Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ceyhan GÖREN

Ahmet Ceyhan GÖREN
(262) 2626053021
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Çalışma alanları
Natural product chemistry, chemical metrology, Isolation and identification of complex natural products, chromatographic clinical chemistry kits,energy, fuel marker and fuel performance additives.

Please click to the Publons link ( or Google Scholar link (Ahmet C Goren-Google Scholar)for updated publications list.


1. Topcu, G., Goren, A.C., Yildiz, Y.K., Tümen, G., Diterpenes from Sideritis athoa. Natural Product Letters, 14 (2) p:123-129 (1999)

2. Topcu, G., Goren, A.C., Kiliç, T., Yildiz, Y.K., Tümen, G., Diterpenes from Sideritis argyrea. Fitoterapia, 72 (1), p:1-4. (2001)
3. Ulubelen, A, Öksüz, S, Topçu G, Goren A.C., Voelter, W, Antibacterial Diterpenes from Salvia bleaphorachleana, Journal of Natural Products 64 (4), p.549-551 (2001).
4. Topçu, G., Ayral, M. N., Aydın, A., Goren, A. C.,B-Yung, Pezzuto, J. M. Triterpenpids of the roots of Lavandula stoechas ssp. stoechas.Pharmazie, 56 (11), p.892-895, (2001).
5. Ulubelen, A, Öksüz, S, Topçu G, Goren A.C, Kökdil, G, Johannson CB, Çelik C, Voelter, W, A New Antibacterial Diterpene from the Roots of Salvia caespitosa,Natural Product Letters, 15 (5), pp.307-314. (2001)
6. Topçu, G., Goren, A.C., Kiliç, T, Yildiz, Y.K., Tümen, G., Diterpenes from Sideritis sipylea and Sideritis dichotoma, Turkish Journal of Chemistry 26 (2), pp.189-194 (2002)
7. Topcu, G., Goren, A.C., Kiliç, T., Yildiz, Y.K., Tümen, G., Diterpenes from Sideritis trojana,. Natural Product Letters 16(1), 33-37 (2002).
8. Goren A.C, Topçu G, Öksüz, S, , Kökdil, G, Voelter, W and Ulubelen, A., Diterpenoids From Salvia ceratophylla, Natural Product Letters 16(1), 47-52 (2002).
9. A1.9. Kökdil, G.,Topçu, G., Goren A.C. and Voleter, W., Steroids and Terpenoids from Ajuga relicta, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung (Journal of Cehemical sciences) 57b, 957-960 (2002).
10. Goren A.C, Topçu G, Bilsel, G, Bilsel, M., Aydoğmuş Z. And Pezzuto, J.M The Chemical Constituents and Biological Activity of Essential oil of Lavandula stoechas ssp. stoechas Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C (Journal of Biosciences) 57c,797-800 (2002).
11. Gören, A.C, Bilsel, G., Altun, M, Satıl, F., Dirmenci T., Fatty Acid Composition of Seeds of Satureja thymbra and S. cuneifolia. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C (Journal of Biosciences)58c, 502-504 (2003).
12. Gören A.C., Bilsel, G, Bilsel, M, Demir, H, Kocabaş, E.“ Analysis of Essential Oil of Coridothymus capitatus (L.) and Its Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C (Journal of Biosciences)58c, 687-690 (2003).
13. Gören A.C, Zhou, B.N.,Kingston, DGI, Cytotoxic and DNA Damaging Activity of Some Aporphine Alkaloids from Stephania dinklagei, Planta Medica, Vol.69:9, 867-868
14. Topçu, G., Aydoğmuş, Z., İmre S., Gören, A.C., Pezzuto, J.M., Clement, J.A. and Kingston, D.G.I., Brominated Sesquiterpenes from the Red Alga Laurencia Obtusa, Journal of Natural Products, Vol:66:11, 1505-1508.
15. T.Kılıç, Y.K. Yıldız, A.C. Gören, G.Tümen and G.Topçu, Phytochemical Analysis of Some Sideritis Species of Turkey, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 39:5, 453-456 (2003).
16. Gören A.C., Bilsel G., ,Bilsel, M.,, Cavanagh, H.M.A.,Wilkinson, J.M., Topçu, G., Analysis of Essential Oil of Satureja thymbra by Hydrodistillation, Thermal Desorber and HeadSpace Techniques and Its Antibacterial Activity, Natural Product Research 18:2, 189-195 (2004).
