Outgoing Student Mobility for Studies



Students of our university may follow their studies at higher education institutions in EU member countries with which their departments have bilateral agreements, for one or two academic semesters within an academic year.


Erasmus study mobility activities cannot be carried out without a Bilateral Erasmus Agreement.


GTU International Exchange Programs Office announces for study mobility once a year and receives applications for the selection of students who wish to carry out study mobility.




Erasmus+ study mobility application procedures must be carried out via TURNA PORTAL.




1. To be an undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral student of Gebze Technical University


Graduate students must be in their course or thesis stage.


Being an evening education student is not an obstacle to apply for the Erasmus+ program. Evening education students must pay their semester tuition fees to GTU in case of mobility.


Double major students may only apply for mobility in one major in the same application period.


Foreign language preparatory class and scientific preparation program (remedial year) students cannot benefit from the Erasmus+ program.


Students who have completed the credits required to obtain a diploma or who will not have a course load equivalent to 30 ECTS credits in the mobility period cannot apply for mobility.


2. To have a GTU GPA of at least 2.20/4.0 (for undergraduate students) and at least 2.5/4.0 (for graduate students)


3. To hold a minimum score of 70 in the language exam to be administered by the Department of Foreign Languages

Students applying for the Erasmus+ Program sit an English exam organized by GTU Department of Foreign Languages. The exam consists of questions to assess reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. As a result of the exam, the student is expected to score at least 70 points to be considered successful. However, students who have obtained a minimum score of 70 from YDS /E-YDS / YÖKDİL / E-YÖKDİL exam within the last five years and equivalent scores from equivalent exams (TOEFL IBT and so on) (please see YÖK conversion table) are exempted from the foreign language exam when they submit these documents. IELTS Exam is not accepted.


The International Exchange Programs Office does not have information about foreign language exam questions and content, and exam samples from previous years are not available from our office.


The International Exchange Programs Office may not organize an English exam for every announcement. It will be useful for our candidates who wish to apply for our interim / additional announcements to obtain a score from one of the suitable exam types mentioned above for their English grade.


4. The department has an inter-institutional agreement:

The deadline for a new inter-institutional agreement is the application start date. 

If the department does not have an inter-institutional agreement, students cannot benefit from study mobility.


5. If the student has already benefited from study or traineeship activities within their current stage of studies, the total duration with the new activity must not exceed 12 months (24 months for integrated doctoral programs). 


The 12-month period is calculated as 360 days.


Each student who is selected as an Erasmus+ student must use this right within the department/program he/she is selected for within the relevant academic year.

A student who renounces his/her Erasmus+ right by performing the cancellation procedure for any reason cannot transfer his/her right to another/next academic year. The student may apply to become an Erasmus+ student in subsequent application periods, but will be subject to the application and selection process again.




1. Language Exam Score


Students who have scored a minimum of 70 points in YDS, E-YDS, YÖKDİL, E-YÖKDİL exams and equivalent scores from equivalent exams (ÖSYM conversion table) within the last five years are exempted from the foreign language exam when they select these documents through the application system or upload their exam result certificates not registered in the system.


GTU Erasmus exam results from previous years are not valid.


Students can both declare their language exam results and take the Erasmus foreign language exam at the same time.


Students who declare that they will take the language exam but do not attend without a formal excuse will be given - 5 points in their next Erasmus application.


Applicants who do not hold a foreign language proficiency certificate must sit the English exam to be held by GTU Department of Foreign Languages. The exam consists of questions to assess reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. The exam is conducted in two parts: written and oral. As a result of the exam, the student is expected to score a minimum of 70 points to be considered successful.


The International Exchange Programs Office does not have information about the foreign language exam questions and content, and exam samples from previous years are not available from the office. Exam samples can be found on the Department of Foreign Languages' web page.


All the above-mentioned exam results are valid for the student selection phase at GTU, and students are also obliged to meet the additional language proficiency requirements that may be requested by the universities where they are placed.



2. Transcript

Students who do not yet have a GPA on their GTU transcripts will upload their graduation certificates or transcripts from the previous level of education that they used when applying to our university.


Students who have a GPA at GTU do not need to upload their transcripts; their GPA is automatically calculated through the application system.


