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- ESR, ENDOR, ESR induklenmis ENDOR, EIE; Radyasyonun DNA uzerindeki etkileri; DNA molekulu ve amino asitler icin DFT hesaplamalari; Metal merkezli organik molekuller
Esra Okumuş, Sibel Tokdemir Öztürk, Serdar Gören, Mehmet Erdem, Yasin Şalea, Asuman Cengiz, Andrey P. Odrinsky, Arzu I. Najafov, Tofig G. Mammadov, Rustam I. Khaibullin, Andrey A. Sukhanov, Savaş Berber, Faik Mikailzade, MirHasan Yu. Seyidov, ''Manganese diluted TlInS2 layered semiconductor: optical, electronic and magnetic properties'',Journal
of Alloys and Compounds 1009, pp 176898 (2024)Esra Kucukmorkoc, Nadir Kucuk, Emre Sanlı, Suleyman Celebi, Hale Basak Caglar, Sibel Tokdemir Ozturk, "Investigation of Dose Thresholds and Normalization Methods Effect on
Gamma Index Analysis for SRT and SBRT Patients with a Monte Carlo Secondary Dose Check Software",Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering (2023)- Ayse Sonmez, Nagehan Sezgin, Ocal Tuna, S. Tokdemir Ozturk,Osman Ozturk, Mevlut Karabulut, Mirhasan Seyitsoy, "Growth, structural and vibrational properties of hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon thin films prepared by radiofrequency magnetron sputtering technique at room temperature", Thin Solid Films, 768, pp 137219 (2023)
Emrah KARAHAN, Tuğba GENÇOĞLU KATMERLİKAYA, Emel ÖNAL, Aydan DAĞ, Ayşe Gül GÜREK, Vefa AHSEN, ‘’New imidazolidindionedioximes and their Pt(II) complexes: synthesis and investigation of their antitumoral activities on breast cancer cells’’ Turk. J. Chem., 48, pp 582-596 (2024)
- S. Tokdemir Ozturk, P. Aksu, N. Turan, K. Buldurun, E. Tanis, N. Colak, "Preparation, spectral characterization, ESR measurements and DFT calculations of Schiff base copper (II) complex", Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 51(11), pp 1546-1552 (2021)
- Okumus Esra; Tokdemir Öztürk, Sibel and Seyidov, MirHasan "Magnetic properties of manganese doped TlInS2 layered semiconductor: Diamagnetic to paramagnetic transitions at low temperatures", November 2019 AIP Conference Proceedings 2178(1):030028 DOI:10.1063/1.513542
- M. Karabulut, A. Popa , C. Berghian-Grosan, H. Ertap, M. Yüksek, S. Tokdemir Oztürk, R. Stefan, “On the structural features of iron-phosphate glasses by Raman and EPR: Observation of superparamagnetic behavior differences in HfO2 or CeO2 containing
glasses” Journal of Molecular Structure 1191, pp 59-65 (2019) - Okumuş, Esra; Tokdemir Öztürk, Sibel; Chumakov, Yurii ; Nadjafov, Arzu; Mamedov, Nazim; Mammadov, Tofiq; Wakita, Kazuki; Shim, Yong - Gu; Mikailzade, Faik; Seyidov, MirHasan, "Identification of Mn dopant in the structure of TlInS2 layered semiconductor'', Materials Research Express 6(5), pp 56110 (2019)
- Tulin Ates Turkmen, Lihan Zeng, Yan Cui, Ismail Fidan, Fabienne Dumoulin, Catherine Hirel, Yunus Zorlu, Vefa Ahsen, Alexander A Chernonosov, Yurii Chumakov, Karl M Kadish, Ayse Gul Gurek, Tokdemir Özturk Sibel, "Effect of the Substitution Pattern (Peripheral vs Nonperipheral) on the Spectroscopic, Electrochemical, and Magnetic Properties of Octahexylsulfanyl copper Pthalocyanines'', Inorg. Chem. 57(11), pp 6456-6465 (2018)
