Doç. Dr.
Mehmet ÖZBİL
Biyoteknoloji enstitüsü

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- Çalışma alanları
- hesaplamalı biyokimya, protein dinamiği, bilgisayarlı ilaç dizaynı, moleküler dinamik simülasyonları, protein-ligant etkileşimi
- Detaylı özgeçmiş
- CV_MO_020924-TR.pdf
Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlar
1. </span>Cubuk, H., </span>Ozbil, M., Hatir, P.C. “Computational analysis of functional monomers used in molecular imprinting for promising COVID-19 detection” </span>Comput. Theor. Chem., 11325, </span>2021. 
2. Fareed, F.M.A, Korulu, S., Özbil, M., Çapan, Ö.Y. “HNF1A-MODY Mutations in Nuclear Localization Signal Impair HNF1A-Import Receptor KPNA6 Interactions” </span>Protein J.</span>, 2021. </span>
3. Turk</span>‐</span>Erbul, B., Karaman E.F., Duran, G.N., Ozbil, M., Ozden, S., Goktas, F. “</span>Synthesis, in vitro cytotoxic and apoptotic effects, and molecular docking study of novel adamantane derivatives</span>” Arch Pharm. e2000256, 2021.</span> </span>
4. </span></span>Çubuk, H., </span>Özbil, M. </span>“Comparison of clinically approved molecules on SARS-CoV-2 drug target proteins: A molecular docking study” Turk. J. Chem, 45, 35-41, 2021. </span>
5. </span></span>Sevincli, Z.S., Duran, G.N., </span>Ö</span>zbil, M.,</span> Karali, N. “Synthesis, molecular modeling and antiviral activity of novel 5-fluoro-1H-indole-2,3-dione 3-thiosemicarbazones” Bioorg. Chem. 104, 104202, 2020.</span>
6.Göktaş, F., Özbil, M., Cesur, N., Vanderlinden, E., Naesens, L., Cesur, Z. “Novel N‐(1‐thia‐4‐azaspiro[4.5]decan‐4‐yl)carboxamide derivatives as potent and selective influenza virus fusion inhibitors” Arc. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci. e1900028, 2019.
7.Özbil, M. “Computational investigation of influenza A virus M2 protein inhibition mechanism by ion channel blockers” Turk. J. Chem. 43, 335-351, 2019.
8.Lalehan, O., Sağ Erdem, S., Yüce-Dursun, B., Mutlu, Ö., Özbil, M. “Computational insight into the phthalocyanine-DNA binding via dockingand molecular dynamics simulations” Comput. Biol. Chem. 77, 87 – 96, 2018.
9.Ahmed, L., Zhang, Y., Block, E., Buehl, M., Corr, M.J., Cormanich, R.A., Gundala, S., Matsunami, H., O’Hagan, D., Ozbil, M., et al. “Molecular mechanism of activation of human musk receptors OR5AN1 and OR1A1 by (R)-muscone and diverse other musk-smelling compounds”. Proc, Natl. Acad. Sci.,USA, 115 (17) E3950-E3958;</span> </span>2018.
10. Lee, H.J., Korshavn, K.J., Nam, Y., Kang, J., Paul, T.J., Kerr, R.A., Youn, I.S., Ozbil, M., et al. “Structural and Mechanistic Insights into Development of Chemical Tools to Control Individual and Inter-Related Pathological Features in Alzheimer’s Disease”. Chem. Eur. J., 23, 2706 – 2715, 2017.
11.Berber, E., Ozbil, M., Brown, C., Baslar, Z., Caglayan, S.H., Lillicrap, D. “Functional Characterization of the Type 1 VWD candidate VWF gene variants: p.M771I, p.L881R , p.P1413L, and p.Q1475X”. Blood Transfusion, doi: 10.2450/2016.0034-16, 2016.
