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- Endüstriyel biyoteknoloji, gıda biyoteknolojisi, fonksiyonel gıda katkı maddeleri, biyoproses geliştirme&optimizasyon
A1. Smilja Todorovic, Asli Akpinar, Ricardo Assunção, Cornelia Bär, Simona L. Bavaro, Muzeyyen Berkel Kasikci, Julieta Domínguez-Soberanes, Vittorio Capozzi, Paul D. Cotter, Eun-Hee Doo, Burcu Gündüz Ergün, Mustafa Guzel, Hayriye S. Harsa, Emre Hastaoglu, Christèle Humblot, Bahtir Hyseni, </span>Muge I. Hosoglu, Aline Issa, Barçın Karakaş-Budak, Sibel Karakaya, Harun Kesenkas, Erhan Keyvan, Ibrahim E. Künili, Mary-Liis Kütt, Marta Laranjo, Sandrine Louis, Fani T. Mantzouridou, Antonia Matalas, Baltasar Mayo, Sandra Mojsova, Arghya Mukherjee, Anastasios Nikolaou, Fatih Ortakci, Diana Paveljšek, Giancarlo Perrone, Eugenia Pertziger, Dushica Santa, Taner Sar, Isabelle Savary-Auzeloux, Clarissa Schwab, Małgorzata Starowicz, Marko Stojanović, Michail Syrpas, Jyoti P. Tamang, Oktay Yerlikaya,
Birsen Yilmaz, Jeadran Malagon-Rojas, Seppo Salminen, Juana Frias, Christophe Chassard and Guy Vergères. 2024 Health benefts and risks of fermented foods—the PIMENTO initiative. Frontiers in Nutrition. DOI 10.3389/fnut.2024.1458536</span>
A2. Taner Sar, Ariel Marchlewicz, Sharareh Harirchi, Fani Mantzouridou, </span>Muge Isleten Hosoglu,
Meltem Yesilcimen Akbas, Coralie Hellwig, Mohammad J. Taherzadeh. 2024. Resource recovery and treatment of wastewaters using filamentous fungi. Science of the Total Environment 951. 175752.</span>
A3. Cansu YAY, Zeynep Ozlem CINAR, Serhat DONMEZ, Tugba BOYUNEGMEZ TUMER, Onur GUNESER, </span>Muge ISLETEN HOSOGLU. 2024. The Effect of Different Bioreactor Conditions on Some Chemical and Bioactive Properties of Spirulina Fermented by Mixed Culture of Lactobacillus helveticus and Kluyveromyces marxianus. Bioresource Technology. Volume 403. 130832.</span>
A4. Naciye OZTURK, Cansu YAY, Zeynep Özlem CINAR, Hazal Nazlıcan ATALAY, Onur GUNESER, </span>Muge ISLETEN HOSOGLU, Tugba BOYUNEGMEZ TUMER. 2024. Optimizations related to the use of Lactobacillus helveticus, Kluyveromyces marxianus individually, and in combination for production of Spirulina-based fermented algae products. Algal research. (Under revision)</span>
A5. Habibe Kurt, </span>Muge Isleten Hosoglu, Onur Guneser, Yonca Karagul-Yuceer. 2023. Influence of Different Bacteria Species in Chemical Composition and Sensory Properties of Fermented Spirulina. Food Chemistry. Vol. 400. 133994.</span>
A6. Onur Guneser, Yonca Karagul-Yuceer, </span>Muge Isleten Hosoglu, Sine Ozmen Togay, Murat Elibol. 2022. Production of flavour compounds from rice bran by yeast metabolisms of Kluyveromyces marxianus and Debaryomyces hansenii. Braz J Microbiol. doi: 10.1007/s42770-022-00766-6 </span>
A7. Busra Sahin, </span>Muge Isleten Hosoglu, Onur Guneser, Yonca Karagul-Yuceer. 2022. Fermented Spirulina products with Saccharomyces and non- Saccharomyces yeasts: Special reference to their microbial, physico-chemical and sensory characterizations. Food Bioscience. Volume 47, 101691.</span>
A8. Nesrin Merve Çelebi Uzkuç, Hasan Uzkuç, Mehmet Mert Berber, Kübra Tarhan Kuzu, Sine Ozmen Togay, </span>Müge Isleten Hosoglu, Aysegül Kırca Toklucu, Saliha B. Kurt, Nurettin Sahiner, Yonca Karagül Yüceer. 2021. Stabilisation of lavender essential oil extracted by microwave-assisted hydrodistillation: Characteristics of starch and soy protein-based microemulsions. Industrial Crops & Products 172 (2021) 114034</span>
