Seminar on Effective Communication Techniques at GTU

A seminar titled "Effective Communication Techniques" was recently given by Prof. Murat Günaydın (PhD) in GTU's Electronics Engineering Conference Hall with the participation of GTU Faculty of Engineering Dean Prof. Bülent Akbaş (PhD), faculty members, and members of the administrative staff. In the seminar, which was organized to raise awareness for interpersonal effective communication and improve the academic and administrative staff's effective communication skills, Prof. Günaydın said that rhetorical skills are what is needed for people to understand each other, and added that all three elements of rhetorics, which are communicate, relate and establish truth, should exist concurrently for every single instance of communication, if we want to communicate effectively. Stating that words constitute only a very small part of communication, Günaydın highlighted the importance of body language and intonation in effective communication. 

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