Prof. Dr.
Kimya Mühendisliği

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- Heterojen Reaksiyonlar, Katalizör ve Katalitik Tepkimeler, Fotokataliz ve Fotokatalitik Tepkimeler, Kuantum parçacıklar, Karbon Malzemeler, Malzeme Kimyası, Adsorpsiyon, İleri Ayırma Prosesleri
SCI kapsamındaki dergilerde yayımlanmış makale
1. Bilgin Şimşek, E., Duranoglu D., Beker, U., (2012), Heavy Metal Adsorption by Magnetic Hybrid-Sorbent: An Experimental and Theoretical Approach, Q2 Separation Science and Technology, 47: 1334-1340.
2. Bilgin Simsek, E., Özdemir, E., Beker, U., (2013) Zeolite supported mono- and bimetallic oxides: Promising adsorbents for removal of As(V) in aqueous solutions, Q1 Chemical Engineering Journal, 220:402-411.
3. Bilgin Simsek, E., Özdemir, E., Avcı Tuna, A. Ö., Beker, U., (2014) Factorial design analysis of As(V) adsorption onto iron-aluminum binary oxide doped clinoptilolite, Q3 Desalination and Water Treatment, 52 (2014) 7812–7821.
4. Bilgin Simsek, E., Özdemir, E., Beker, U., (2013) Process Optimization for Arsenic Adsorption onto Natural Zeolite Incorporating Metal Oxides by Response Surface Methodology, Q2 Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, WATE-D-13-00021R1, 224:1614.
5. Bilgin Simsek, E., Avcı Tuna, A.O., Beker, U., A Statistical Approach for Arsenic Adsorption onto Turkey Clinoptilolite, Q2 Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2015) 22:3249–3256.
6. Bilgin Simsek, E., Beker, U., Equilibrium Arsenic Adsorption onto Metallic Oxides: Isotherm Models, Error Analysis and Removal Mechanism, Q2 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s11814-014-0176-2, Vol. 31, No. 11, 2014-11-01.
7. Avcı Tuna, A. Ö., Özdemir, E., Bilgin Simsek, E.,Beker, U., (2013) Removal of As(V) from Aqueous Solution by Activated Carbon–Based Hybrid Adsorbents: Impact of Experimental Conditions, Q1 Chemical Engineering Journal, 223:116-128.
8. Avcı Tuna, A. Ö., Özdemir, E., Bilgin Simsek, E., Beker, U., (2013) Optimization of process parameters for removal of arsenic using activated carbon based iron containing adsorbents by response surface methodology, Q2 Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 224:1685.
9. Bilgin Simsek, E., Beker, U., Senkal, B.F., Predicting the dynamics and performance of selective polymeric resins in a fixed bed system for boron removal, Q1 Desalination, 349 (2014) 39–50.
10. Bilgin Simsek, E., Buyruklardan Kaya, I.G. Beker, U., Comparıson of Cr(VI) Adsorptıon Onto Polymer-Based Magnetıc Hybrıd Adsorbents By Nonlınear Isotherm And Kınetıc Models, Q4 Latin American Applied Research, August 7, 2014., Vol. 45, No.1, January 2015.
11. Canan Bakkal Gula, Esra Bilgin Simsek, Dilek Duranoglu, Ulker Beker, An Experimental Design Approach for Modelling As(V) Adsorption from Aqueous Solution by Activated Carbon, Q2 Water Science and Technology, Vol. 71(2), 203-210. doi:10.2166/wst.2014.491
12. E. Bilgin Simsek, B. Aytas, D. Duranoglu, U. Beker, A.W. Trochimczuk, A Comparative Study of 2-Chlorophenol, 2,4-Dichlorophenol and 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol Adsorption onto Polymeric, Commercial and Carbonaceous Adsorbents, Q3 Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol. 57, Issue 21, 9940-9956, 2016
13. Bilgin Simsek, E., Solvothermal synthesized boron doped TiO2 catalysts: Photocatalytic degradation of endocrine disrupting compounds and pharmaceuticals under visible light irradiation, Q1 Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 200 (2017) 309–322
14. Bilgin Simsek, E., Novak, I., Sausa, O., Berek, D., Microporous carbon fibers prepared from cellulose as efficient sorbents for removal of chlorinated phenols, Q2 Research on Chemical Intermediates, DOI 10.1007/s11164-016-2637-1, 43(1) (2017) 503-522
15. Bilgin Simsek, E., Saloglu, D., Ozcan, N., Novak, I., Berek, D., Carbon fiber embedded Chitosan/PVA composites for Decontamination of Endocrine Disruptor Bisphenol A from Water, Q1 Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 70 (2017) 291–301.
