GTU Academics Receive Support under TÜBİTAK 1002-A

January 12, 2024-GTU Office of Press and Public Relations 

Gebze Technical University (GTU) Faculty Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hülya Öztürk from the Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, and Research Assistant Cem Balcan from the Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, have been awarded project support under the "TÜBİTAK ARDEB 1002-A Short-Term Support Module" program.

Details of the project titled "Investigation of the Scattering Effect of Electromagnetic Waves in Coaxial Waveguides with Impedance Type Coating," led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hülya Öztürk are as follows:

Waveguides are commonly used in applications such as communication and radar systems, military applications, medical imaging devices, microwave amplifiers, microwave filters, connector, and power divider design. Waveguides with step-type discontinuity, in particular, play a significant role in directing, focusing, and filtering signals by changing the direction or propagation characteristics of the wave. Therefore, they are frequently used in antenna applications, microwave communication systems, and microwave filters. In this context, the propagation and scattering of electromagnetic waves in waveguides have been the subject of extensive research and publications for many years, appearing in many engineering applications. Within the scope of this project, a mathematical analysis will be conducted on the propagation of electromagnetic waves from a coaxial waveguide with impedance type coating, and the effects of waveguide parameters on the reflected and transmitted fields will be investigated. The theoretical foundation for engineering applications with similar structures related to electromagnetic waves will be provided through the mathematical expressions and numerical results obtained at the end of this project.

Regarding the project titled "Evaluation of Istanbul's Historical Waterways in the Context of the Cultural Route" for which Prof. Dr. Elif Özlem Aydın, a faculty member at the Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture at GTU, served as the project advisor, Research Assistant Cem Balcan stated:

In contemporary times, cultural tourism activities are observed in many historical cities, rural settlements, and natural areas. Especially when tourism activities are not well-planned, intensive touristic activities can create various problems in cultural heritage areas and structures in economic, cultural, and preservation contexts. Cultural routes have the potential to be used as a tool to solve these problems and regulate tourism activities. Within the project, problems related to cultural tourism in cultural heritage areas and structures will be identified, principles will be determined in response to these problems, and through fieldwork, the analysis of structures related to Istanbul's historical waterways in the context of heritage values will be conducted, along with determining the current level of tourism activities in these structures. The data obtained in this project will later be used in creating a cultural route through optimization models to be developed as part of a thesis. The implementation of this thesis and the proposed route is expected to contribute to the passing of the memory of Istanbul's waterways to future generations."


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