A9. Kılmanoglu Hilal, </span>Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Karagul Yuceer, Y. Guneser, O., 2021. Optimization of pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis conditions of tomato pomace for production of alcohols and esters by Kluyveromyces marxianus, LWT, 138</span>
A10. Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Karagul Yuceer, Y. Guneser, O., 2020. Aroma Characterization of Heterotrophic Microalgae Crypthecodinium cohnii Using Solid-Phase Microextraction and Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry/Olfactometry during Different Growth Phases. Algal Research. Volume 49.</span>
A11.</span> Isleten-Hosoglu, M. 2018. Aroma characterization of five microalgae species using solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/olfactometry. Food Chemistry. 240. 1210-1218.</span>
A12.  Isleten-Hosoglu, M. Elibol, M. 2017. Improvement of Medium Composition and
Cultivation Conditions for Growth and Lipid Production by Crypthecodinium cohnii. Romanian
Biotechnological Letters. Volume: 22 Issue: 6 Pages: 13086-13095
A13. Guneser, O, Demirkol, A, Karagul Yuceer, Y.  Ozmen-Togay, S., Isleten-Hosoglu, M. Elibol,
M.2016.Production of Flavor Compounds from Olive Oil Mill Waste by Rhizopus
oryzae and Candida tropicalis.  Brazilian Journal of Microbiology. Volume 48, Issue 2, April–June 2017, Pages 275-285.
A14. Guneser, O., Demirkol, A., Karagul Yuceer, Y.  Ozmen-Togay, S., Isleten-Hosoglu, M. Elibol,
M.2015.Bioflavor Production from Tomato and Pepper Pomaces by Kluyveromyces marxianus and Debaryomyces hansenii. Bioprocess and Biosystem Engineering. 38, 6, 1143-55.
A15. Yıldırım, A., Demirel, Z., Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Akgun, İ. H., Hatipoglu-Uslu, S., Conk-Dalay, M. 2014. Carotenoid and Fatty Acid Compositions of an Indigenous Ettlia texensis Isolate (Chlorophyceae) Under Phototrophic and Mixotrophic Conditions. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology.
A16. Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Ayyıldız-Tamis, D., Zengin, G., Elibol, M. 2013. Enhanced Growth and Lipid
Accumulation by a New Ettlia texensis Isolate Under Optimized Photoheterotrophic Condition. Bioresource Technology. 131, 258-265
A17. Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Gultepe, I., Elibol, M. 2012. Optimization of Carbon and Nitrogen Sources for
Biomass and Lipid Production by Chlorella saccharophila under Heterotrophic Conditions and Development of Nile Red Fluorescence Based Method for Quantification of Its Neutral Lipid Content. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 61, 11–19.
A18. Yesil-Celiktas, O., Isleten, M., Cetin O. E., Vardar-Sukan F. 2010. In vitro Release
Kinetics of Pine Bark Extract Enriched Orange Juice and the Shelf Stability. British
Food Journal, 112, (10), 1063-1076. 
A19. Karagul Yuceer, Y., Tuncel, B, Guneser, O., Engin, B., Isleten, M., Yasar, K, and Mendes, M., 2009. Characterization of Aroma-active Compounds, Sensory Properties, and Proteolysis in Ezine Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. 2009. 92:4146-4157.
A20. Celiktas Y. Ö., Isleten M., Yuceer K. Y. Bedir E., Sukan V. F. 2009. Influence Of Supercritical CO2 And Methanolic Extracts Of Rosemary On Sensory Properties And Shelf-Life Of Wheat Germ Oil. Journal of Food Quality. 32;709-724.
A21. Isleten, M. and Yuceer, Y. 2008. Effects of Functional Dairy Based Proteins on Nonfat Yogurt Quality. Journal of Food Quality. 31;265-280.
A22. Yuceer, K.Y., Isleten, M., Pala, C. 2007. Sensory Characteristics of Ezine Cheese. Journal of Sensory Studies. 22;49-65. 