17. Gören, A.C, Bilsel, G., Bilsel, M., Yenisoy-Karakaş, S., Karakaş, D. Simple high-performance liquid chromatographic method for determination of atropine and obidoxime in a parentereal injection device. Journal of Chromatography A, 1057 (1-2), 237-239 (2004).
18. Gören, A.C., Zhou, B.N., Topçu, G., Kökdil, G. and Kingston, D.G.I, A Bioactive Iridoid Glucoside from Ajuga postii, Natural Product Research, 19:5, 457-460 (2005).
19. Topçu, G., Gören, A.C., Bilsel, G., Bilsel, M., Çakmak, O., Constituents of Bioactive Essential oil of the Berries and Leaves of Juniperus excelsa, Pharmaceutical Biology 43: 2, 125-128 (2005)
20. Kılıç, T., Yıldız, Y.K, Topçu, G., Gören A.C,. Ay, M., Bodige, S.G., Watson, W.H. Crystal Structure Sideroxol from Sideritis leptoclada, Journal of Chemical Crystallography 35:8, 647-650 (2005).
21. Kiliç T, Dirmenci T, Satil F, Bilsel, G., Kocagöz, T., Altun, M., Goren, A.C. Fatty Acid Compositions of Seed Oils of Three Turkish Salvia Species and Biological Activities. Chemistry of Natural Compounds 41:3, 276-279 (2005).
22. Topçu, G., Barla, A., Gören A.C., Bilsel, G., Bilsel, M, Tümen, G., Analysis of Essential Oil Composition of Sideritis albiflora Using Direct Thermal Desorption and Headspace GC-MS Techniques. Turkish Journal of Chemistry 29:5, 525-529 (2005).
23. Aslan, İ., Kılıç, T., Gören, A.C., Topçu, G. Toxicity of Acetone extract of Sideritis trojana and 7-epicandicandiol, 7-epicandicandiol diacetate and 18-acetoxysideroxol against stored pests Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say), Sitophilus granarius (L.) and Ephestia kuehniella (Zell.) Industrial Crops and Products 23, 171-176 (2006).
24. Gören A.C., Kiliç, T., Dirmenci, T., Bilsel, G., Chemotaxonomic Evaluation of Turkish Salvia Species: Fatty Acid Compositions of Seed Oils. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 34:2, 160-164 (2006).
25. Topçu, G., Herrmann, G., Kolak, U., Gören, A.C., Porzel, A., Kutchan, T.M., Isolatıon of Fatty Acids And Aromatics From Cell Suspension Cultures of Lavandula angustifolia, Natural Product Research. 21:2, 100-105 (2007).
26. Güneş, M., Gören, A.C., Total Synthesis of (±)-4´-demthylmacophyllol, a naturally occuring compound, Natural Product Research. 21:4, 362-365 (2007).
27. Altun, M., Gören, A.C., Essential oils composition of Satureja cuneifolia by simultaneus distillation-extraction and thermal desorption GC-MS techniques. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 10:2, 139-144 (2007).
28. Topçu, G., Gören, A.C., Biological activity of diterpenoids isolated from Anatolian Lamiaceae Plants, Records of Natural Products, 1:1, 1-16 (2007).
29. Kılıç, T., Dirmenci, T., Gören, A.C., Chemotaxonomic evaluation of species of Turkish Salvia: Fatty acid composition of seed oils. II. Records of Natural Products, 1:1, 17-23 (2007).
30. Altun, M., Ünal, M., Kocagöz, T., Gören, A.C. Essential oil compositions and antimicrobial activites of Salvia species. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 10:3,251-258 (2007).
31. Kılıç, T., Dirmenci, T., Gören, A.C., Fatty Acid Composition of Seeds of Some Species of Nepeta L., Natural Product Research, 21:5, 465-468. (2007)
32. Kılıç, T., Dirmenci, T., Arabacı, T., Karahan, A., Kocabaş, E., Gören, A.C., Essential oil compositions of some species of Cyclotrichium and antimicrobial activities, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 43, 6,733-735 (2007)
33. Gören, A.C., Tümen, G., Çelik, A., Çıkrıkçı, S., Fatty acid composition of Heliotropium Species (Boraginaceae): A first chemical report on the new species H.thermophilum. Natural Product Communications, 3:10, 1731-1733 (2008)
34. Gören, A.C., Çıkrıkçı, S., Çergel, M., Bilsel, Bilsel G. Rapid Quantitation of curcumin in turmeric via NMR and LC-tandem mass spectrometry. Food Chemistry,113:4 1239-1242 (2009)
35. Sabudak, T., Öztürk, M., Goren A.C., Kolak, U., Topcu, G. Fatty acids and other lipid composition of five Trifolium species with antioxidant activity, Pharmaceutical Biology, (2009), 137-141.
