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- Elektroseramik Malzemeler
International Conference Proceedings
1. Ezgi Yalçın, Ebru Menşur, "Determination of Electrocaloric Properties of Nd-Doped PNN-PZT Ceramics and Piezocomposites" , 3.International Materials Technologies and Metallurgy Conference (MTM 2023) ,11-13 October 2023, İstanbul Technical University ,Turkey (Oral Presentation)
2. Ebru MENSUR, Ayşe BERKSOY-YAVUZ, Ezgi YALCIN, "Using the Crystallographic Orientation to Enhance the Performance of a Novel Underwater Transducers", Workshop From Epitaxial Materials towards Technological Transfer: Academic/Industrial meeting, (EU COST Action OPERA) Paris,France, 29-31 August 2023 (Poster Presentation)
3.Ezgi Yalçın, Namık Kemal Gözaçık, Sedat Alkoy, Ebru Menşur, " Investigation of Structural and Electrical Properties of Undoped and Fe-doped PNN-PZT Piezoceramics", XVIIIth Conference of the European Ceramic Society, (ECerS 2023) Lyon,France, 2-6 July 2023 (Oral Presentation)
4.Ezgi Yalçın,Namık Kemal Gözüaçık, Sedat Alkoy, Hüseyin Alptekin Sarı, Mustafa Yunus Kaya, and Ebru Menşur, "Characterization of 1-3 Piezocomposites from PNN-PZT Piezoceramics", International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators 2022 (IWPMA2022), 24-26 October 2022, Online (Oral Presentation)
5.Yalçın, E., Gözüaçık,N.K., Alkoy, S.,Aykaç,A.,Boz,M.,Menşur,E., "Design and Characterization of a Mid-Frequency Tonpilz Transducer Array from PZT-4 Piezoceramics", V. International Ceramic, Glass, Porcelain, Enamel, Glaze and Pigment Congress (SERES'21), organized by; Eskişehir Technical University and Turkish Ceramic Society, 13-15 October 2021, Eskişehir, Turkey. (Poster Presentation)
6.Ezgi YALCIN, Merve ANKUT, Sena M. SUNGUR, H.Ibrahim TURGUT, K. Sueda KAR, Sedat ALKOY, Aykut AYKAC, Muhammet BOZ, Ecem AYDIN,Namık K. GOZUACIK and Ebru MENŞUR, "Comparison of the Performance Characteristics of the Tonpilz Transducers Fabricated from 0.60PMN-0.40PT and PZT Piezoceramics", Materials Thailand : AMF-AMEC 2021, July 7-9, 2021, Thailand(Oral Presentation)
7.Namık Kemal Gözüaçık,Ezgi Yalçın, Sedat Alkoy, Ebru Menşur-Alkoy, "Investigation of Electrocaloric Properties of Rare Earth Doped Lead Nickel Niobate-Lead Zirconate Titanate Ceramic Composition", XI. International Ceramic Congress (SerKon2022), organized by Afyon Kocatepe University and Turkish Ceramic Society, 21-23 November 2022, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey. (Oral Presentation)
Articles Published in Refereed International Journals
1. Ezgi Yalcin, Namık Kemal Gözüaçık, Sedat Alkoy, Hüseyin Alptekin Sarı, Mustafa Yunus Kaya, Çınar Öncel, Ebru Menşur, " Characterization of 1-3 piezocomposites from PNN-PZT piezoceramics", Sensor and Actuators A: Physical, 357,1 August 2023,114389
2.Merve Nur ÇİFTÇİ,Berk DEĞİRMENCİ, Irem BÖBREK, Sedat ALKOY, Aykut AYKAÇ, Muhammet BOZ, Ayşe BERKSOY-YAVUZ,Ezgi YALCIN, Namik K. GOZUACIK and Ebru MENŞUR, "Design, development and characterization of a mid-Frequency (35 kHz) tonpilz transducer array from 0.675PMN-0.325PT piezoceramics", Journal of Metals, Materials and Minerals,32(1) ,144-149 2022
3.Ezgi YALCIN, Merve ANKUT, Sena M. SUNGUR, H.Ibrahim TURGUT, K. Sueda KAR, Sedat ALKOY, Aykut AYKAC, Muhammet BOZ, Ecem AYDIN,Namık K. GOZUACIK and Ebru MENŞUR, "Comparison of the Performance Characteristics of the Tonpilz Transducers Fabricated from 0.60PMN-0.40PT and PZT Piezoceramics",Ferroelectrics,586(1),82-92,2022.
National Conference Proceedings
1. Ayşe Berksoy Yavuz,Ezgi Yalçın, Ebru Menşur, " Investigation of the Effect of Different Na2CO3 ratio of Structural Properties of Plate-like Potassium Niobate (NN) Template Particles", 26.Ulusal Elektron Mikroskopi Kongresi ( EMK26), 20-23 September 2023, Eskişehir, Turkey. (Poster Presetation)
2. Ezgi Yalçın, Sinem Saçlıoğlu, Dilara Yıldız, Alara Hürzat, Beyzanur Erol, Ebru Menşur, " Comparison of Electrocaloric Properties of Mn and Nd Doped PNN-PZT Piezoceramics", 26.Ulusal Elektron Mikroskopi Kongresi (EMK26), 20-23 September 2023, Eskişehir, Turkey. (Poster Presentation)
3.Ezgi Yalçın, Ebru Menşur Alkoy "Katkılandırılmış 0.5PNN-0.5PZT Piezoseramiklerin Yapısal ve Elektriksel Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi", 6.GTÜ Lisansüstü Araştırmalar Sempozyumu, 1-2 Haziran 2022, Kocaeli, Turkey. (Oral Presentation)
Research Projects
"Determination of Electrocaloric and Elastocaloric Properties of Flexible Polymer /Ferroelectric Compsoites with Various Connectivity", US Air Force Office of Scientific Research , 2023-2026, Yarı Zamanlı Araştırmacı.
"Kurşunsuz Antiferroelektrik Seramiklerin Çok Katmanlı Yüksek Enerji Yoğunluklu Kapasitör Uygulamaları için Geliştirilmesi" , TÜBİTAK 1002 , 123M632, 2023-2024, Bursiyer.
"Savunma Sanayinde Sualtı Uygulamalarında Kullanılmak Üzere 1-3 Piezokompozit Malzemelerin Tasarımı ve Geliştirilmesi", TUBİTAK 2209-A,2023-2024, Akademik Danışman.
- Doktora: Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi-Malzeme Bilimi ve Mühendisliği(2022-Devam Ediyor)
Yüksek lisans: Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi-Malzeme Bilimi ve Mühendisliği(2020-2022)
Fabrication and Characterization of Undoped and Doped PNN-PZT Ceramics and Composites - Lisans: Erciyes Üniversitesi-Malzeme Bilimi ve Mühendisliği(2011-2016)