A23. Isleten, M. and Yuceer, Y. 2006. Effects of Dried Dairy Ingredients on Physical and Sensory Properties of Non Fat Yogurts. Journal of Dairy Science. 89:2865-2872.
B1. Bilgen Özsoy, Cansu Yay, Alper Yellice, Onur Güneşer, Umut Çiftçi, Müge Işleten Hoşoğlu.
2024. Alternative protein sources: Nutritional analysis of protein concentrates
obtained from variety of raw materials by alkaline extraction. Vth.
International Enzyme & Bioprocess Days, 27-29 August, IYTE, Urla, Izmir,
Turkiye. (oral presentation). 
B2. Cansu Yay, Busra Sahin, Habibe Kurt, Naciye Ozturk, Onur Guneser, Yonca Karagul  Yuceer, Müge İşleten Hoşoğlu. 2024
Development of a bioprocess strategy to make the flavor of algae-based products
more attractive with fermentation. Vth. International Enzyme & Bioprocess
Days, 27-29 August, IYTE, Urla, Izmir, Turkiye. (oral presentation). 
B3. Bilgen Ozsoy, Cansu Yay, Müge İşleten Hoşoğlu. 2024. “Sustainable Protein Production:
Exploring The Efficacy of Alkaline Extraction from Diverse Sources”
International Food Innovation and Sustainability Congress (IFIS-2024), YTÜ,
İstanbul, Turkiye. (oral presentation). 
B4. Müge İşleten Hoşoğlu. Changes in biochemical and angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE)
inhibitory properties of Spirulina products fermented by Lactobacilluıs
helveticus, Kluyveromyces marxianus, and their mixed culture. ISNFF 2022,
Annual Conference & Exhibition Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals, Natural Health
Products and Dietary Supplements  02-05
October 2022 (oral presentation). 
B5. Müge İşleten Hoşoğlu. Fermentation of algae to improve their chemical and bioactive
Ege University, Bioengineering Department, Bornova, Izmir (oral presentation).
B6. Naciye Yağız, Cansu Yay, Muge Isleten Hosoglu, Onur Guneser. 2021. The Influence of Spirulina
platensis Fermentation Medium on the Growth and Some Metabolic Activities of
Lactobacillus helveticus and Kluyveromyces marxianus. 13th
International Conference on Protein Stabilization. (Oral Presentation),
October, 07-09, 2021.
B7. Cansu Yay, Naciye Yağız, Müge Işleten Hoşoğlu. 2021. The Impact of Fermentation on Antioxidant
and Antimicrobial Activities of Spirulina platensis. 13th International Conference on Protein Stabilization. (Oral Presentation), October, 07-09, 2021.
B8. Sahin B., Isleten-Hosoglu M., (2020), “Screening different yeast species for development
of fermented Spirulina products”, II. International Enzyme and Bioprocess Days
(EBDays’2020), (Poster Presentation), Enzyme Testing and Consultancy Center
(ETDAM), Gebze Technical University, September 01 – 03, 2020.
B9. Kurt H., Isleten-Hosoglu M., (2020), “Screening different types of microorganisms for
development of fermented Spirulina products”, II. International Enzyme and
Bioprocess Days (EBDays’2020), (Poster Presentation), Enzyme Testing and
Consultancy Center (ETDAM), Gebze Technical University, September 01 – 03,
B10. Mehmet Mert Berber, N. Merve Celebi Uzkuc, Hasan Uzkuc, Sine Ozmen Togay, Muge Isleten Hosoglu, Kubra Tarhan Kuzu, Yonca Karagul Yuceer, Nurettin Sahiner. 2019. Antimicrobial
Properties Of Microwave-Assisted Extracts Of Bay Leaf Essential Oils And Micro/Nanoemulsions Thereof: Application To Fresh Orange Juice. 1st International Conference on Food Technology and Nutrition (ICFTN 2019) University of Tetova, 15-17 May 2019, Macedonia.
B11. Melike Güner, Müge İşleten Hoşoğlu, Yonca Karagül Yüceer. 2019. Biotechnological productıon of flavor compounds: A process consideration of 2-phenylethanol production. 1st International Conference on Food Technology and Nutrition (ICFTN 2019) University of Tetova, 15-17 May 2019, Macedonia.