Students are responsible for checking the accuracy of their GPA reflected in the system, and in case of any inaccuracies; they should update their GPA from the student-staff approval tab on the application portal. After the updated GPA is approved by our office, students will be able to complete their applications.



3. Documents Required for Additional Points and/or Additional Grant Support

Students are required to upload official documents showing their status that will enable them to receive additional points and/or additional grants within the scope of the evaluation criteria and additional grant support.



4. Profile photo





Weighted Score

Academic achievement level

50% (total 100 points


Language level

50% (total 100 points


Being a child of a martyr or veteran1

+15 points


+10 points

Within the scope of Social Services Law No. 2828 and Child Protection Law No. 5395

students with a protection, care or accommodation order3

+10 points

Those who themselves or their 1st degree relatives receive disaster victim assistance from AFAD4

+10 points

Having previously benefited from mobility within the same project type (with or without grant)

-10 points

Participation in mobility in the country of citizenship

-10 points

Applying for two mobility types at the same time (reduction is applied to the mobility type preferred by the student who has not benefited from mobility before) *

-10 points

Failure to participate in the mobility without submitting a waiver notification in due time despite being selected for mobility

-10 points

For students selected for mobility: Failure to attend meetings/trainings organized by the higher education institution related to mobility without an excuse (student's

Applied in case of reapplication to Erasmus)

-5 points

Declaring that they will take the language exam and not taking it without an excuse (in case the student reapplies to Erasmus)

-5 points


1 Children of martyrs and veterans (Combat veterans and their spouses and children, spouses and children of war martyrs, as well as the children of "public officials who were injured, disabled, killed or killed as a result of terrorist acts while performing their duties at home or abroad or due to the performance of these duties even if their titles have been removed" according to Article 21 of the Anti-Terrorism Law dated 12.04.1991 and numbered 3713. Pursuant to Article 7 of the Decree Law No. 667 dated July 23, 2016, the spouses and children of those who lost their lives due to the coup attempt and terrorist act carried out on July 15, 2016 and the acts that are a continuation of this act, or the disabled civilians and their spouses and children. In order for these students to benefit from + 15 points, they must upload a copy of the Martyr / Veteran Family card issued by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services to the application platforms during their application.


2 Disabled people with at least 50% disability rate documented by the Disability Health Board report in the "Regulation on Disability Evaluation for Adults" published in the Official Gazette dated February 20, 2019 and numbered 30692. They must submit the Disability Health Board report.


3 Those who have a protection, care or shelter decision by the Ministry of Family and Social Services in accordance with Law No. 2828. Students with a protection, care or shelter decision under the Child Protection Law No. 5395. For prioritization, the student must submit a letter from the Ministry of Family and Social Policies stating that there is a protection, care or shelter decision in accordance with Law No. 2828.


4 It is applied for one time only. If selected, it is not applied in the student's subsequent applications. If the student is not selected, the additional points will continue to be applied in subsequent applications.


* If a student who has previously benefited from mobility applies for both study and internship activities at the same time, "-20" points will be deducted from the mobility type he/she has benefited from before and "-10" points will be deducted from the second mobility type he/she applies for.


Evaluation results are announced on the Web page of the Office of International Exchange Programs.




Department Quotas

Each department with an inter-institutional agreement is allocated 1 undergraduate and 1 graduate quota, and applications exceeding these quotas and vacant department quotas will be distributed according to the estimated grant budget and point ranking.


Agreement Quotas

In addition to the information about the universities in the agreements tab on the GTU International Exchange Programs Office's web-page the web pages of the relevant institutions should also be examined to obtain up-to-date and accurate information.


University Preferences

Students will be able to choose up to 5 higher education institutions with which their departments have an agreement in the application system during the application phase.




The declaration at the time of application will be the basis, and no preferences, information changes, etc. will be made after the application deadline.


The compatibility of the courses shown as GTU equivalents of the courses that can be taken during Erasmus+ study mobility can be asked to Erasmus+ department coordinators and/or student advisor.


