in Anatolia. And it is our responsibility to enable our children's development." The meeting ended with photos taken.



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