B12. Hasan Uzkuc, N. Merve Celebi Uzkuc, Mehmet Mert Berber, Kubra Tarhan Kuzu, Muge Isleten Hosoglu, Aysegul Kirca Toklucu, Yonca Karagul Yuceer, Nurettin Sahiner. 2019. Antioxidant capacity of lavender essential oils and micro/nanoemulsions Thereof: application to fresh orange juice.
1st International Conference on Food Technology and Nutrition (ICFTN 2019) University of Tetova, 15-17 May 2019, Macedonia (oral presentation).
B13. Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Çelebi-Uzkuç, N.M., Karagul-Yuceer, Y., Sengel, S.B., Sahiner, N. 2018. Microwave-assistedhydrodistillation of essential oils from dried lavender leaves and their stabilization by micro/nanoemulsions. Bioflavour 2018. 18 – 21 September 2018. Frankfurt am Main · Germany
B14. Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Karagul-Yuceer, Y. 2018. Changes in Aroma Compounds Produced by
Heterotrophic Microalgae Crypthecodinium cohnii Using Solid-Phase Microextraction and Gas
Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry/Olfactometry During Different Growth Phases. Bioflavour
2018. 18 – 21September 2018. Frankfurt am Main · Germany
B15. Isleten-Hosoglu, M.,Karagul-Yuceer, Y. 2017. Changes in Volatile Compounds Produced by Microalgae Schizochytrium limacinum with Different Growth Phases and Carbon Sources. International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food Sciences and Technologies. Page. 433. 15-17 May 2017. Cappodocia, Turkey (oral presentation)
B16. Aslı DEMİRKOL, Müge İŞLETEN HOŞOĞLU,Onur GÜNEŞER, Yonca KARAGÜL YÜCEER, Sine ÖZMEN TOĞAY, Murat ELİBOL. 2017. Biosynthesis of Higher Alcohols and Acetate Esters
from Orange Peel Waste by Kluyveromyces marxianus. International Conference on Agriculture,
Forest, Food Sciences and Technologies. 15-17 May 2017. Cappodocia, Turkey
B17. Isleten-Hosoglu, M.,Karagul-Yuceer, Y. 2016. Production of Volatile Organic Compounds by Five Species of Microalgae: the Use of Solid Phase Microextraction (Spme)
Coupled to Gc-Ms as A Method of Analysis. 10th Aegean
Analytical Chemistry Days. Page 214. 29 September
– 2 October, Çanakkale, Turkey
B18. Şimşek, H., Isleten-Hosoglu,
M., Karagul-Yuceer, Y. 2016. Effects of Different Pretreatment Methods on Production of Some Volatile Organic Compounds from Tomato and Pepper Pomaces. 10th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days. 29 September – 2
October, Çanakkale, Turkey
B19. Guneser, O., Demirkol, A.,
Karagul-Yuceer, Y., Ozmen-Togay, S., Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Elibol, M.,
2014. Production of BioFlavors by Fungal Metabolisms:  The Concepts of Tricoderma atroviride and
Aspergillus sojae. 5th
European yeast flavour workshop conference, Biotechnology for natural flavour production.
Riviera, Switzerland
B20. Demirkol, A., Guneser, O.,
Karagul-Yuceer, Y., Ozmen-Togay, S., Isleten-Hosoglu,
M., Elibol, M., 2014. Using Trichoderma atroviride to Produce
Aroma-active Compounds from Orange Peel. 5th
European yeast flavour workshop conference, Biotechnology for natural flavour
production. Riviera, Switzerland
B21. Ayyildiz-Tamis, D., Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Elibol, M.
2013. Comprehensive Procedure to Obtain Axenic Cultures of Local Microalgae
Species for Photoheterotrophic and Heterotrophic Microalgal Growth and Lipid
Production.6th International Bioengineering Congress. November, 12 - 15,
 İzmir, Turkey.
B22. Ayyildiz-Tamis, D., Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Elibol, M.