16. Selimoğlu, S., Bilgin Simsek, E., Beker, U., Water defluoridation by alumina modified Turkey clinoptilolite: equilibrium, kinetic models and experimental design approaches, Q3 Water Science and Technology Water Supply, 18.1 | 2018.
17. Bilgin Simsek, E., Kilic, B., Asgın, M., Akan, A., Graphene oxide based heterojunction TiO2-ZnO catalysts with outstanding photocatalytic performance for estrogens and pharmaceuticals, Q1 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 59 (2018) 115–126.
18. Bilgin Simsek, E., Demircivi, P., Novak, I., Berek, D., Fabrication of Carbon Fiber Supported Zr doped TiO2 Nanocomposites for Efficient Photocatalytic Decolorization of Orange II Dye under Visible Light Irradiation, Q3 Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, (2017) 43:503-522.
19. Demircivi, P., Bilgin Simsek, E., Fabrication of Zr doped TiO2/chitosan composite catalysts with enhanced visible- light-mediated photoactivity for the degradation of Orange II dye, Q2 Water Science and Technology, | 78.3 | 2018.
20. Bilgin Simsek, E., Novak, I., Berek, D., Beker, U., Novel composite sorbents based on carbon fibers decorated with ferric hydroxides - Arsenic removal, Q3 Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume13, Issue5, 2018, 2237.
21. Demircivi, P., Bilgin Simsek, E., Visible-light-enhanced photoactivity of perovskite-type W-doped BaTiO3 photocatalyst for photodegradation of tetracycline, Q1 Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 774 (2019) 795-802.
22. Balta, Z., Bilgin Simsek, E., Berek, D., Facile synthesis of flake‒like Bi2WO6/carbon fiber heterojunction catalysts with enhanced photoactivity under visible light illumination, Q2 Optik- International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 183 (2019) 38–46
23. Bilgin Simsek, E., Demircivi, P., Novak, I., Berek, D., Beker, U., Novel composite sorbents based on carbon fibers decorated with ferric hydroxides ‒ Part II: Simultaneous removal of antimonate and arsenate from different water matrixes, Q2 Water Science and Technology Water Supply, 19.3 | 2019
24. Balta, Z., Bilgin Simsek, E., Berek, D., Solvothermal Syntehsis of WO3/TiO2/Carbon Fibre composite photocatalyst for enhanced performance under sunlight illumination, Q1 Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2019, 95: 1331–1338
25. Bilgin Simsek, E., Balta, Z., Demircivi, P., Novel Shungite based Bi2WO6 Carbocatalyst with High Photocatalytic Degradation of Tetracycline under Visible Light Irradiation, Q2 Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry 380 (2019) 111849
26. Tuna, O., Bilgin Simsek, E., Sarıoglan, A, Çetin, Y., Influence of the process conditions on the kinetic behaviour of zinc orthotitanate for syngas clean-up, Q1 Biomass and Bioenergy 128 (2019) 105326
27. Novak, I., Sausa, O., Matko, I., Bilgin Simsek, E., Berek, D., Microporous carbon fibers prepared by carbonization of cellulose as carriers of particles of active substances, Q3 Chemical papers, (2020) 74:1359–1365
28. Demircivi, P., Gulen, B., Bilgin Simsek, E., Berek, D., Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline using hydrothermally synthesized carbon fiber decorated BaTiO3, Q2 Materials Chemistry and Physics, Volume 241, 1 February 2020, 122236
29. Bilgin Simsek, E., Tuna, O., Balta, Z., Construction of stable perovskite-type LaFeO3 particles on ion exchange resin with boosted photocatalytic Fenton-like decaffeination under solar irradiation, Q1 Separation and Purification Technology, Volume 237, 15 April 2020, 116384
30. Kılıc, B., Bilgin Simsek, E., Turkdogan, S., Demircivi, P., Tuna, O., Mucur, S.P., Berek, D., Carbon Fiber Based CuO Nanorod Heterostructures for Enhanced Solar Cell Performance and Adsorptive Photocatalytic Activity, Q2 J Nanopart Research (2020) 22: 52
31. Tuna, O., Bilgin Simsek, E., Dashani I., Temel, G., Novel metal-free intercalation of g-C3N4 using hyperbranched copolymer for efficient photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline, Q2 Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry, 396 (2020) 112519
32. Tuna, O., Bilgin Simsek, E., Sarıoglan, A, Çetin, Y., Multifunctional and highly active zinc titanate incorporated with copper for adsorptive hot syngas desulfurization and photocatalytic dye degradation, Q1, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 112 (2020) 388-396
33. Balta, Z., Bilgin Simsek, E., Insights into the photocatalytic behaviour of Carbon-rich Shungite based WO3/TiO2 catalysts for enhanced dye and pharmaceutical degradation, Q4 New Carbon Materials, 2020 Vol. 35 (4): 371-383.
