Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Onur Hamza KARABEY
Savunma Teknolojileri Enstitüsü

Onur Hamza KARABEY
(262) 605 18 48
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R Blok, 1
Çalışma alanları
Yeniden yapılandırılabilir antenler, Uydu iletişimi, 5G/6G mmWave iletişimi, Elektriksel özellikleri ayarlanabilir mikrodalga pasif bileşenler, Malzemeleri̇n mikrodalga karakterizasyonu


M. R. Dehghani, A. Akgiray, A. Mehmood, and O. H. Karabey, “Liquid Crystals: A Power and Cost-Efficient Electronically Steerable Antenna Solution for 5G,” Microwave Journal, vol. 63, no. 5, 2020

A. Mehmood, O. H. Karabey, and Rolf Jakoby, “Dielectric Resonator Antenna with Tilted Beam,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 16, 2017

O. H. Karabey, “Microwave material properties of nanoparticle doped nematic liquid crystals”, Frequenz, 2015, 69 (3-4)

O. H. Karabey, A. Mehmood, M. Ayluctarhan, H. Braun, M. Letz and R. Jakoby, “Liquid crystal based phased array antenna with improved beam scanning capability”, Electronics Letters, vo. 50, no. 6, 2014

O. H. Karabey, S. Bildik, S. Bausch, S. Strunck, A. Gaebler, and R. Jakoby,“Continuously polarization Agile antenna by using liquid crystal based tunable variable delay lines,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 61, no. 1, Jan., 2013

A.-L. Franc, O. H. Karabey, G. Rehder, E. Pistono, R. Jakoby and P. Ferrari, “Compact and broadband millimeter-wave electrically tunable phase shifter combining slow-wave effect with liquid crystal technology”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 61, pp. 3905–3915, 2013

O. H. Karabey, S. Gaebler, A.and Strunck, and R. Jakoby, “A 2-D electronically steered phased-array antenna with 2x2 elements in LC display technology,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 60, pp. 1297–1306, 2012

M. Jost, C. Weickhmann, S. Strunck, A. Gaebler, C. Fritzsch, O. H. Karabey and R. Jakoby, “Liquid crystal based low loss phase shifter for W-band frequencies”, Electronics Letters, vol. 9, pp. 1460–1462, 2013

O. H. Karabey, S. Bildik, S. Strunck, A. Gaebler, and R. Jakoby, “Continuously polarisation reconfigurable antenna element by using liquid crystal based tunable coupled line,” Electronics Letters, vol. 48, pp. 141–143, 2012

O. H. Karabey, M. Maasch, and R. Jakoby, “Stable satellite link by liquid crystal based phased array antennas,” ATZelektronik, Springer Vieweg, vol. 04, pp. 46–50, 2012

A.E. Prasetiadi, O. H. Karabey, C. Weickhmann, T. Franke, W. Hu, M. Jost, M. Nickel and R. Jakoby, „Continuously tunable substrate integrated waveguide bandpass filter in liquid crystal technology with magnetic biasing“, Electronics Letters, vol. 51, no. 20, 2015

S. Strunck, A. Gaebler, O. H. Karabey, A. Heunisch , B. Schulz, T. Rabe , R. Follmann, J Kassner, D. Koether, A. Manabe and Rolf jakoby, „Reliability study of a tunable Ka-band SIW-phase shifter based on liquid crystal in LTCC-technology“, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2015, 7(5), 521–527

M. Jost, A. Gaebler, C. Weickhmann, S. Strunck, W. Hu, O. H. Karabey and R. Jakoby, „Evolution of microwave nematic liquid crystal mixtures and development of continuously tunable micro- and millimetre wave components “ Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Vol. 610: pp. 173–186, 2015

P. Yaghmaee, O. H. Karabey, B. Bates, C. Fumeaux, and R. Jakoby, “Review Article: Electrically tuned microwave devices using liquid crystal technology,”International Journal of Antennas and Propagation,vol. 2013, pp. ID: 824214

S. Strunck, O. H. Karabey, A. Gaebler, and R. Jakoby, “Reconfigurable waveguide polariser based on liquid crystal for continuous tuning of linear polarisation,” Electronics Letters, vol. 48, pp. 441–443, 2012

C. Fritzsch, F. Giacomozzi, O. H. Karabey, S. Bildik, C. S., and R. Jakoby, “Advanced characterization of a w-band phase shifter based on liquid crystals and mems technology,” International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, Special Issue 03, vol. 4, pp. 379–386, 2012