2013. Photoheterotrophic adaptation of microalgae and enhanced lipid production
under different conditions. 6th International
Bioengineering Congress. November, 12 – 15, İzmir, Turkey (Oral
B23. Guneser, O., Demirkol, A.,
Karagul-Yuceer, Y., Ozmen-Togay, S., Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Elibol, M.,
2013. Bioflavour production from Agro-wastes: Tomato and red pepper pomaces.
4th European yeast flavour workshop conference, Biotechnology for natural
flavour production.  July, 22-23, Freising,
Germany, 23. (Oral presentation)
B24. Guneser, O., Demirkol, A.,
Karagul-Yuceer, Y., Ozmen-Togay, S., Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Elibol, M.,
2013. Bioflavour production from rice bran by using Kluveromyces marxianus
and Debaroymyces hansenii. 4th European yeast flavour workshop
conference, Biotechnology for natural flavour production.  July, 22-23, Freising, Germany, 38.
B25. Guneser, O., Demirkol, A.,
Karagul-Yuceer, Y., Ozmen-Togay, S., Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Elibol, M.,
2013. Optimization of Bioflavor Production from Whey by Using Kluveromyces
marxianus: A Response Surface Approach. 4th European yeast flavour workshop
conference, Biotechnology for natural flavour production.  July, 22-23, Freising, Germany,39.
B26. Gultepe, I., Isleten-Hosoglu, M.,
Elibol, M. Simultaneous Microalgae Production and Phenol Biodegradation in
Olive Mill Wastewater Using Chlorella
saccharophila. 9th European
Workshop “Biotechnology of Microalgae". 
4-5 June 2012. Berlin, Germany,76.
B27. Ayyıldız-Tamis, D., Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Demirel,
Z., Conk-Dalay, M., Elibol, M. Selection of Suitable Microalgae Species for
Lipid Production from Local Isolates and Development of Their Cultural
Conditions. 9th European Workshop “Biotechnology of Microalgae".  4-5 June 2012.
Berlin, Germany,77. 
B28. Gultepe, I.,
Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Elibol, M. ”The Effect of Olive Mill Wastewater
on Growth of Heterotrophic Microalgae and Removal of Total Phenol
Concentration” 14-16 September 2011. IV
International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology
(BioMicroWorld 2011), Spain,365.
B29. Ayyıldız-Tamis, D., Isleten-Hosoglu, M.,
Elibol, M. “An
Efficient Protocol to Obtain Axenic Culture of Oil Rich Neochloris
pseudoalveolaris and Its Adaptation to Photoheterotrophic Cultivation”14-16 September 2011. IV
International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology
(BioMicroWorld 2011), Spain,287.
B30. Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Elibol, M. “Docosahexaenoic Acid Production by
Heterotrophic Microalga, Crypthecodinium cohnii in Whey and Corn Steep
Liquor Medium” 14-16 September 2011. IV International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied
Microbiology (BioMicroWorld 2011), Spain. 313. (Oral presentation) 
B31. Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Elibol, M. “Heterotrophic
and Mixotrophic  Growth Capabilities of
Some Microalgae Species For Lipid Production” ATCAB 2010.  Workshop on “Advanced training course in Algal
Biotechnoloy”. 25-29 October 2010. İzmir. (Sözlü sunum)
B32. Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Elibol, M. “Lipid Synthesis
in Heterotrophic Microalgal Cultures” 14th International Biotechnology
Symposium and Exhibition Biotechnology for the Sustainability of  Human Society. 14-18 September 2010
Palacongressi, Rimini - Italy
B33. Guneser,
O., Karagul Yuceer, Y., Ozmen Togay, S., Isleten Hosoglu, M. , Elibol,
M. 2012. Production of Natural Flavor Compounds by Rhizopus oryzae and Candida
tropicalis Grown on Olive
Pomace. 20-22 Haziran 2012. 3rd European Yeast Flavour Workshop
(Vevey, Switzerland). (Oral
B34.Demirkol, A, Guneser,
O., Karagul Yuceer, Y., Ozmen Togay, S., Isleten Hosoglu, M. , Elibol,
M. 2012. Bioaroma Compounds Produced from Orange Peel. 20-22 Haziran 2012. 3rd
European Yeast Flavour Workshop (Vevey, Switzerland).(Oral presentation)
B35. Yuceer-Karagul,
Y., Guneser, O., Togay, O., Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Elibol, M. “Potential
use of olive Pomace to Produce Bioaroma” COST Action FA0907, 2nd
European Yeast Flavour Workshop, 26-27 May,2011 Delft, Netherlands.
