Doç. Dr. Erdem DEMİRCİ

(262) 605 1280
Web sayfası
D Blok, 201
Çalışma alanları
Manyeto-Optik Kerr Etkisi, Manyetik Malzemeler ve Özellikleri, Manyeto-Transport, Mıknatıslanmanın Voltaj İle Kontrolü, Tek Tabaka Grafen Üretimi, İnce Film Büyütme ve Karakterizasyonu, Spintronik.


  1. 18) E. Demirci, P. Aksu and M. Öztürk, The role of Rh spacer layer thickness on the noncollinear interlayer exchange coupling, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 58, 035003 (2024);[DOI]
  2. 17) E. Demirci and M. Öztürk, Enhancement of planar Hall sensitivity with the assistance of a CuIr spin–orbit torque biasing layer, Applied Physics A, 160;129:179 (2023); [DOI].

  3. 16) M. Öztürk and E. Demirci, Manipulating the magnetic and transport properties by CuIr thickness in CoFeB/CuIr/IrMn multilayers,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 445002 (2022);[DOI]

  4. 15) E. Demirci, J. De Rojas, A. Quintana, I. Fina, E. Mnendez, J. Sort, Voltage-driven strain-mediated modulation of exchange bias in Ir20Mn80/Fe80Ga20/Ta/⟨011⟩-oriented PMN-32PT heterostructures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 142406 (2022); [DOI].
  5. 14) H. Pişkin, E. Demirci, M. Öztürk, and N. Akdoğan, Experimental determination of the orientation of tilted magnetic anisotropy by using angle-resolved Hall effect signals, J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 34, 1435–1440 (2021);[DOI].
  6. 13) E. Demirci, Magnetic and Magnetotransport Properties of Memory Sensors Based on Anisotropic Magnetoresistance; Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 33, 721-726 (2020); [DOI].
  7. 12) E. Demirci, Anisotropic magnetoresistance and planar Hall effect in magnetoresistive
    NiFe/Pt thin film; Turkish Journal of Physics, 44: 77 - 84 (2020), [DOI].
  8. 11) E. Demirci, M. Öztürk, H. Pişkin, N. Akdoğan, Angle-Dependent Inverted Hysteresis Loops in an Exchange-Biased[Co/Pt]5/IrMn Thin Film; Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 33, 721-726 (2019);[DOI].
  9. 10) Erdem Demirci, Mostafa Dadashbaba, and Huseyin Kurt, Local long-distance
    spin transport in single layer graphene spin filter; AIP Advances, 8, 055911 (2018);[DOI].
  10. 9) M. Öztürk, E. Demirci, M. Erkovan, O. Öztürk and N. Akdoğan, Coexistence of perpendicular and in-plane exchange bias using a single ferromagnetic layer in Pt/Co/Cr/CoO thin film;Europhysics Letters, 114, 17008 (2016);[DOI].
  11. 8) M. Erkovan, M. E. Aköz, M. Öztürk, E. Demirci, U. Parlak, N. Akdoğan, O. Öztürk, Probing exchange bias properties of PtxCo1−x/Pt/CoO films;Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism,29, 163 (2016);[DOI].
  12. 7) E. Demirci, M. Öztürk, M. T. Öcal, O. Öztürk, N. Akdoğan, Investigation of spin canting phenomena in perpendicularly exchange biased Pt/Co/Pt/Cr2O3;thin films;Thin Solid Films, 591, 72 (2015);[DOI].
  13. 6) N. Akdoğan, A. Yağmur, M. Özturk, E. Demirci, O. Özturk, M. Erkovan, Interface induced manipulation of perpendicular exchange bias in Pt/Co/(Pt, Cr)/CoO thin films;J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 373, 120 (2015);[DOI].
  14. 5) M. Öztürk, E. Demirci, O. Gürbüz, S. Güner, V. Valeev, F. Vagizov, R. Khaibullin, N. Akdoğan, Formation of different magnetic phases and high Curie temperature ferromagnetism in Fe57-imlanted ZnO film;J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 373, 83 (2015);[DOI].
  15. 4) Erdem Demirci, Mustafa Öztürk, Ekrem Sınır, Utku Ulucan, Numan Akdoğan, Osman Öztürk, Mustafa Erkovan, Temperature-dependent exchange bias properties of polycrystalline PtxCo1− x/CoO bilayers;Thin Solid Films, 550, 595–601 (2014);[DOI].
  16. 3) M. Öztürk, E. Sınır, E. Demirci, M. Erkovan, O. Öztürk and N. Akdoğan, Exchange bias properties of [Co/CoO]n;multilayers;J. Appl. Phys., 112, 093911 (2012);[DOI].
  17. 2) M. Öztürk, E. Demirci, R. Topkaya, S. Kazan, N. Akdoğan, M. Obaida and K. Westerholt, Effect of exchange bias on magnetic anisotropies in Fe/CoO bilayers;Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism,25, 2597 (2012);[DOI].
  18. 1) E. Demirci, M. Öztürk, R. Topkaya, S. Kazan, N. Akdoğan, M. Obaida and K. Westerholt, Thickness and temperature dependence of exchange bias in Co/CoO bilayers;Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism,25, 2591 (2012);[DOI].