34. Tuna, O., Bilgin Simsek, E., Synergic contribution of intercalation and electronic modification of g-C3N4 for an efficient visible light-driven catalyst for tetracycline degradation, Q1 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020) 104445.
35. Alpay, A., Tuna, O., Bilgin Simsek, E., Deposition of perovskite-type LaFeO3 particles on spherical commercial polystyrene resin: A new platform for enhanced photo-Fenton-catalyzed degradation and simultaneous wastewater purification, Q1 Environmental Technology & Innovation 20 (2020) 101175
36. Gülen, B., Demircivi, P., Bilgin Simsek, E., UV-A light irradiated photocatalytic performance of hydrothermally obtained W doped BaZrO3 catalyst against the degradation of levofloxacin and tetracycline antibiotic, Q2 Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 404 (2021) 112869.
37. Tuna, O., Bilgin Simsek, E., Construction of novel Zn2TiO4/g-C3N4 Heterojunction with efficient photodegradation performance of tetracycline under visible light irradiation, Q2 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2021) 28:10005–10017.
38. Tuna, O., Bilgin Simsek, E., Sarıoglan, A., A New Approach for Integrated System of Biomass Gasification Combined Reforming and Desulfurization Processes Consisting of Ni/Al2O3 and Cu-Zn2TiO4 heterostructure ceramic filters, Q1 Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 165 (2021) 108433.
39. Tuna, O., Bilgin Simsek, E., Anchoring LaFeO3 Perovskites on the Polyester Filters for Flowthrough Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic pollutants, Q2 Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 418 (2021) 113405.
40. Bilgin Simsek, E., Saloglu D., Exploring the structural and catalytic features of lipase enzymes immobilized on g-C3N4: A novel platform for biocatalytic and photocatalytic reactions, Q1 Journal of Molecular Liquids 337 (2021) 116612.
41. Balta, Z., Bilgin Simsek, E., Uncovering the Systematical Charge Separation Effect of Boron Nitride Quantum Dots on Photocatalytic Performance of BiFeO3 Perovskite towards Degradation of Tetracycline Antibiotic, Q1 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (2021) 106567.
42. Bilgin Simsek, E, Tuna, O., Balta, Z., Exploring Nicotine Adsorption Performance of Commercial XAD-4 Resin: Isotherm, Kinetic Modelling and Process Optimization by Box-Behnken Design, Q1 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (2021) 106853
43. Balta, Z., Bilgin Simsek, E., Berek, D., Promoting the photocatalytic removal rate of ciprofloxacin antibiotic over carbon fiber decorated tungsten trioxide/titanium dioxide catalysts, Q2 Chemical Engineering Communications, 2022, VOL. 209, NO. 1, 108–117
44. Tuna, O., Karadirek, S, Bilgin Simsek, E., Deposition of CaFe2O4 and LaFeO3 Perovskites on Polyurethane Filter: A New Photocatalytic Support for Flowthrough Degradation of Tetracycline Antibiotic, Q1 Environmental Research 205 (2022) 112389
45. Balta, Z., Bilgin Simsek, E., Understanding the structural and photocatalytic effects of incorporation of hexagonal boron nitride whiskers into ferrite type perovskites (BiFeO3, MnFeO3) for effective removal of pharmaceuticals from real wastewater, Q1 Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 898, 25 March 2022, 162897
46. Balta, Z., Bilgin Simsek, E., Promoting the photo-Fenton catalytic performance of MnFeO3–type perovskite via creation of type-II heterojunction with superior charge separator boron nitride quantum dots, Q2 Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 426 (2022) 113768
47. Ozcan, N., Saygi, B., Bilgin Simsek, Esra, Saloglu, D., Removal of Naproxen from Wastewater using Activated Carbon-Chitosan- Aerogel Biocomposites: Theory, Equilibrium, Kinetics, Thermodynamics, and Process Optimization, Q2 Water Environ Res. 2022;94:e10699