B36. Karagül Yüceer, Y., Guneser, O., Toğay-Özmen,S., Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Elibol, M. “Production and optimization of natural flavor compounds
from agricultural waste using biotechnology” COST Action FA0907, European Yeast
Flavour Workshop, 28-29 October 2010, INSA-Toulouse, France
B37. Isleten, M., Onal, T., Elibol, M. “An
Investigation of Heterotrophic Capabilities of Some Microalgal Species” 5.
International Bioengineering Congress 16-19 Haziran 2010. İzmir. (Oral
B38. Eriksen, N.T., Pleissner, D., Isleten,
M. “Pigment and Lipid Synthesis in Heterotrophic Microalgal Cultures” 5.
International Bioengineering Congress 16-19 Haziran 2010. İzmir,82-84.
B39. Isleten, M., Pala, Ç.U., Karagul-Yuceer, Y.
“Fruit Flavoured- Probiotic Dairy Beverages.” TUBITAK Marmara Research Center Food
Institute 1st International Food and Nutrition Congress 15-18
Haziran 2005, Istanbul.
B40. Tuncel, B., Pala, Ç.U., Isleten, M.,
Karagul-Yuceer, Y. “Gluten-free Cereal Based Products and Recent Developments”
TUBITAK Marmara Research Center Food Institute 1st International
Food and Nutrition Congress. 15-18 Haziran 2005, Istanbul.
C1. Başak Dalbayrak, Ekin Sönmez , Habibe Kurt , Müge İşleten Hoşoğlu , İsrafil Küçük , Hale Saybaşılı, Işıl Kurnaz. 2021. Characterization of a 3D Neuronal-Culture Using Alginate Hydrogels and
Optimize For Neuronal Survival and Axon Growth. Natural& Applied Sciences Journal, Vol.3, 8, 71-80.
C2. İşleten Hoşoğlu, M. (2018). Study of Increasing the Production of Volatile Flavor Compounds by the Yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus Through Optimization of Carbon and Nitrogen Sources. Food and Health, 4(2), 112-123. DOI: 10.3153/FH18011
C3. Isleten, M., Elibol, M. 2017. Bioutilization of Cheese Whey and Corn Steep Liqour by Heterotrophic Microalgae Crypthecodinium cohnii for Biomass and Lipid Production, Akademik Gıda 15(3), 233-241.
C4. Guneser, O., Karagul Yuceer, Y., Ozmen Togay, S., Isleten Hosoglu, M. , Elibol, M. 2014. Torulaspora delbrueckii ve Trichoderma atroviride Kullanılarak Pirinadan (Zeytin Katı Atığı) Biyoaroma Üretimi (Bioflavor production from olive pomace by using Torulaspora delbrueckii and Trichoderma atroviride). Akademik Gıda 12(3), 16-25.
C5. Kocabaş Hameş, E, Celiktas,Y. O, Isleten, M, Sukan-Vardar, F. 2008. Antimicrobial activity of pine bark extract and assessment of potential application in cooked meat. Gıda. 33 (3): 123-127.
C6. Isleten, M., Pala, C., Yuceer, K. Y. 2007. Ezine Peynirinin Mineral Madde İçeriği (Mineral content of Turkish Local Cheese Ezine). Gıda. 4,173-179.
C7. Isleten, M., Yuceer, K.Y.,Yılmaz, E., Mendes, M. 2007. Consumer attitudes and factors affecting buying decision for functional foods. Gıda. 32(1):25-32.
C8. Yılmaz, E. and Isleten, M. 2004. Gıda matrislerinden aroma maddeleri salınımının fiziksel esasları (Physical principals of aroma release from food matrix). Gıda Mühendisliği Dergisi, 8(18) 25-29.
D1. Isleten, M., Yuceer, K. Y. 2017. Süt ve süt ürünlerinde kullanılan aroma izolasyon teknikleri (Aroma Isolation Techniques Used in Milk and Dairy Products). 1. Ulusal sütçülük kongresi, Ankara, Türkiye. 25-26 Mayıs 2017.
