Beril Serbes Explains GTU Students the Importance of Architectural Competitions

Architect Beril Serbes, who achieved an importance success with the Selimiye Mosque and Surroundings National Urban Design Project Competition she joined as a student, met with architecture students at GTU.

Under the Architecture Week events organized by GTU's Department of Architecture in collaboration with MİTA, Beril Serbes gave a talk titled "Racing Against Time". Academicians from the Department of Architecture at GTU and students attended the event, which took place at Block N, Faculty of Architecture. 


Talking about the competitions she entered during her years as a student and after her graduation, Serbes explained the design-based decisions she took as parameters for Edirne Metropolitan Municipality's "Selimiye Mosque and Surroundings National Urban Design Project Competition", as a result of which she won the first prize, in line with the historical transformation the region has undergone. She emphasized that, starting with the first mosque built in Edirne, mosques have actually shaped the streets, which are closely related with urban life, and that they are social centers within the experience of life.

Saying that she gained the right to landscape the Selimiye mosque and its surroundings at such a young age thanks to the competition she joined, Serbes asserted that competitions create opportunities for students in terms of self-improvement and job acquirement, and remarking that every moment counts to join competitions, she pointed to the importance of entering these competitions starting from the student years and to the importance of including architecture in life.



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