48. Bilgin Simsek, E., Construction of CaTiO3 Nanosheets with Boron Nitride Quantum Dots as Effective Photogenerated Hole Extractor for Boosting Photocatalytic Performance under Simulated Sunlight, Q1 Ceramics International 48 (2022) 26487–26498
49. Bilgin Simsek, E., Tuna, O., Building Synergism Through Heterojunction of n-CaTiO3 with p-CaFe2O4 for Upgraded Photocatalytic Degradation of Pharmaceuticals, Q1 Powder Technology 411 (2022) 117945
50. Balta, Z., Bilgin Simsek, E., Discovering of the photocatalytic performance of BiFeO3/BNQDs immobilized polyester filters for efficient continuous-flow elimination of recalcitrant antibiotic via PMS activated process, Q2 Optical Materials 133 (2022) 113015
51. Tuna, O., Bilgin Simsek, E., Enhanced visible-light-assisted peroxymonosulfate activation of low-cost perovskite CaFe2O4 for Tartrazine Degradation: Experimental design modelling, Q2 Materials Research Bulletin 159 (2023) 112090
52. Tuna, O., Bilgin Simsek, E., Assembling of orthorhombic CaTiO3 particles with carbon fiber with rich surface oxygen vacancies and interfacial charge transfer for enhanced decomposition of recalcitrant antibiotic under visible light, Q2 Optical Materials, Volume 134, Part A, December 2022, 113193.
53. Balta, Z., Bilgin Simsek, E., Saloglu, D., Bio-inspired functional photocatalyst: Lipase enzyme functionalized TiO2 with excellent photocatalytic, enzymatic, and antimicrobial performance, Q2 Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 438 (2023) 114565.
54. Bilgin Simsek, E., Tuna, O., Boosting redox cycle and increased active oxygen species via decoration of LaMnO3 spheres with CeO2 flowers to promote Fenton-like catalytic degradation of various organic contaminants, Q2 Optical Materials 137 (2023) 113564.
55. Bilgin Simsek, E., Tuna, O., Unravelling the synergy of Ce dopant and surface oxygen vacancies confined in FeTiO3 perovskite for peroxymonosulfate activated degradation of wide range of pollutants, Q1 Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 176 (2023) 111276.
56. Bilgin Simsek, E., Mert, H.H., Mert, E.H., Renewable Terpene-Based Highly Porous Monolith Polymers for the Effective Removal of Persistent Pharmaceuticals of Tetracycline and Ibuprofen, Q1 Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 354 (2023) 112509
57. Balta, Z., Bilgin Simsek, E., Boosted photocatalytic hydrogen production and photo-Fenton degradation of ciprofloxacin antibiotic over spherical LaMnO3 perovskites assembled boron nitride quantum dots, Q1 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023
58. Mert, H.H., Bilgin Simsek, E., Balta, Z., Mert, M. Selcuk, Hexagonal Boron Nitride Doped-Macroporous Foams as Frameworks for Development of n-Eicosane based Composite Phase Change Materials, Q1 Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2023
59. Bilgin Simsek, E., Saloglu, D., Aydin, A., Investigation of Adsorption and Biosorption Features of Bio-Functionalized Poly(GMA-Co-EGDMA) Polymer Beads in the Treatment of Nicotine From Tobacco Industry, Q1 Environmental Science and Technology, 2023
60. Tuna, O., Bilgin Simsek, E., Unravelling the unique roles of NCQDs over CeFeO3 perovskite as highly efficient photoluminescent solar induced photocatalyst driven peroxymonosulfate activation process: Statistical optimization and degradation pathway, Q1 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 11 (2023) 109879
61. Bilgin Simsek, E., Mert, H.H., Mert, E.H., Sulfonated polyHIPE/nanoclay composites with hierarchically porous structure for efficient removal of endocrine-disrupting hormone from aqueous solution, Water Environ Res. 2023,
62. Tuna, O., Bilgin Simsek, E., Promoted peroxymonosulfate activation into ferrite sites over perovskite for sunset yellow degradation: Optimization parameters by response surface methodology, Q2 Optical Materials 142 (2023) 114122. 