D2. Yalçın Bingül, D., Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Demirel, Z., Conk Dalay, M. 2012. Ege Denizinden İzole Edilen Chlorella sp.’nin Aksenik Kültür Eldesi ve Morfolojik ve Moleküler Tanımlanması (Obtaining Axenic culture and morphological and molecular identification of Chlorella sp. isolated from Aegean Sea) 21. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi. 03-07 Eylül, İzmir, Turkey
D3. Demirel, Z., Isleten-Hosoglu, M., Yıldırım, A., Elibol, M., Conk Dalay, M. 2012 Coccolithophora ve farklı diatom türlerinin moleküler tanımlanması ve yağ asidi içeriklerinin belirlenmesi (Molecular identification and determination of fatty acid composition of Coccolithophora and different diatom species). 21. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi. 03-07 Eylül, İzmir
D4. Yesil-Celiktas, O., Isleten-Hosoglu, M. 2012. Bağışıklık Sistemini Güçlendirici Doğal Özüt İçeren Fonksiyonel İçecek (Functional beverage containing bioactive ingredients). TİM Gıda Ar-Ge Proje Pazarı. 29 Mayıs 2012. İzmir,98-99.
D5. Coban, I, Isleten, M., Coban, H.B , Elibol, M. 2008. Zeytinyağı Katı atığı pirinadan mikrobiyal lipaz üretimi (Microbial lipase production from olive pomace). 8. Ulusal Kimya Müh. Kongresi. 26-29 Ağustos, Malatya
D6. Coban, H.B., Coban, I., Isleten, M., Elibol, M. Zeytinyağı İşletme atığı karasudan mikrobiyal lipaz üretimi. (Microbial lipase production from olive milll waste water) 8. Ulusal Kimya Müh. Kongresi. 26-29 Ağustos 2008. Malatya,157-158.
D7. Isleten, M., Karagül-Yüceer, Y. 2005. Keçi Sütü Kullanılarak Üretilen Ürünler (Dairy products with goat milk). Süt Keçiciliği Ulusal Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fak. Zootekni Bölümü, Bornova, İzmir, sf 177-180. Sözlü bildiri.
D8. Pala, Ç., Isleten, M., Karagül-Yüceer, Y. 2004. Geleneksel Çanakkale Keşkek'i (Traditional Food: Keskek). Geleneksel Gıdalar Sempozyumu, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Van, sf.263-267.
Onur Guneser, Muge Isleten Hosoglu, Buket Aydeniz Guneser, Yonca Karagul Yuceer. 2019. Engineering of Milk-Based Beverages: Current Status, Developments, and Consumer Trends. Milk-Based Beverages. Editors: Alexandru Grumezescu, Alina-Maria Holban, Woodhead Publishing
Isleten-Hosoglu, M. Guneser, O., Karagul Yuceer, Y. 2018. Different Bioengineering Approaches on Production of Bioflavor Compounds. In Role of Materials Science in Food Bioengineering, Handbook of Food Bioengineering, pp: 37-71. Volume 19, Academic Press
M. Hayes, H. Skomedal, K. Skjanes, H. Mazur-Marzec, A. Torunska-Sitarz, M. Catala, M. Isleten Hosoglu, M. Garcia-Vaquero. 2017. “Microalgal proteins for feed, food and health,” in Microalgae based biofuels and bioproducts. From feedstock cultivation to end products. Editors: Raul Munoz Cristina, Gonzalez-Fernandez. Woodhead Publishing, 347-367.
F1. HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-07-01. Strengthening the Capacity of Excellence Hubs of Türkiye, Greece, and Ukraine to Support Innovation Ecosystem of Novel Foods Based on Plant Proteins Excel4Pro. 2024-2028. Project Partner.
F2. COST Action CA22161 FLAVOURsome: Future of plant-based food: Bridging the gap of new proteins and FLAVOURsome. 2024-2027
F3. The potential of poppy capsule meal extract for the cultivation of the heterotrophic microalgae Schizochytrium sp. rich in docosahexaenoic acid DHA. 2024-2025. Kocaeli University, Department of
Scientific Project, Kocaeli, Turkiye, Researcher.