- B. Tas, I. F. Durmus, and S. Tokdemir Ozturk, M. V. Ertekin, "An Automatic Registration Comparison Between Partial Cone Beam CT and Full Cone Beam CT for Breast Cancer", International Journal of Thales Natural Science (IJTNS) 1(1), pp 1-5 (2017)
- B. Tas, I. F. Durmus, S. Tokdemir Ozturk, “Comparison Between FFF Beams and FF Beams for Early Stage Breast Cancer’s IMRT Treatment”, Phsica Medica 32(3) pp 321-322 (2016)
- B. Tas, I. F. Durmus, S. Tokdemir Ozturk, “Total body irradiation’s dosimetric features by volumetric modulated ARC therapy method", Phsica Medica 32(3) pp 317-318 (2016)
- B. Tas, I. F. Durmus and S. Tokdemir Ozturk, “Image Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT) Comparison between Cone Beam CT and Ultrasound System for Prostate Cancer", Universal Journal of Physics and Application 10(4), pp 100-104 (2016)
- B. Tas, I. F. Durmus, M.V, Ertekin, E.M. Fayda, S. Tokdemir Ozturk, "EP-1615: Decreasing cone beam CT scan's doses and duration for breast cancer", Radiotherapy and Oncology 119, pp 751-751 (2016)
- Bora Tas, Hatice Bilge and Sibel Tokdemir Ozturk, “An investigation of the dose distribution effect related with collimator angle in volumetric arc therapy of prostate cance “, J. Med. Phys. 41(2), pp 100-5 (2016)
- M.E. Aköz, U. Parlak, Y. Şahin, D. Tavşan, E. Tarcan, O. Öztürk, S. Tokdemir
Öztürk, M. Erkovan, “Manipulation of Exchange Coupling in Py/Co/Cr Multilayer
Thin Films”, Acta Physica Polonica A 127(4), pp 992 (2015) - U.Parlak, M.E. Aköz, S. Tokdemir Öztürk, M. Erkovan, “Thickness Dependent Magnetic Properties of Polycrystalline Nickel Thin Films”, Acta Physica Polonica A 127(4), pp 995 (2015)
- M. Erkovan, S. Tokdemir Öztürk, D. Taşkın Gazioğlu, R. Topkaya, O. Öztürk ,"FMR study of Co/Ti Bilayer Films", Acta Physica Polonica A 124, (2014)
- Sibel Tokdemir Ozturk, "Characterization of Mn2+ Doped Ammonium Hydrogen Oxalate Hemihydrate Single Crystals Using K-band Electron Paramagnetic Resonance", J. Phys. Soc.Jpn. 81(11), pp 114708 (2012)
- M. Erkovan, S. T.Ozturk, R. Topkaya, M. Ozdemir, B. Aktas, and O. Ozturk, "Ferromagnetic resonance investigation of Py/Cr multilayer system", J. Applied Physics 110, pp 023908 (2011)
- Sibel Tokdemir and William H. Nelson, “EPR and ENDOR Study of Radiation-Induced Radical Formation in Purines: Sodium Inosine Crystals X-irradiated at 10 K", J. Phys. Chem. A 110(20), pp 6552-6562 (2006)
- Sibel Tokdemir and William H. Nelson, “EPR and ENDOR Study of Radical Formation in Purines: Hyoxanthine Hydroclorine Monohydrate Crystals X-irradiated at 10 K", J. Phys. Chem A 109(39) pp 8732-8744 (2005)
- Sibel Tokdemir and William H. Nelson, “Radiation-induced Hydroxyl Addition to Purine
Molecules: EPR and ENDOR Study of Hypoxanthine Hydrochloride Monohydrate Single