Students who intend to apply at the thesis stage are expected to have found a thesis advisor or at least be in contact with a faculty member at the counter institution before the application stage. If the advisor cannot be found after the placement to the counter institution, the institution cannot be changed. In this case, the right to mobility is lost and the mobility must be canceled. It should be asked in advance whether the counter institutions provide ECTS for thesis study. Graduate students are required to determine their thesis topics and make an official notification to the relevant Graduate School before the semester they will go on mobility.


Students should pay attention to the language requirements of the universities at the preference stage. Especially Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Spain, France, France, Germany, Germany, Portugal are the countries where universities prefer to offer education in their native language, so students should make sure that they know the language at the required level and have a required certificate, unless otherwise stated.


Since the other universities may change their foreign language level requirements every academic year, in addition to the foreign language requirements written on our bilateral agreements page, it is necessary to examine the web pages of the relevant institutions in order to obtain the most up-to-date and precise information. If there is any information that cannot be found on the web pages, the institutions you wish to choose should be contacted via e-mail and asked.


After being selected at GTU, students must also receive acceptance from the institutions they will be attending in order to carry out the activity. Information about the application processes, language of instruction and required language skills of the institutions can be found on the websites of the counterpart universities. GTU International Exchange Programs Office cannot be held responsible for students' failure to receive acceptance from the opposite university following their applications.




Students who have completed their application documents in full and have documented their foreign language proficiency level are ranked by weighted scoring according to the selection criteria. According to the available department quotas, placement is made downwards starting from the student with the highest score.


Grade Point Average: 50%
Foreign Language Score: %50


In addition to these basic criteria, other score increase or decrease criteria may be included in our announcements depending on National Agency updates. The evaluation results are announced in the Announcements section of the web-address immediately after the completion of the foreign language exam.


Evaluation results are announced on the GTU International Exchange Programs Office website.


The student has the right to give up or waive his/her right within a date range to be announced with the results after the announcement of the selection result.


If the right is waived after this date without force majeure, -10 points will be applied in subsequent applications.


For objections to the language exam results, a petition should be submitted to the Department of Foreign Languages; for objections to the general election results, a petition should be submitted to the International Exchange Programs Office within 5 days after the results are announced.




The International Exchange Programs Office is committed to providing grant support for one academic year (maximum 180 days).


Students who are declared successful at the end of the selection process are candidate students, and in order for the student to finally be eligible to participate in the Erasmus activity, he/she will need to receive an acceptance certificate from the institution he/she will be going to after the GTU candidacy is finalized and complete the visa process.


In addition, the grant distribution results will be finalized after the National Agency announces the grant amounts to be allocated to universities.


After the results of the grant distribution are finalized, students who are determined to be entitled to mobility without a grant will also be given a waiver period. Students who waive within the period to be determined will not be deducted -10 points in their next applications.


Students who apply and are entitled to benefit from the program but cannot receive a grant due to insufficient grant quota can use their acquired rights without a grant. Even if no grant is awarded, the total duration of student mobility activities within the same study level should not exceed 12 months.


Grant support is provided to students to cover a part of their expenses arising from their stay abroad during their activity period abroad. The grants are not intended to cover the full cost of the students' activity, but only as a contribution.

The host higher education institution cannot charge any academic fee to the Erasmus+ student. Academic fee includes tuition fee, registration fee, examination fee, laboratory fee and library fee. However, fees for the use of various materials such as insurance, residence permit, discounted transportation card, photocopying of academic materials, use of laboratory products, etc. may be charged in the same amount as other students of the host institution.





Country groups

Host Country

Monthly Grant for Tuition (Euro)


1st and 2nd Group Countries

Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Iceland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway

Greek Administration of Southern Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Malta, Portugal, Greece, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia,  Slovakia, Slovenia




Group 3 Countries

Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania,






In order to contribute to the travel costs of the students, the distance between the starting point of the mobility and the place where the activity takes place is determined using the distance calculator provided by the European Commission and the travel grant is calculated using the table below. The grant equivalent of the kilometers in the distance band calculator in the table below is the round-trip figure, which is not multiplied by two.



Travel Distance

Standard Travel Grant Amount (Euro)

Green Travel5 Grant Amount (Euro)

10 - 99 km



100 - 499 km



500 - 1,999 km



2,000 - 2,999 km



3,000 - 3,999 km



4,000 - 7,999 km



8,000 km and over





As a general rule, for distances under 500 km, participants are required to travel by low-emission means of transport.


