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- Fosfazen Kimyası, Anorganik Kimya
A. Publications
A1. Simon J Coles, David B Davies, Michael B Hurtshouse, Robert A Shaw, Adem Kılıç Aylin Uslu, Robert J Eaton, Serkan Yeşilot, Şule ŞAHİN. Stereogenic Properties of 1,3-Disubstituted Derivatives of Cyclotriphosphazene: - cis(meso) and trans(racemic) Isomers. Inorganic Chemistry Communication, 2004, 7(5), 657-661.
A2. Serap Beşli, Simon J Coles, David B Davies, R J Eaton, Adem Kılıç, Robert A Shaw, Aylin Uslu, Şule ŞAHİN, Serkan Yeşilot. Comparasion of high-performance liquid chromatography of cylotriphosphazene derivatives with one or two equivalent stereogenic centres. Journal of Chromatography A, 2006, 1132(12), 201-205.
A3. Simon J Coles, David B Davies, Michael B Hurtshouse, Adem Kılıç, Şule ŞAHİN, Robert A Shaw, Aylin Uslu. Stereogenic properties of spiranes combined with one or two equivalent conventional centres of chirality. Jornal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2007, 692(13), 2811-2821.
A4. Önder Metin, Şule ŞAHİN, Saim Özkar. Water-soluble poly(4-sytrenesulfonic acid-comaleic acid) stabilized ruthenium(0) and palladium(0) nanoclustres as highly active catalyst in hydrogen generation from the hydrolysis of ammonia-borane. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34(15), 6304-6311.
A5. Şule Şahin Ün, Aylin Uslu, Serkan Yeşilot, İlker Ün, Bünyemin Coşut, Fatma Yüksel, Adem Kılıç. The investigation of stereogenic properties of cyclotriphosphazene derivatives with two different chiral centres. Polyhedron, 2011, 30(9), 1587-1594.
A6. İlker Ün, Hanife İbişoğlu, Adem Kılıç, Şule Şahin Ün, Fatma Yüksel. Nucleophilic substitution reactions of adamantane derivatives with cyclophosphazenes. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2012, 387(387), 226-233.
A7. İlker Ün, Hanife İbişoğlu, Şule Şahin Ün, Bünyemin Coşut, Adem Kılıç. Syntheses, characterizations, thermal and photophysical properties of cyclophosphazenes containing adamantane units. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 399(399), 219-226.
A8. Aylin Uslu, Şule Şahin Ün, Adem Kılıç, Şükriye Y Efendi, Fatma Yüksel, Ferda Hacıvelioğlu. The Synthesis and Characterization of 4-Isopropylanilino Derivatives of Cyclotriphosphazene. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 405(405), 140-146.
A9. Şule Şahin Ün, Elif Özcan, Aylin Uslu, Fatma Yüksel, Adem Kılıç. Cyclotriphosphazene derivatives with three different chiral centres: Synthesis, characterization and investigation of their stereogenic properties. Polyhedron, 2013, 62(62), 250-259.
A10. Şule Şahin Ün. Cyclotriphosphazenes having stereogenic phosphorus atoms: synthesis, characterization and their stereogenic properties. Polyhedron, 2014, 70(70), 148-154.
A11. Sevinc Zehra Topal, Şule Şahin Ün, Yann Bretonnière, Sinem Tuncel Kostakoğlu. New designed naphthalimide-phthalocyanine pentads: Synthesis photophysical and photochemical properties in DMSO and room temperature ionic liquids. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2017,332 562–570.
A12. Şule Şahin Ün, Sevinc Zehra Topal, Yunus Zorlu. Naphthalimide-cyclophosphazene combination: Synthesis, crystal structure,Naphthalimide-cyclophosphazene combination: Synthesis, crystal structure, photophysics and solid-state fluorescence. Journal of Luminescence, 2017, 190, 23-28.
A13. Hanife İbişoğlu,, Eda Erdemir, Devrim Atilla, Şule Şahin Ün, Seray Topçu, Mine Gül Şeker. Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial properties of cyclotriphosphazenes bearing benzimidazolyl rings. Inorganica Chimica Acta,509 (2020) 1196792012.
A14.Şule Şahin Ün, Aişe Ünlü, İlker Ün, Salim Ok. Green synthesis, characterization and cataytic activity evaluation of palladium nanoparticles facilated by Punica granutum peel extract. Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemisrty, 2020.
A15. Şule Şahin Ün, Ramazan Altundaş, Ahmet C. Gören.Synthesis of ɣ-glutamyl β-cyanoalanine precursor.Org. Commun. (2020) 13:4 ; 202 - 206.
A16..Hanife İbişoğlu, Şule Şahin Ün, Eda Erdemir, Süreyya Oğuz Tümay. Synthesis, characterization, and photophysical properties of cyclotriphosphazenes containing quinoline-4-aldehyde-p-oxyanil moieties.Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and Related Elements (2021).
A 17.İlker Ün, Şule Şahin Ün, Nazım Tanrıkulu, Aişe Ünlü, Salim Ok. Assessing the concentration of conjugated fatty acids within pomegranate seed oil using quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance (q nmr). Phytochemical Analysis, 2021, 1-8.