Crystals", Radiat. Res. 163, pp 663-672 (2005) - Junseog Kang, Sibel Tokdemir, Jun Shao, and William H. Nelson, "Electronic g-factor measurement from ENDOR-induced EPR patterns: malonic acid and guanine
hydrocloride dihydrate", J. Magn. Reson. 165, pp 128-136 (2003) - Altun Zikri, Tokdemir Sibel "The Near Thresold Photoionization Cross Section of Atomic Scandium" Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 79, pp299-301 (1996)
- Altun Zikri, Tokdemir Sibel , Steve T. Manson, "Photoionization of the Ground 3s^23p^63d ^2D Ground State of Sc^++ Many-Body-Perturbatopm Theory (MBPT) Calculations." Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting,May 1996 Conference paper
Book Chapter
Esra Okumuş, Sibel Tokdemir Öztürk and MirHasan Seyitsoy (2021), "Mn KATKILI TlInS2 YARIİLETKEN KRİSTALİNİN MANYETİK ÖZELLİKLERİNİN ELEKTRON PARAMANYETİK REZONANS (EPR) YÖNTEMİYLE İLE İNCELENMESİ." in Çiğdem SAYIL (Ed.) Fen ve Matematik Bilimleri:Teori, Güncel Araştırmalar ve Yeni Eğilimler 3 (1st ed., chpt. 4, pp. 61).
Conference presentations and posters
- S. Tokdemir and William H. Nelson, “Free Radical Formation in Purines: Crystals of Hypoxanthine·HCL·H2O”, 55th Southeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, November 2003, Atlanta, GA (oral present.)
- S. Tokdemir and William H. Nelson, “Radiation Products of Purines: Crystals of Hypoxanthine derivatives”, 51st Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, April 2004, St. Louis, Missouri (poster present.) (Seyehat ödülü alındı)
- S. Tokdemir, Nayana Jayatilaka, and William H. Nelson, “Free Radical Intermediates from Purine Constituents of DNA X-Irradiated in the Solid State”, VIII th International Workshop, Radiation Damage to DNA, May 2004, Banff, Canada (poster present.)
- M. Erkovan, S. T. Ozturk, Y. Sahin, O. Ozturk, "Photoelectron Diffraction Studies on Different Thickness L10 PtCo Epitaxy Thin Films" 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, 15-18 June 2010, Cesme-İzmir (poster present.)
- M. Erkovan, S. T. Öztürk, D. Taşkın Gazioğlu, R. Topkaya, O. Öztürk, "FMR Study of Co/Ti Bilayer Thin Films", 3rd Intr. Adv. Appl. Physics and Material Science Congress APMAS 24-28 April 2013, Antalya-Turkey (poster present. )
- O. Öztürk, M. Turksoy Ocal, S. Tokdemir Öztürk, M. Erkovan, "Tunning Magnetic Properties of Polycrystalline PtCo Alloys Films by Pt Concentration", 15th Joint Vacuum Conference, June 15-20, 2014 Vienna (poster present.)
- U. Parlak, E. Demirci, M. Emre Aköz, M. Öztürk, N. Akdoğan, O. Öztürk, S. Tokdemir Öztürk, M. Erkovan, "Perpendicular Exchange Bias Properties of Ni/Pt/CoO Films", The European Conference Physics of Magnetism 2014 (PM’14), June 23–27, 2014 Poznan, Poland (poster present. )
- Tülin Ateş, Sibel Tokdemir Öztürk, Osman Gürbüz and Yusuf Yerli, “Magnetic Properties of Peripheral and Nonperipheral Alkyl-thia Substitue Phthalocyanines”, 1st International Conference on Organic Electronic Material Technologies (OEMT2015), 25-28 March 2015 Elazığ- TURKEY (poster present.)