5Green Travel; opportunities such as green travel are encouraged for students undertaking mobility to reduce carbon emissions and the environmental footprint of mobility. Green travel is defined as travel using low-emission means of transport such as buses, trains or carpooling for the main part of the trip.




Disadvantaged participants will be eligible for Additional Grant Support in addition to the grant to which they are entitled. In order to be eligible for the grant, a disadvantaged participant is defined as an individual who has limited economic and social opportunities and meets the following sub-categories


1.Those who have a protection, care or shelter decision by the Ministry of Family and Social Services in accordance with Law No. 2828


2.Students under Law No. 5395 on Child Protection who have been given a protection, care or shelter decision


3.Orphan/death pension recipients


4.Spouses and children of martyrs/veterans and veterans themselves6


5.Those who have been granted a needy pension to themselves or their family (it is sufficient to submit a document proving that the student has received financial support from institutions such as Municipalities, public institutions and organizations, Ministries, Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundations, General Directorate of Foundations, Red Crescent, AFAD at the time of Erasmus application.


6.Disabled people with a disability rate of at least 50% documented by the Disability Health Board report in the "Regulation on Disability Assessment for Adults" published in the Official Gazette dated February 20, 2019 and numbered 30692


7.Students whose one of their parents or guardian receives a disabled or needy pension within the scope of Law No. 2022 dated 01.07.1976 on the Granting of Pensions to Needy, Powerless and Destitute Turkish Citizens Over 65 Years of Age and Disabled and Needy Turkish Citizens


8.Those who themselves or their 1st degree relatives receive disaster victim assistance from AFAD.7


Additional Grant Support will be provided in the following amounts according to the type of mobility to students who meet the above scope, upon their request and provided that they document this situation:




Type of Mobility

Additional Grant Support Amount

Student mobility between 2-12 months

250 Euros per month


Credit and Dormitories Institution scholarships and similar scholarships, other grants, aids and scholarships in the form of merit scholarships, one-time aids are not accepted within the scope of the financial aid in question.


6 In addition to combat veterans and their spouses and children and the spouses and children of war martyrs, Article 21 of the Anti-Terrorism Law No. 3713 dated 12/4/1991 stipulates that the spouses and children of "public officials who have been injured, disabled, killed or killed by acts of terrorism while performing their duties at home or abroad or due to the performance of these duties even if their titles have been removed" and Article 7 of the Decree Law No. 667 dated July 23, 2016. Pursuant to Article 7 of the Decree Law No. 667 dated July 23, 2016, the spouses and children of those who lost their lives due to the coup attempt and terrorist act carried out on July 15, 2016 and the acts that are a continuation of this act, or civilians who are disabled and their spouses and children are prioritized if they apply for Erasmus+ student mobility.


7 It is applied for one time only. If selected, no additional grant support will be provided in this category again in the student's subsequent mobility.




An informative e-mail (nomination) is sent to the universities preferred by the students who are eligible for exchange. After this stage, each student should carefully examine the web page of the university they want to go to, obtain information such as academic calendar, course schedules, dormitory facilities, application process and dates, and submit the application documents to the partner university by the method expected by the partner university (if there is an online portal, by e-mail or by mail, although it is not preferred anymore, etc.) before the application deadline.


Generally, the required documents are as follows:


Application Form: Accessible from the website of the relevant university; if not available, correspondence can be initiated with the international office.


Learning Agreement: It includes the courses planned to be taken at the partner university. The total course credits should be between 28-32 ECTS. In order to avoid academic problems, the approval of the academic advisor should be obtained for course selection. The learning agreement form is approved by the Erasmus department coordinator and then the institution coordinator. Learning agreements will be prepared through the online Learning Agreement portal. You can watch our guide video on this subject at this address.


English Transcript/Transcript: Obtained from the Registrar's Office.


Letter of intent in English: It is prepared in the format requested by the other university.


Resume -English




Foreign Language Certificate Each university may have different language proficiency requirements. If an English language proficiency certificate is required, the Erasmus language exam result from the International Exchange Programmes Office can be requested. If there is a certificate required in other languages, the student should either provide it or not choose these universities.