P. Yaghmaee, C. Fumeaux, B. Bates, A. Manabe, O. H. Karabey, and R. Jakoby, “Frequency tunable s-band resonator using nematic liquid crystal,” Electronics Letters, vol. 48, pp. 798- 800, 2012


Edited by Philippe Ferrari, Rolf Jakoby, Onur Hamza Karabey, Gustavo P. Rehder, Holger Maune Reconfigurable Circuits and Technologies for Smart Millimeter-Wave Systems, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 9781316212479, 2022


O. H. Karabey, S. Bausch, S. Bildik, S. Strunck, A. Gaebler, and R. Jakoby,“Design and application of a liquid crystal varactor tunable coupled line for polarization agile antennas,” in European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2012

O. H. Karabey, F. Goelden, S. Gaebler, A.and Strunck, and R. Jakoby, “Tunable loaded line phase shifters for microwave applications,” iIEEE International Microwave Symposium (MTT-S)

O. H. Karabey, B. Saavedra, C. Fritzsch, S. Strunck, A. Gaebler, and R. Jakoby, “Methods for improving the tuning efficiency of liquid crystal based tunable phase shifters,” in European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2011

O. H. Karabey, S. Bildik, C. Fritzsch, S. Strunck, A. Gaebler, R. Jakoby, and A. Manabe, “Liquid crystal based reconfigurable antenna arrays,” 32nd ESA Antenna Workshop on Antennas for Space Applicationn, 2010

O. H. Karabey, F. Goelden, A. Gaebler, and R. Jakoby, “Precise broadband microwave material characterization of liquids,” in Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2010

O. H. Karabey, Y. Zheng, A. Gaebler, F. Goelden, and R. Jakoby, “A synthesis technique for multiband tunable impedance matching networks with optimized matching domain,” in German Microwave Conference (GeMiC), 2009

M. Jost, R. Reese, C. Weickhmann, C. Schuster, O. H. Karabey, H. Maune and R. Jakoby, „Tunable dielectric delay line phase shifter based on liquid crystal technology for a SPDT in a radiometer calibration scheme at 100 GHz“, in IEEE International Microwave Symposium (MTT-S) Digest , 2016

M. Jost, R. Reese, J. Pauls, J. S. K. Gautam, R. Gemble, C. Weickhmann, O. H. Karabey and R. Jakoby, “Comparison of hollow waveguide and dielectric fibre based SPDT switches for W-band”, in German Microwave Conference (GeMiC), 2016

M. Jost, C. Weickhmann, T. Franke, A. E. Prasetiadi, W. Hu, M. Nickel, O. H. Karabey and R. Jakoby, “Tuneable hollow waveguide devices for space applications based on liquid crystal”, in Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference(IMOC), 2015

M. Jost, S. Strunck, A. Heunisch, A. Wiens, A. E. Prasetiadi, C. Weickhmann, B. Schulzz, M. Quibeldey, O. H. Karabey, T. Rabe, R. Follmann, D. Koether and R. Jakoby, “Continuously tuneable liquid crystal based stripline phase shifter realised in LTCC technology”, in European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2015

A. Mehmood, O. H. Karabey, M. Ayluctarhan, Y. Zheng, H. Braun, M. Hovhannisyan, M. Letz and R. Jakoby, “Dielectric resonator antenna phased array with liquid crystal based phase shifters”, in 8th& European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2014

W. Hu, O. H. Karabey, A. Geabler, A. Prasetiadi, M. Jost and R. Jakoby, „Liquid crystal varactor loaded variable phase shifter for integrated, compact and fast beamsteering antenna systems“, in European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2014

S. Strunck, A. Gaebler, O. H. Karabey, M. Jost and R. Jakoby, „Electrically reconfigurable waveguide polarizer using liquid crystal technology for Ka-band applications“, in European Microwave Conference (EuMC)

M. Nickel, O. H. Karabey, M. Maasch, R. Reese, M. Jost, C. Damm, R. Jakoby and H. Maune, “Analysis of Hybrid-Passive-Active Phased Array Configurations Based on an SNR Approximation" 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), 2017

M. Jost, C. Weickhmann, S. Strunck, A. Gaebler, W. Hu, T. Franke, A.Prasetiadi, O. H. Karabey and R. Jakoby, "Electrically biased W-band phase shifter based in liquid crystal," in Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 2014 39th International Conference on, Sept. 2014

W. Hu, O. H. Karabey, A. E. Prasetiadi, M. Jost and R. Jakoby, “Temperature controlled artificial coaxial line for microwave liquod crystal characterization”, in German Microwave Conference (GEMIC)