- B. Tas, H. Bilge and S. Tokdemir Ozturk, "An investigation of the dose distribution effect related with collimator angle for VMAT method", 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU-9), 24–27 August 2015, Istanbul- TURKEY (oral present.) (AIP Conf. Proc.1722, 150003 (2016))
- Bora TAS, I. F. Durmus, S. Tokdemir Ozturk, “Decreasing IGRT Doses by Using Partial Cone Beam CT Instead of Full Cone Beam CT for Breast Cancer”, 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU 9), 24–27 August 2015, Istanbul- TURKEY (poster present.)
- Bora TAS, I.F.Durmus, S. Tokdemir Ozturk, “FFF Beam’s Advantage for 4D SBRT Liver Patiant’s Total Treatment Duration”, 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU9), 24–27 August 2015, Istanbul- TURKEY (poster present.)
- B. Tas, I. F. Durmus, S. Tokdemir Ozturk,” Total Body Irradiation’s Dosimetric Features by Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Method” 1st International Physics Conference at the Anatolian Peak (IPCAP 2016) 25- 27 February, 2016 Erzurum- TURKEY (oral present.)
- B. Taş, I. F. Durmus, S. Tokdemir Öztürk, “Image Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT) Comparison between Cone Beam CT and Ultrasound System for Prostate Cancer”, 1st International Physics Conference at the Anatolian Peak (IPCAP 2016) 25- 27 February, 2016 Erzurum- TURKEY (poster present.)
- B. Tas, I. F. Durmus, S. Tokdemir Ozturk, “Comparison Between FFF Beams and FF Beams for Early Stage Breast Cancer’s IMRT Treatment”, 1st International Physics Conference at the Anatolian Peak (IPCAP 2016) 25- 27 February, 2016 Erzurum- TURKEY (poster present.)
Esra Okumuş, Sibel Tokdemir Öztürk, Yurii M. Chumakov, Arzu I. Nadjafov, Nazim T. Mamedov, Tofiq G. Mammadov, Kazuki Wakita, Faik A. Mikailzade, MirHasan Yu. Seyidov, "Identification of Manganese Dopant in the of TIInS2 Layered Semicoductor" 21st International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds (ICTMC-21) 9-13 September, 20218 in Boulder, Colorado, USA (poster present.)
E. Okumuş, S. T. Öztürk and M. Yu. Seyidov, "The Localization of Co Dopant in the Structure of TlInS2 Ternary Semiconductor Obtained from EPR Investigations"; Modern Development of Magnetic Resonance (2021) November 1–5, KAZAN
Yüksek Lisans
Tamamlanmış Tezler:
- 1-Dilek Canal, ''Mn+2 Katkılandırılmış Amonyum Hidrojen Oksalat Hemihidrat Tek Kristalinin ESR Çalışması'', Haziran 2010
- 2-Tulin Ates,"Ftalosiyenlerde metal ve sübstitüent yerinin manyetik özellikler üzerindeki etkilerinin VSM ve ESR teknikleriyle incelenmesi", Aralik 2013
- 3-Bahadir Yaman, "Magnetron saçtırma kaplama ile sentezlenen Py/Co/Cr/Co/Py çok katlı manyetik filmin 'Partıcle Swarm Optimizasyonu' ile modellenmesi" 2015
Devam Eden Tezler:
Tamamlanmış Tezler:
- 1-Bora Tas, "VMAT (Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy) yönteminde kolimatör açısının doz dağılımına etkisinin incelenmesi" Haziran 2016
- 2-Esra Kucukmorkoc, "Lineer hizlandirici tabanli stereotaktik radyocerrahi ve radyoterapi planlarinin bağimsiz monte carlo doz hesaplama yazilimi ile değerlendirilmesi" Haziran 2023
Devam Eden Tezler:
- 2-Mertay Gunay, "1.5 T Mr-Linak Cihazinda Eksen İçi Ve Eksen Dişi Alanlarin Dozimetrik Karşilaştirmasi"
- Doktora: Georgia State University, Atlanta Ga, Aralik 2004
- Yüksek lisans: Marmara Universitesi, 1996
- Lisans: Marmara Universitesi, 1992