Workshop on Seismic Isolation and Vibration Control with International Participation at GTU

Gebze Technical University has just made another contribution with a workshop to the exchange of earthquake-related experiences between Turkey, which is located in the first-degree earthquake belt, and Japan. The workshop titled "Seismic Isolation & Vibration Control: Japanese and Turkish Experience", during which the industry-related risks, vibration control methods and the recent studies conducted on these matters in Japan and Turkey were evaluated, was carried out with an opening ceremony that took place in GTU's Electronics Engineering Conference Hall. The opening ceremony of the workshop, which was organized for two days jointly by GTU, Turkish Association for Seismic Isolation, Turkish Earthquake Foundation, and Japanese Society of Seismic Isolation and hosted by GTU, was attended by GTU Rector Prof. Muhammed Hasan Aslan (PhD),  GTU Faculty of Engineering Dean Prof. Bülent Akbaş (PhD), Turkish Earthquake Foundation President Mustafa Erdil, Japanese Society of Seismic Isolation Member Akira Wada (PhD), Japanese and Turkish scientists, sector representatives, academicians, and students. 

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