According to the request of the partner university, some of the documents listed above may be changed or additional documents may be requested.


These documents must be sent to the counter university by the student using the method required by the partner university.



Admission Documents

When the partner university accepts the exchange student's application, it sends a letter of acceptance/invitation letter along with the approved learning agreement form. Students must wait for the acceptance letter before starting visa procedures. This document must be forwarded to our office by the student as soon as it is received by the student.



Passport and Visa

Upon receipt of the acceptance letter, the International Exchange Programmes Office will provide the student with a fee exemption letter (for students over the age of 25) to be used in passport application and an information letter/visa/grant letter addressed to the relevant consulate. Thanks to the exemption letter, the student is exempted from the fees that passport applicants must pay. (Students under 25 are already exempted.) However, the student will pay the passport book fee. The Fee Exemption Form must be approved by the contracted tax office. Information should be obtained from the Population Directorate where the application will be made. If the student already has a passport, he/she will be able to apply for a visa by extending its validity.


In some countries, the validity period of your passport must be at least 6 months after the end date of your exchange. You should also consider this rule in visa and passport procedures.


After obtaining the passport, a visa application is made to the relevant consulate. At this stage, it should be noted that each country's consulate has different requirements for visa issuance and may change over time.



Departure Board Decision

While applying for a midterm, a petition (Bachelor/Graduate) for course counting must be prepared and submitted to the department / department head. The student follows that this petition is discussed in the board of directors and a conclusion is reached and a copy of the decision of the board of directors is sent to the student. No payment can be made to the student before the decision of the board of directors is received.



Process After Visa

Before going abroad, the student signs the Student Learning Mobility Agreement (Grant Agreement), which will be prepared in 2 copies. In order to sign the contract, the student must submit the Learning Agreement, Euro Accountbook opened from any branch of Halk Bank, insurance policy, passport and visa documents by e-mail.


Students who will carry out mobility without a grant are also required to sign a contract.


Student do not register for courses at GTU for the semester he/she will be abroad.




In the week before the student goes abroad, 80% of the total grant amount to be received during the exchange period is deposited into the account number in the contract. The remaining amount will be paid after the student returns to the country.


When calculating the first installment of the grant, the date range in the student's acceptance letter (planned to stay) and the monthly grant amounts according to the countries are taken into account. Although the grant amounts and country groups may vary from year to year, the current amounts will be indicated in the relevant year's current call.




Students can change their courses within the first 5 weeks after starting their studies. The course change form can also be prepared through the OLA Online Learning Agreement portal system.




Students who attend in the fall semester can extend their education to the spring semester if the conditions are appropriate. For this, approval is first obtained from the host university units.


Then, the student informs the Erasmus Office and his/her Department Coordinator and asks for their approval.


If accepted, he/she prepares a new online Learning Agreement for the Spring Semester and after tbeing signed, submits it to the Faculty and Department with the Course Recognition Petition for the Spring Semester.


Subsequently, he/she follows the issuance of the Board of Directors Decision from the Faculty/Institute for the Spring Semester.


Students who extend their mobility to the Spring semester accept to study without grant.


Students whose semester extension requests are accepted should send a copy of their insurance and visa for the Spring Semester to the International Exchange Programs Office by e-mail.


The mobility of students who do not sign the Grant Agreement for the Spring Semester will be deemed invalid.






Students who have completed their education abroad must submit the Certificate of Attendance  and Transcript document from the partner university upon their return.


These documents must also be sent to erasmus@gtu.edu.tr from the official e-mail address of the other institution. In case the transcript is not ready at the time of the student's return, the document can also be sent by e-mail by the other university.


Apart from the certificate of participation and transcript, the student fills in the EU online questionnaire form sent to his/her e-mail address after the mobility.




After the student submits the return documents to our office, the remaining 20% of the grant will be credited to his/her account. If the participant fails to complete at least 60% of the credits taken during the mobility period without the need for repetition at Gebze Technical University, Gebze Technical University has the right to deduct financial support in proportion to the credits not successfully completed, not less than 20%.


Last update: January 08, 2025