Matematik Bölümü Genel Seminerleri

Değerli Öğrencilerimiz ve Akademisyenlerimiz, 


Matematik Bölümü Genel Seminerleri kapsamında, 22 Ekim Cuma günü saat 14:00’te Moskova Fizik ve Teknoloji Enstitüsü'nden Mohammad Alkousa " Numerical Methods for Some Classes of Convex Optimization Problems " başlıklı bir seminer verecektir. Seminerin detaylarını aşağıda bulabilirsiniz.

Seminer için Microsoft Teams platformu kullanılacaktır. Katılmak için aşağıdaki linki kullanabilirsiniz: 



Gebze Technical University
General Seminars in Mathematics
Numerical Methods for Some Classes of Convex Optimization Problems
Mohammad Alkousa
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology


In the presentation, in the first part, we will talk about some numerical methods in order to solve non-smooth con￾vex optimization problems with functional constrained in de￾terministic, stochastic, and online settings. In order to solve
such classes of problems, it was proposed a new modification of Adaptive Mirror Descent algorithms in both deterministic and stochastic settings. It was obtained specific estimates of the convergence rate of some Mirror Descent algorithms for
different levels of smoothness of objective function. In the second part of the presentation, we will talk about gradient￾type adaptive methods for relatively Lipschitz and relatively smooth convex optimization problems.
Date: 22 October 2021
Time: 14:00
The seminar uses Microsoft Teams online platform. To join the seminar, please use the provided meeting link.



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