63.Tuna, O., Balta, Z., Bilgin Simsek, E., Quantum sized engineering of FeTiO3 perovskite for enhanced photocatalytic mineralization of antibiotics: Comprehensive exploration of roles of NCQDs and BNQDs in charge carrier transfer dynamics, Q1 Chemical Engineering Journal 474 (2023) 145770.
64. Mert, H.H., Bilgin Simsek, E., Tuna, O., Mert, M.S., Synthesis, characterization and determination of thermal properties of shape stabilized n-pentadecane based composite phase change materials including graphitic carbon nitride/alumina fillers for latent heat storage applications, Q1 Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 46 (2023) 102213.
65.Bilgin Simsek, E., Tuna, O., Focusing on the interfacial charge transfer by carbon quantum dots from FeTiO3 perovskite for enhanced photocatalytic antibiotic degradation, Q2 Diamond & Related Materials 140 (2023) 110556.
66.Zakaria Redouane-Salah, Mouna Boulahbal, Özlem Tuna, Zeynep Balta, Esra Bilgin Simsek, Construction of Z-scheme FeTiO3/g-C3N4 heterojunction system: Characterization and statistical optimization of photocatalytic behavior under visible light irradiation, Q1 Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 446 (2024) 115185.
67.Tuna, O., Mert, H.H., Mert, M.S., Bilgin Simsek, E., Tailoring the surface features of CaWO4 by coupling with tubular g-C3N4 for enhanced solar photocatalysis and thermal energy storage, Q1 Journal of Energy Storage 86 (2024) 111398.
68.Karadirek, S., Tuna, O., Bilgin Simsek, E., Aycan Yigit Cınar; Seda Altuntas, Surface functionalized Ag-doped MnFeO3 catalyst: Comparative analysis of visible light driven antibiotic reduction and antibacterial performance, Q1 Journal of Environmental Management 358 (2024) 120891.
69.Bilgin Simsek, E., Tuna, O., Understanding the nature of Ce-Fe synergy in the structure scheelite CaWO4 for enhanced photocatalytic performance under solar light, Q1 Ceramics International 50 (2024) 20600–20611.
Uluslararası yayınevleri tarafından yayımlanmış kitap bölümü Yazarlığı
1. Bilgin Simsek, E., Beker, U., Chapter 4: Arsenic sorption on mono and binary metal oxides doped natural solid, Innovative Materials and Methods for Water Treatment: Challenges forArsenic and Chromium Removal, Ed: Publisher: Taylor&Francis Group.
2. Bilgin Simsek, E., Senkal, B.F., Beker, U., Chapter 18: Boron Uptake From Aqueous Solution By Chelating Adsorbents: A Statistical Experimental Design Approach, Boron removal from water, 1st Edition, Elsevier, ISBN: 9780444634542.
3. Bilgin Simsek, E., Chapter 6 Carbon Based Metal-Free Catalysts for Photocatalytic Reactions, Carbon Based Metal Free Catalysts: Preparatıon, Structural and Morphologıcal Property And Applıcatıon, Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-323-88515-7, 1st March 2022
4. Tuna, O., Bilgin Simsek, E., Carbon based perovskite composite catalysts and their structural, morphological and photocatalytic performances, Carbon Composite Catalysts - Preparation, Structural and Morphological Property and Applications, Springer, ISBN 978-981-19-1750-9 2022.
5. Tuna, O., Balta, Z., Bilgin Simsek, E., Chapter 9 Photocatalytic studies of Type-II, Z, and S scheme heterojunctions, in Book Advanced Functional Materials and Methods For Photodegradation Of Toxic Pollutants, Editors: Ajay Kumar Mishra, Pardeep Singh, Pankaj Raizada, S. Vadivel, Rangabhashiyam Selvasembian Elsevier, 2023, ISBN  978-0-323-95953-7, pages 205-253.
6. Bilgin Simsek, E., Chapter 7 Metal-free Quantum dots-based nanomaterials for biosensors, Biosensors Nanotechnology, 2nd Edition Editors: Inamuddin Inamuddin, Tariq Altalhi, Wiley-Scrivener Publisher, September 2023 ISBN: 978-1-394-16624-4, pages 145-168.
