Dr. Öğr. Üyesi
Biyoteknoloji enstitüsü

- Telefon
- (262) 6052507
- E-Posta
- bykutman@gtu.edu.tr
- Ofis
- , Biyoteknoloji Enstitüsü
- Çalışma alanları
- Bitki Biyolojisi ve Biyoteknolojisi, Topraksız ve Dikey Tarım Teknolojileri, Biyostimülantlar, Bitki Besleme Ürünleri, Sürdürülebilir Tarım, Tohum Uygulamaları
SCI kapsamındaki uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler:
1. Kutman, B.Y., Kutman, U.B. and Cakmak, I. (2014) Effects of seed nickel reserves or externally supplied nickel on the growth, nitrogen metabolites and nitrogen use efficiency of urea- or nitrate-fed soybean. Plant and Soil 376:261-276.
2. Kutman, B.Y., Kutman, U.B. and Cakmak, I. (2013) Foliar nickel application alleviates detrimental effects of glyphosate on grain yield and seed quality of wheat. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 61: 8364-8372.
3. Kutman, B.Y., Kutman, U.B. and Cakmak, I. (2013) Nickel-enriched seed and externally supplied nickel improve growth and alleviate foliar urea damage in soybean. Plant and Soil 363: 61-75.
4. Kutman, U.B., Kutman, B.Y., Ceylan, Y., Ova, E.A. and Cakmak, I. (2012) Contributions of root uptake and remobilization to grain zinc accumulation in wheat depending on post-anthesis zinc availability and nitrogen nutrition. Plant and Soil 361: 177-187.
5. Ghandilyan, A., Kutman, U.B., Kutman, B.Y., Cakmak, I. and Aarts M.G.M. (2012) Genetic analysis of the effect of zinc deficiency on Arabidopsis growth and mineral concentrations. Plant and Soil 361: 227-239.
6. Erenoglu, E.B., Kutman, U.B., Ceylan, Y., Yildiz, B. and Cakmak, I. (2011) Improved nitrogen nutrition enhances root uptake, root-to-shoot translocation and remobilization of zinc (65Zn) in wheat. New Phytologist 189(2): 438-448.
7. Kutman, U.B., Yildiz, B. and Cakmak, I. (2011) Improved nitrogen status enhances zinc and iron concentrations both in the whole grain and the endosperm fraction of wheat. Journal of Cereal Science 53(1): 118-125.
8. Kutman, U.B., Yildiz, B. and Cakmak, I. (2011) Effect of nitrogen on uptake, remobilization and partitioning of zinc and iron throughout the development of durum wheat. Plant and Soil 342(1-2): 149-164.
9. Kutman, U.B., Yildiz, B., Ozturk, L. and Cakmak, I. (2010) Biofortification of durum wheat with zinc through soil and foliar applications of nitrogen. Cereal Chemistry 87: 1-9.
Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler:
1. Kutman, B.Y., Kutman U.B., Brown, P. and Hanson, B. (2016) Glyphosate Residues in Soils Harm Corn Plants. 15th International Cereal and Bread Congress. Istanbul, Turkey 18-21 April 2016.
2. Kutman, B.Y. and Hanson, B. (2015) Evaluation of Glyphosate and Micronutrient Interactions in Almonds. 59th Annual UC Davis Weed Day. Davis, California, USA, 16 July 2015.
3. Kutman, B.Y. and Hanson, B.D. (2015) Can Foliar Fertilizer Applications Prevent Glyphosate Drift Injury in Almond? WSWS 68th Meeting, Western Society of Weed Science, Portland, Oregon, USA, 9-12 March 2015.
4. Sosnoskie, L.M., Hanson, B.D. and Kutman, B.Y. (2015) Can the Application of Micronutrient Solutions Rescue Vegetable Crops from Glyphosate Injury? WSWS 68th Meeting, Western Society of Weed Science, Portland, Oregon, USA, 9-12 March 2015.
5. Kutman, B.Y. and Hanson, B. (2014) Evaluation of Soil Glyphosate on Micronutrient Status in Young Orchards. 58th Annual UC Davis Weed Day. Davis, California, 10 July 2014.
6. Kutman, B.Y., Kutman, U.B. and Cakmak, I. (2013) Foliar Nickel Applications Protect Wheat from Glyphosate Drift Injury. IPNC’13 XVII. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, Istanbul, Turkey, 19-22 August 2013.
7. Kutman, U.B., Kutman, B.Y. and Cakmak, I. (2013) Nickel-enriched Seed and Externally Supplied Nickel Improve Growth and Alleviate Foliar Urea Damage in Soybean. IPNC’13 XVII. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, Istanbul, Turkey, 19-22 August 2013.
8. Kutman, B.Y., Kutman, U.B. and Cakmak, I. (2011) Nickel Improves the Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Soybean and Prevents Toxicity of Foliar Urea. Second Annual Conference of COST Action FA 0905, How the knowledge on mineral nutrition of plants can improve human nutrition, Venice, Italy, 23-26 November 2011.
9. Kutman, U.B., Kutman, B.Y., Ceylan, Y. and Cakmak, I. (2011) Combining Nitrogen and Zinc Fertilization for Improved Mineral Content in Wheat. Second Annual Conference of COST Action FA0905, How the knowledge on mineral nutrition of plants can improve human nutrition, Venice, Italy, 23-26 November 2011.
10. Kutman, B.Y., Kutman, U.B. and Cakmak, I. (2011) Better Nitrogen Nutrition Results in Enhanced Uptake, Transport and Grain Deposition of Zinc in Wheat. Zinc Crops 2011, Improving Crop Production and Human Health, Hyderabad, India, 10-14 October 2011.
11. Kutman, B.Y., Kutman, U.B. and Cakmak, I. (2010) Nickel Ameliorates Toxicity Symptoms Caused by Foliar Urea Application in Soybean. First Annual Conference of COST Action FA 0905, Mineral Improved Crop Production for Healthy Food and Feed, Antalya, Turkey, 1-5 November 2010.
12. Kutman, U.B., Kutman, B.Y., Ceylan, Y., Erenoglu, E.B. and Cakmak, I. (2010) Roles of Nitrogen and Zinc Nutrition in Biofortification of Wheat Grain. First Annual Conference of COST Action FA 0905, Mineral Improved Crop Production for Healthy Food and Feed, Antalya, Turkey, 1-5 November 2010.
13. Kutman, B.Y., Kutman, U.B. and Cakmak, I. (2009) Nickel Reduces the Toxic Effects of Foliar Urea Application and Improves the Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Urea-Fed Plants. International Conference on Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance, Vienna, Austria, 8-11 February 2009.
14. Kutman, U.B., Kutman, B.Y. and Cakmak, I. (2009) Nitrogen Improves Grain Zinc Concentration in Wheat. International Conference on Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance, Vienna, Austria, 8-11 February 2009.
- BTEC 574 İleri Bitki Besleme: Mineral ve Organik Gübreler ve Büyüme Uyarıcılar
- BTEC 576 Bitki Doku Kültürü ve Mikroçoğaltım
- BTEC 601 İleri Biyoteknoloji
- BTEC 602 Tarımsal Biyoteknoloji ve Küresel Gıda Güvenliği
- BYM 435 Bitki Dokusu Kültürü Teknikleri ve Uygulamaları
- MBG 523 İleri Moleküler Bitki Besleme
- Doktora: Sabancı Üniversitesi - Biyoloji Bilimleri ve Biyomühendislik (2013)
- Yüksek lisans:
- Lisans: Sabancı Üniversitesi - Biyoloji Bilimleri ve Biyomühendislik (2008)