12.Paul, T.J., Barman, A., Ozbil, M., Bora, R.P., Zhang, T., Sharma, G., Hoffmann, Z. and Prabhakar, R. “Mechanisms of Peptide hydrolysis by Aspartyl and Metalloproteases”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18, p: 24790-24801, 2016.
13.Block, E., Jang, S., Matsunami, H., Batista, V.S., Dethier, B., Ertem. M.Z., Gundala, S., Jiang, H., Li, S., Li, Z., Lodge, S.N., Ozbil, M., Pan, Y., Penalba, S.F., Sekharan, S., and Zhuang, H. “Implausibility of the vibrational theory of olfaction”. Proc, Natl. Acad. Sci.,USA, 112, p: E2766–E2774, 2015.
14.Derrick, J.S., Kerr, R.A., Nam, Y., Oh, S.B., Lee, H.J., Earnest, K.G., Suh, N., Peck, K.L., Ozbil, M., Korshavn, K.J., Ramamoorthy, A., Prabhakar, R., Merino, E.J., Shearer, J., Lee, J-Y., Ruotolo, B.T., and Lim, M.H. “A redox-active, compact tool for the crosslinking of amyloidogenic peptides into nontoxic, off-pathway aggregates: in vitro and in vivo efficacy and molecular mechanisms”. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137(46), p: 14785-14797, 2015.
15. Song, E.S., Ozbil, M., Zhang, T., Sheetz, M., Lee, D., Tran, D., Li, S., Prabhakar, R., Hersh, L.B., and Rodgers, D.W. “An Extended Polyanion Activation Surface in Insulun Degrading Enzyme”. PLOS One, 10(7):e0133114, 2015. &amp;amp;#160;
16. Zhang, T., Ozbil, M., Barman, A., Paul, T.J., Bora, R.P., Barman, A., and Prabhakar, R. “Theoretical Insights into the Functioning of Metallopeptidases andtheir Synthetic Analogues”. Acc. Chem. Res. (invited article),48(2), p: 192-200, 2015.
17. Cook, N.P., Ozbil, M., Katsampes, C., Prabhakar, R., and Martí, A.A. “Rationalizing the Light-Switching Binding of Ruthenium (II) Dipyridophenazine Complexes to Amyloid-β”. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135 (29), p: 10810–10816, 2013. &amp;amp;#160;(Highlighted in C&amp;amp;amp;EN NEWS, 90, 21, p:27, July 22 Issue, 2013).
18. Liu, Y., Mukherjee, A., Nahumi, N., Ozbil, M., Brown, D., Angeles-Boza, A.M., Dooley, D.M., Prabhakar, R., and Roth, J.P. “Experimental and Computational Evidence of Metal-O2 Activation in a Copper Amine Oxidase”. J. Phys. Chem. B, 117 (1), p: 218–229, 2013.
19.Ozbil, M., Barman, A., Bora, R.P., and Prabhakar, R. “Perspective: Computational Insights into Dynamics of Protein Aggregation and Enzyme-Substrate Interactions”. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 3, p: 3460-3469, 2012.
20. Kurouski, D., Washington, J., Ozbil, M., Prabhakar, R., Shekhtman, A., and Lednev, I., “Disulfide Bridges Remain Intact While Native Insulin Converts into Amyloid Fibrils”. PLoS ONE, 7(6), e36989, 2012.
21. Zhu, X., Barman, A., Ozbil, M., Zhang, T., Li, S. and Prabhakar, R., “Mechanism of Peptide Hydrolysis by Co-catalytic Metal Centers Containing Leucine Aminopeptidase Enzyme: A DFT Approach”. J. Biol. Inorg. Chem., 17(2), p: 209-222, 2011.
22. Bora, R.P., Barman, A., Zhu, X., Ozbil, M., and Prabhakar, R., “Which One Among Aspartyl Protease, Metallopeptidase, and Artificial Metallopeptidase is the Most Efficient Catalyst in Peptide Hydrolysis?”. J. Phys. Chem. B, 114, p: 10860-10875, 2010.