7. Balta, Z., Bilgin Simsek, E., Chapter 8 Heterostructures of hexagonal boron nitride with other two-dimensional materials: synthesis, properties, and applications , Elsevier, Hexagonal Boron Nitride, Synthesis, Properties, and Applications Micro and Nano Technologies Edited by Kalim Deshmukh, Mayank Pandey and Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain, Section III: Heterostructures and nanocomposites, 2024, ISBN 978-0-443-18843-5, pages 205-233.
Ulusal yayınevleri tarafından yayımlanmış kitap editörlüğü veya bölüm yazarlığı
1. Esra Bilgin Şimşek, Ülker Beker, Ayırma Süreçleri, Kimya Mühendisliğine Giriş, Ed. Selahattin Gültekin, pp. 249-286. Papatya Yayıncılık, Kasım 2013.
ULAKBİM tarafından taranan ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanmış makale
1. Bilgin Simsek, E., Doping of boron in TiO2 catalyst: Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of antibiotic under visible light irradiation, Journal of Boron, BORON 2 (1), 18 - 27, 2017.
2. Bilgin Simsek, E., Investigation of Photocatalytic Activity of Chitosan/Poly(vinyl alcohol)/TiO2/Boron Nanocomposites, Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, DOI: 10.19113/sdufbed.57694
3. Bilgin Simsek, E., Alkay, T., Artificial Neural Network Approach for the Prediction of Effluents Streams from a Wastewater Treatment Plant: A Case Study in Kocaeli, Turkey, Mugla Journal of Science and Technology, Mugla Journal of Science and Technology, Yıl 2020, Cilt 6 , Sayı 1, Sayfalar 164 – 171, DOI: 10.22531/muglajsci.618373
4. Bilgin Simsek, E., Balta, Z., Investigation of Synergetic Effect of Adsorption and Photocatalysis for the Removal of Tetracycline by BiFeO3 Immobilized on Copolymer Seeds, Environmental Research And Technology, Environ Res Tec, Vol. 5, Issue. 2, pp. 00–00, June 2022.
5. Balta, Z., Bilgin Simsek, E., Exploring hexagonal boron nitride as an efficient visible light induced catalyst for the remediation of recalcitrant antibiotic from aqueous media, Environmental Research and Technology, Environ Res Tec, Vol. 5, Issue. 4, pp. 000–000, December 2022
Tamamlanmış doktora tezi
1. Özlem Tuna, Sentez Gazından Katran Giderimi İçin Katalizörlerin Geliştirilmesi, Yalova Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Yalova, Türkiye, 2021
2. Zeynep Balta, Hekzagonal bor nitrür katkılı perovskit katalizörlerinin sentezi, karakterizasyonu ve katalitik aktivitelerinin incelenmesi, Yalova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yalova, Türkiye, 2022.
Tamamlanmış yüksek lisans tezi
1. Taner Alkay (Haziran 2016), “Kocaeli Kullar Atıksu Arıtma Tesis Çıkış Suyunun Koı, Boı Ve Akm Değerlerinin İstatistiksel Modellenmesi“, Yalova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yalova, Türkiye
2. Zeynep BALTA (Mayıs, 2018) “Karbon Fiber Esaslı Tungsten Katalizörlerin Sentezi, Karakterizasyonu Ve Fotokatalitik Aktivitelerinin İncelenmesi”, Yalova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yalova, Türkiye
3. Aslı ALPAY (Aralık 2021), Perovskit Katalizörlerinin Polistiren Esaslı Gözenekli Polimerlere Hidrotermal Yöntem İle Kaplanması İleri Oksidasyon Prosesleri İle Tetrasiklin Antibiyotiğinin Heterojen OksidasyonuYalova Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Yalova, Türkiye.
Yüksek lisans tezinde ikinci danışmanlık
1. Yasenjıang Kunahong (Ocak 2015), “Farklı Fonksiyonel Gruplu Polimerlerin Bor Gideriminde Değerlendirilmesi”, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul Türkiye (Eş Danışman)
2. Selim Selimoğlu (Temmuz 2016), “Alümina Yüklü Doğal Zeolit ile Sulu Çözeltiden Flor Adsorpsiyonu”, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul Türkiye (Eş Danışman)
- Doktora: Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Kimya Mühendisliği, 2013
- Yüksek lisans: Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Kimya Mühendisliği, 2010
- Lisans: Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Kimya Mühendisliği, 2008