  1. E. Demirci, Voltage control of magnetism with Piezoelectric Substrates in a Trilayer Systems, Turkish Physical Society 38th International Physics Congress, August 31- September 4, 2022, Bodrum / Turkey (Talk).

  2. E. Demirci, A Prospective Solution to Voltage Control of Magnetization in a Bilayer Systems, 1st International Karatekin Science and Technology Conference, September 1-3, 2022 Çankırı/Turkey (Talk).

  3. E. Demirci, Strain-mediated voltage control of magnetism in multiferroic heterostructures, International Dumlupınar Science and Mathematics Congress 2022,5-7 September, 2022, Kütahya/ Turkey (Talk).

  4. E. Demirci, Mustafa Öztürk, Melek Türksoy Öcal, Osman Öztürk, Numan Akdoğan, Investigation of spin canting phenomena in perpendicularly exchange biased Pt/Co/Pt/Cr2O3 thin films, 11th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference (NanoTR-11), 22-25 June 2015, ODTU, Ankara, Turkey (Talk).
  5. E. Demirci, Mustafa Öztürk, Melek Türksoy Öcal, Osman Öztürk, Numan Akdoğan, Pt/Co/Pt/Cr2O3 İnce Filmlerde Spin Canting Olayının İncelenmesi, Adım Fizik Günleri IV, 28-29 Mayıs 2015, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi, Kütahya, Turkey (Talk).
  6. E. Demirci, M. Öztürk, M. Erkovan, O. Öztürk and N. Akdoğan, Temperature-dependent Exchange Bias;Properties of Pt/Co/Pt/Cr2O3 Thin Film, NanoTR10, 17 – 21 June 2014, Yeditepe University, İstanbul, Turkey (Talk).
  7. E. Demirci, M. Öztürk, E. Sınır, U. Ulucan, O.Erdemir, N. Akdoğan, O. Öztürk and M. Erkovan, Temperature-dependent exchange bias properties of polycrystalline PtxCo1-x/CoO bilayers, NanoTR9, 24 – 28 June 2013, Atatürk University, Erzurum, Turkey (Talk).


  1. E. Demirci, N. Akdoğan, "Multifunctional Sample Holder and High-Resolution Detection System for Magneto-optical Kerr Effect Measurements" TR Patent 2015 09249 B (21 June 2019).
  2. N. Akdoğan, M. Öztürk, E. Demirci, "Liquid nitrogen and liquid helium flow measurement chamber with optical window" TR Patent 2015 17168 B (21 November 2018).


  1. 3rd TAC Light Sources,International Users’ Meeting (TAC-LSUM2013), 5-7 October 2013, Ankara.
  2. International Henry Moseley School and Workshop on X-ray Science, 13-22 June 2013, ITAP, Turunç, Marmaris, Turkey.
  3. 2013 European XFEL Users' Meeting and Satellite Meetings, 23-25 January 2013, DESY Hamburg, Germany.
  4. International Henry Moseley School and Workshop on X-ray Science, 14-23 June 2012, ITAP, Turunç, Marmaris, Turkey.
  5. 2012 European XFEL Users' Meeting and Satellite Meetings, 25-27 January 2012, DESY, Hamburg, Germany.
  6. First International Workshop on Machine and Research Aspects of the Proposed Turkish Light Sources, Doğuş University, 4-6 July, 2011, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Doktora: Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi (Temmuz 2016)
    "Investigation of exchange bias in Cr2O3 based magnetoelectric materials"
  • Yüksek lisans: Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi (Şubat 2011)
    "CoO/Co manyetik ince filmlerde kaydırma (exchange bias) etkisi"
  • Lisans: Erciyes Üniversitesi (Haziran 2008)
    "Electromagnetic waves in daily life"
    "Lasers and applications"
- 2016-2017 arası İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi, doktora sonrası araştırmacı
- 2020-2021 arası Universitat Autonoma Barcelona, doktora sonrası araştırmacı