M. Roig, M. Maasch, C. Damm, O. H. Karabey and R. Jakoby, “Liquid crystal based tunable composite right/left-handed leaky-wave antenna for Ka-Band applications", in EuropeanMicrowave Conference (EuMC), 2013

A. Mehmood, Y. Sun, Y. Zheng, O. H. Karabey, H. Braun, M. Hovhannisyan, M. Letz and Rolf Jakoby, “Compact Dual-Band Hybrid Dielectric Resonator Antenna Based on New Glass-Ceramic Material" in European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2013

S. Strunck, O. H. Karabey, Christian Weickhmann, Alexander Gaebler, Rolf Jakoby, “Continuously Tunable Phase Shifters for Phased Arrays based on Liquid Crystal” in IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems Technology, 2013

M. Maasch, O. H. Karabey, C. Damm, M. Roig, and R. Jakoby, “Investigation on the beam-scanning capability of a gradient index fishnet structure,” in IEEE International Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (AP-S) Digest. Held in Conjunction with: USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting 2012

S. Bildik, O. H. Karabey, C. Fritzsch, and R. Jakoby, “Temperature investigations of liquid crystal based reconfigurable reflectarrays,” in 15th International Symposium of Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics, 2012

S. Bildik, O. H. Karabey, D. S., C. Fritzsch, A. Gaebler, R. Jakoby, and M.W., “Recent advances on liquid crystal based reconfigurable antenna arrays,” ESA Antenna Workshop on Large Deployable Antennas, 2012,

M. Maasch, A. Groudas, O. H. Karabey, C. Damm, and R. Jakoby, “Electrically tunable open split-ring resonators based on liquid crystal material,” in Metamorphose VI, 2012

S. Strunck, A. Gaebler, O. H. Karabey, R. Follmann, D. Koether, A. Manabe, A. Heunisch, B. Schulz, T. Rabe, F. Gora, and R. Jakoby, “Liquid crystal filled ltcc phase shifter,” in ESA Workshop on Microwave Technologies Techniques, 2012

C. Fritzsch, F. Giacomozzi, O. H. Karabey, F. Goelden, A. Moessinger, S. Bildik, S. Colpo, and R. Jakoby, “Continuously tunable w-band phase shifter based on liquid crystals and mems technology,” in European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2011

M. Maasch, O. H. Karabey, S. Strunck, and R. Jakoby, “Selected applications of tunable materials for microwave components,” 5th European User Group Meeting, 2010

A. Gaebler, F. Goelden, O. H. Karabey and R. Jakoby, “A fdfd based eigendielectric formulation of the maxwell equations for material characterization in arbitrary waveguide structures,” in IEEE International Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT-S), 2010

F. Goelden, A. Gaebler, O. H. Karabey, M. Goebel, A. Manabe, and R. Jakoby, “Tunable band-pass filter based on liquid crystal,” in German Microwave Conference (GeMiC), 210


Electronically steerable planar phased array antenna, granted in US, CN, EP, DE, FR, GB, KR and JP, LINK:https://patents.google.com/patent/EP2761693B1/en?oq=patent+EP+2761693

Phase shift device, US, KR, CN, JP, EP, DE, AT, CH, IE, IT, NL, NO, SE, ES, FR and GB, LINK:https://patents.google.com/patent/US20190103644A1/

Radio frequency phase shifting device, granted in US, CN, EP, LINK: https://patents.google.com/patent/US20200044300A1/en

Radio frequency phase shifting device, granted in CN, EP, LINK: https://patents.google.com/patent/EP3664215A1/

Phased Array Antenna, granted in US, CN, EP, LINK:https://patents.google.com/patent/US20200144718A1/en

Radio Frequency Device, granted in EP, LINK:https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2020174069A1/

Braulio Gomez Saavedra, Design and Realization of Novel Tunable CPW Loaded Line Phase Shifters Based on Liquid Crystals), Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2010

Investigation on Polarisation Tunable Antennas Based on Liquid Crystal, Sara Dorothee Bausch, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2011

Investigations on Ring Resonators Based on LC Technology for Tunable Phase Shifters and Filters, Alexander Groudas, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2012

Investigations on Beam Steering of Dielectric Resonator Antennas in Liquid Crystal Technology, Muhammed Ayluctarhan, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2013

Tunable Distribution network for Amplitude Control in Array Antennas, Kashan Mobeen, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2015

  • Doktora: Electronic Beam Steering and Polarization Agile Planar Antennas in Liquid Crystal Technology, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-01424-1

  • Yüksek lisans: Investigation of Tunable Impedance Matching Networks for Multiband Application, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
  • Lisans: Middle East Technical University, Türkiye