B. Conference Proceedings
B.1 A. Uslu, S. Beşli, D.B. Davies, A. Kılıç, R.A. Shaw, Ş.Şahin, S. Yeşilot, 11th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems, ”Comparison of HPLC and NMR Characterization of Cyclophosphazenes Containing One or Two Centres of Chirality: Dibenzylamino Derivatives” Oulu, Finlandiya, Ağustos, 2006, p107.
B.2 D.B. Davies, S.J. Coles, M.B. Hurtshouse, A. Kılıç, Ş. Şahin, R.A. Shaw, A. Uslu, 11th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems, “Stereogenic Properties of Spiranes Combined with Two Equivalent Conventional Centres of Chirality’’, Oulu, Finlandiya, Ağustos, 2006, p77.
B.3 Ş. Şahin, Ö. Metin, S. Özkar , 13th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, ECASIA 09, "Water-soluble Poly(4-styrenesulfonic acid-co-maleic acid)-stabilized Ruthenium(0) and Palladium(0) Nanoclusters as Highly Active Catalysts in Hydrogen Generation from the Hydrolysis of Ammonia-Borane", 51-51 pp.,Antalya, Türkiye, 18-23 Ekim, 2009, (CAT-P-17 (555)+Tu-PA-51).
B.4 S. Yeşilot, Ş.Ş. Ün, A. Uslu, İ. Ün, B. Çoşut, F. Yüksel, A. Kılıç, 23rd International Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry, “The investigation of stereogenic properties of novel cyclotriphosphazene derivatives with two different chiral centres” 166 pp., Glasgow, Scotland, 31 July -4 August, 2011, (P-1.12).
C. National Proceedings
C.1 Ş. Şahin, A. Uslu, S.J. Coles, D.B. Davies, M.B. Hursthouse, A. Kılıç and R.A. Shaw, XVII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, ‘‘Hekzaklorosiklotrifosfazatrienin Propanolamin İle Reaksiyonun İncelenmesi" 226 pp., İstanbul, 8-11 Eylül, 2003, (AN-P85).
C.2 Ş. Şahin, A. Uslu, S.J.Coles, D. B. Davies, R.J. Eaton, M.B. Hursthouse, A. Kılıç and R.A. Shaw, XVIII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, "Pentaeritritol Köprülü Siklotrifosfazenlerin Bis-Geminal (Spiro) 3-Amino-1-propanol Türevlerinde Stereoizomerizasyon", 255 pp., Kars, 5-9 Temmuz, 2004, (ANP-255).
C.3 Ş. Şahin, A. Uslu, D.B. Davies, A. Kılıç, R. A. Shaw, XX. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, ‘‘İki Kiral Merkezli Spiran Köprülü Siklofosfazen Türevlerinin Sentezi Ve Stereokimyasal Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi’’, Kayseri, 4-8 Eylül 2006, (ANS-12).
C.4 S. Yeşilot, Ş. Şahin, S. Beşli, A. Uslu, D.B. Davies, A. Kılıç, R.A. Shaw, XX. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, ‘‘Bir ve İki Kiral Merkezli Siklofosfazen Bileşiklerinin Stereojenik Özelliklerini Belirlemede NMR ve HPLC Yöntemlerinin Karşılaştırılması’’, Kayseri, 4-8 Eylül 2006, (ANP-145).
C.5 Ş. Şahin, A. Uslu, A. Kılıç, S.J. Coles, D.B. Davies, XXII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, “Spiran Köprülü Siklofosfazen Bileşiklerinin Stereokimyasal Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi’’, Mağusa, 6-10 Ekim 2008, (ANS-9).
C.6 E. Özcan, A. Uslu, Ş.Ş. Ün, F.Yüksel, A. Kılıç, IV. Ulusal Anorganik Kimya Kongresi, “Üç Kiral Merkezli Fosfazen Bileşiklerinin Sentezi ve Yapı İncelemeleriˮ, 127 pp., Tokat, 30 Mayıs-2 Haziran, 2013, (P-79).
C.7 A. Uslu, Ş.Ş. Ün, A. Kılıç, Ş. Yılmaz, F. Yüksel, F. Hacıvelioğlu, IV. Ulusal Anorganik Kimya Kongresi, “Bazı Siklofosfazen Türevlerinin 4-İzopropilanilin ile Reaksiyonlarının İncelenmesiˮ, 214 pp., Tokat, 30 Mayıs-2 Haziran, 2013 (P-166).
C.8 Sevinç Zehra Topal,Şule Şahin Ün,Sinem Tuncel Kostakoğlu,‘‘Naphthalimide Substituted Phthalocyanines: Synthesis, Photophysical And Photochemical Properties’’, Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 15-21 Ağustos 2016, Mersin (P-219).
C.9 Aişe Ünlü,Şule Şahin Ün, Salim Ok, ''Antimicrobial Activity of Pomegranate Peel Extracts'', Uluslararası I. Tıbbı ve Aromatik Bitkiler Kongresi,10-12 Mayıs, Konya (P-1305).
- Doktora: Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Fen Fakültesi, Kimya, 2008
- Yüksek lisans: Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Fen Fakültesi, Kimya, 2003
- Lisans: Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Kimya, 2001