Prof. Dr. Sibel ÖZKAN

+90 (262) 605 13 68
Business Administration Building, Z20
Areas of interest
Graph Theory, Combinatorial Design Theory
Detailed CV
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Ongoing PhD Theses

++Fatih Yetgin,Department of Mathematics, Gebze Technical University (Planned defense 2024)

Title: "On the Directed Hamilton-Waterloo Problem"

Completed PhD Theses

++Uğur Odabaşı, Department of Mathematics, Gebze Technical University (2016)

Title:"On the Hamilton - Waterloo Problem with Two Cycle Sizes"

++Yasemin Büyükçolak (co-advised with D. Gözüpek),

Department of Mathematics, Gebze Technical University (2022)

Title:"On Equimatchable Graphs and Well-Covered Graphs."

Ongoing MSc Theses

++Can Ozan Ataman, Department of Mathematics,Gebze Technical University

Title:"Domination on Circulant Graphs"

Completed MSc Theses

++Halime İlhan,Department of Mathematics, Gebze Technical University, (2020)

Title: "Domination on non-Cayley Vertex-Transitive Graphs"

++Zehra Nur Özbay, Department of Mathematics, Gebze Technical University, (2015)

Title:"2-Factorization of Complete Equipartite Graphs with Four and Eight Cycles"

++Melanie Laffin,(co-advisor), Department of Mathematical Sciences, Michigan Tech, (2011)

Title:“(3,r)-regular graphs and Group divisible designs with mixed block sizes.”

++David Kamin, (co-advisor) Department of Mathematical Sciences, Michigan Tech, (2011)

Title:“Infinite class of solutions to Hamilton-Waterloo Problem”

Committee Memberships

++Oğuz Doğan, PhD thesis,Department of Mathematics, Koç University, (2019)

Title:“Qn-factorizations of Complete and Complete-Multipartite Graphs”

++Eda Yıldız, MS thesis, Department of Mathematics, Yıldız Technical University, (2017)

Title:“Quantum Codes over Eisenstein-Jacobi Integers”

++Emre Ersoy, MS thesis, Department of Mathematics, Yıldız Technical University, (2017)

Title:“On 𝒕-spontaneous emission error designs and related quantum jump codes”

++Aras Erzurumluoğlu, MS thesis, Department of Mathematics, Koç University, (2011)

Title:“Intersection Problems for Steiner Triple Systems”

  • Third Cycle (Doctoral): Auburn University, USA, Mathematics - 2007
  • Second Cycle (Master's):
  • First Cycle (Undergraduate): Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Matematik, 2003
Johns Hopkins University - Center for Talented Youth Program
Cryptology Instructor - 2007 Summer School

Florida Atlantic University,
Visiting Assistant Professor, 2007-2008

Michigan Tech,
Visiting Assistant Professor, 2008-2011

Editorial Board Membership:
Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (SCI-E), Area Editor (2018/2019)
TMD Matematik Dünyası - Editor (2024 - 2027)

Funded Projects:

TUBITAK 1001 (Project Leader): "Cycle Decompositions of Graphs" (2013 - 2015)

TUBITAK - FRANCE CNRS 2505 Joint Project (Researcher): "Reload Cost Concept in Graph Theory: A combinatorial Analysis" (2015 - 2017)

TUBITAK - SLOVENIA ARRS 2508 Joint Project (Project Leader): "Domination Concept in Cayley Graphs" (2017 - 2020)

Sabbatical Leave under the BIDEB 2219 Programme - AGH University of Science and Technology - Krakow / Poland (Sep 2022 - Sep 2023)