23. Bora, R.P., Ozbil, M., and Prabhakar, R., “Elucidation of Insulin Degrading Enzyme Catalyzed Site Specific Hydrolytic Cleavage of Amyloid β-Peptide: A Comparative DFT Study”. J. Biol. Inorg. Chem., 15(40), p: 485-495, 2010.
Konferans Bildirileri
1.Özbil, M. “Computational Construction of Neisseria Meningiditis Fe3+ Transfer Triple Complex”, 2nd Euroasia Biochemical Approaches &Technologies Congress, Antalya, Turkey, October 26-30, 2019.
2.Özbil, M. “Antiviral Bileşiklerin Herpes simpleks Virüslerine Bağlanmalarının in silico Analizi”, 31. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Istanbul, Turkey, September 10-14, 2019.
3.Özbil, M. “Computational Investigation on Influenza A Virus M2 Protein Inhibition”, 1st Euroasia Biochemical Approaches &amp;amp;amp; Technologies Congress, Antalya, Turkey, October 27-30, 2018.
4.Özbil, M. “Chemical and Structural Effects of Inhibitor Moleules on Influenza A Virus M2 Proton Channel” 11th European Conference of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Barcelona, Spain, September 4-7, 2017.
5.Özbil, M. “Investigating Inhibitor Binding Sites on Influenza A Virus M2 Protein” 4th International BAU Drug Design Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, October 13-15, 2016.
6.Ozbil, M. and Prabhakar, R. “Mechanisms of Stimulation of Insulin Degrading Enzyme (IDE) and Substrate Specificity of Neprilysin (NEP)” ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 7-11, 2013. (selected for Chairs` Prime Choices Section)
7.Ozbil, M. and Prabhakar, R., “Investigating The Activation of Insulin Degrading Enzyme (IDE) and Selectivity of Neprilysin (NEP)” FAME-ACS Florida Section Meeting,Tampa, FL, May 17-20, 2012.
8.Ozbil, M. and Prabhakar, R., “Investigating The Peptide Bond Hydrolysis by Neprilysin (NEP)” FAME-ACS Florida Section Meeting, Tampa, FL, May 15-18, 2011.
9.Ozbil, M. and Prabhakar, R., “Computational Study of Neprilysin (NEP) and The Full Length Alzheimer`s Amyloid Beta (Aβ)”FAME-ACS Florida Section Meeting,Tampa, FL, May 13-16, 2010.
"İnsan Serum Transferin (hTF) ve Bağlanma Proteinlerinden (TbpA, TbpB) Oluşan Üçlü Kompleksin Hesaplamalı Yapısı" Gizem Nur Duran
"Faj phi AB6 Kuyruk Spike Proteini Konak Aralığının Hesapsal Çalışmalarla Arttırılması" Berna Erdoğdu</span>
"Elucidating the anticancer activities of novel triarylbenzophenone derivatives by mechanism-based and in silico approaches" Serhat Dönmez</span></span>
"</span>Özgün selagibenzofenon B türevlerinin PARP-1 inhibitörü olarak terapötik etkinliklerinin kastrasyon dirençli prostat kanseri tedavisinde araştırılması</span>" Hazal Nazlıcan Atalay</span>
"The identification of potential targets of cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors (CDK-i) using in silico methods and confirmation with C. elegans and cell line disease models</span>" Aziz Rıdvan Ayaz</span>
"Computational evaluation of molecularly imprinted monomers that selectively bind alzheimer's disease apoE4 protein</span>" Miray Çakıroğlu</span>
"</span>Computational Analysis of Human Telomerase Protein and the Effects of TCAB1 Mutations on Complexation</span>" Kamer Nisa Baz</span>
- Doktora: University of Miami-Department of Chemistry, 2013
- Yüksek lisans:
- Lisans: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi-Kimya Bölümü, 2007