F4. Screening the industrial suitability of different biomass for the production of protein concentrate, development of the selected biomass for commercial production and the use of protein concentrate to be obtained in some model foods, Council of Highr Education Research Universities Support Project,
Coordinator (2023-2025)
F5. “Optimisation of the production of microalgae with high added value and carbon capture potential in a chosen photobioreactor system and the use of microalgal biomass in agricultural applications” GTU TTO & GTU Teknopark Project. (2024)
F6. COST Action PIMENTO (CA20128 Promoting Innovation of ferMENTed fOods)  Working as Group Leader (2021-2025)
F7. Development of Functional Spirulina Product Enriched with Bioactive Peptides by Fermentation, Tubitak 1001 project, Coordinator (2019-2023).
F8. Screening antiviral properties of Algal extracts (International Project), Researcher.(2020-2023).
F9. Development of Sustainable, Environmentally Friendly Biosurfactant for Leather Industry, Tübitak 1512 Individual Young Entrepreneur Support, Founding partner (2020-2022)
F10. Determination of Aromatic, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties of Essential Oils Stabilized
by Nano/Microemulsions: Orange Juice Application. Tubitak project, Assist. Researcher (2017-2019)
F11. Enhancement of the new and sustainable process using microalgal oil on leather manufacturing technologies Tubitak project, Assist. Researcher (2017-2021)
F12. Increasing the production volume of some volatile esters and alcohol derivative compounds utilizing from tomato and pepper pulps obtained by different pretreatments and enzymatic hydrolysis steps. Tubitak project, Assist. Researcher (2017-2018)
F13. Selection of an Appropriate Microbial Biosurfactant Producing Microorganism for Leather Industry, Optimization of the Medium Components and the Applications in Leather Production Steps. TUBITAK project, Assist. Researcher (2017-2019 Completed)
F14. Evaluation of volatile organic compounds and sensory properties of microalgae species cultured under heterotrophic conditions. Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University Scientific Research Council, Coordinator (2016-2017)
F15. Member of the Cost Action ES1408 European network for algal bioproducts (EUALGAE) Cost Action
ES1408. (2015-2018).
F16. Production and optimization of natural flavor compounds from agricultural wastes by biotechnological processes. COST Action FA0907, Scholarship holder (2010-2014).
F17. The production of lycopene by microalgae alternative to agricultural production and appropriate
methods for improving the productivity.. TAGEM. Assist. Researcher (2010-2014).
F18.Optimization Of Long Chain ω-3 Fatty Acid Production By Heterotrophic Microalgae. TUBITAK project no: 109M227, Scholarship holder (2010-2013).
F19.Valorization of olive mill waste as an ingredient in bioprocess. Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, Turkey, Scholarship holder (2011- 2013).
F20. “Lipid biosynthesis in heterotrophic microalgae Crypthecodinium cohnii’ Denmark Aalborg University Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Assist. Researcher (April 2009- October 2009).
Yüksek Lisans
1.Büşra Şahin. 2021. “Development of Spirulina-Based Functional Product Through Fermentation with Various Yeast Species” Gebze Technical University Biotechnology Institute. Master Thesis.</span> 2021</span>
2. Habibe Kurt. 2022. "Development of Fermented Spirulina Products by Different Strains of Lactobacillus & Bacillus Group of Microorganisms" Gebze Technical</span> </span>University Biotechnology Institute Master Thesis.</span> </span>
4. Cansu Yay. 2023. “Optimızation Of Batch Bioreactor Conditions For Production Of Fermented Spirulina By Mixed Culture Of Lactobacillus Helveticus And Kluyveromyces Marxianus And Effect Of Bioreactor Conditions On Some Bi0oactive Properties” Gebze Technical University Biotechnology Institute. Master Thesis. </span> </span>
3. Şevval Çimyapan. 2024. “Use of Artifical Intelligence-based Approaches for Developing
Microalgae-based Nutrient Media and Modelling the Growth of Bacillus subtilis in These Alternative Media” Gebze Technical University Biotechnology Institute. Master Thesis
Doktora: Ege University Faculty of Engineering, Department of Bioengineering, TURKEY
“Optimization Of Long Chain ω-3 Fatty Acid Production By Heterotrophic Microalgae” (TUBITAK Project No: 109M227) -
Yüksek lisans: Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Food Engineering, TURKEY
“Effects of dried dairy ingredients on quality parameters of non-fat yogurt” (TUBITAK Project)
Lisans: Ege University Faculty of Engineering, Department of Food Engineering, TURKEY