36. Kılıç, T., Çarıkçı, S., Topçu, G., Aslan, I and Goren A.C. Diterpenoids from Sideritis condensata. Evaluation of Chemotaxonomy of Sideritis Species and insecticidal Activity. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 45,6, 918-920 (2009)
37. Kucukboyaci, N., Ozcelik, B., Adiguzel, N. and Goren A.C. Fatty-acid compositions of Silene vulgaris and S. cserei subsp. aeoniopsis seeds and their antimicrobial activities. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 46, 1, (2010)
38. Gulcin İ., Bursal, E., Şehitoğlu, M.H., Bilsel, M., Goren A.C. Polyphenol contents and antioxidant activity of lyophilized aqueous extract of propolis from Erzurum, Turkey. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 48, 2227–2238 (2010).
39. Gümüş, A., Karadeniz, Ş., Uğraş, H.İ., Bulut, M., Çakır, Ü., Goren,A.C. Synthesis, complexation and biological activity studies of 4-aminomethyl-7,8-dihydroxy coumarines and their crown ether derivatives, Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 47:5 1127-1133 (2010).
40. Goren A.C., Bilsel, G., Öztürk, A.H., Topçu, G., Chemical composition of natural colophony from Pinus brutia and Comparison with synthetic colophony, Natural Product Communications , 5:11, 1729-1732 (2010)
41. Ceviz, M.A. ,Koncuk, F., Küçük, Ö., Gören, A.C., Yüksel, F., Analysis and combustion stability and its relation to performance characteristcs in a compression ignition engine fueled with diesel-biodiesel blends, Energy Sources Part A, 33, 990-1003 (2011).
42. Gulcin, I., Topal, F., Sarıkaya, S.B.Ö., Bursal, E., Bilsel, G., Goren, A.C., Polyphenol contents and antioxidant properties of Medlar (Mespilus germanica L.), Records of Natural Products, 5:3, 158-175.
43. Halfon, B., Goren, A.C., Ertaş ,A., Topcu,G., Complete 13C NMR assignments for ent-kaurene diterpenoids from Sideritis species, Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 49:5, 291-294 (2011).
44. Gulcin, I., Topal, F., Çakmakçı, R., Bilsel, M., Goren.A.C. Erdogan, U., Pomological features, nutritional quality, polyphenol content analysis, and antioxidant properties of domesticated and 3 wild ecotype forms of raspberries (Rubus idaeus L.), Journal of Food Science, 76 (4), 585-593 (2011)
45. Goren A.C., Akçiçek, E., Dirmenci, T., Kılıç,T., Mozioğlu,E., Yılmaz, H. Fatty acid composition and chemotaxonomic evaluation of species of Stachys, Natural Product Research, 26:1, 84-90 (2011)
46. Topçu, G., Yapar, G., Türkmen, Z., Goren, A.C., Öksüz, S., Kingston, D.G.I. Ovarian antiproliferative activity directed isolation of triterpenoids from fruits of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. Phytochemistry Letters (2011), 421-425.
47. Goren A.C., Piozzi, F., Akçiçek, E, Kılıç,T., Mozioğlu,E., Çarıkçı S., Setzer, W.N. Essential oil composition of twenty-two Stachys species (mountain tea) and their biological activities, Phytochemistry Letters (2011), 448-453.
48. Sabudak Temine, Goren A.C. Volatile composition of Trifolium and Medicago species, Journal of essential Oil Bearing Plants,14:4 (2011), 401-407.
49. Şimşek, A., Bilsel, M., Goren A.C. 13C/12C pattern of honey from Turkey and determination of adulteration in commercially available honey samples, Food Chemistry, 130:4 115-1121 (2012)
50. Akkol,E.K., Kırmızıbekmez, H., Küçükboyacı, N., Gören, A.C.,Yesilada E., Isolation of active constituents from cherry laurel (Laurocerasus officinalis Roem.) leaves through bioassay-guided procedures, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 139: 2, 527-532 (2012)
51. Gunduz, S., Goren, A.C., Ozturk , T., Facile Synthesis of 3-Hydroxyflavones, Organic Letters,14:6, 1576-1579 (2012).
52. Ertürk, E., Tezeren, M.; Tilki, T., Erdogan, T., Goren A.C., Polymerization of epoxides catalyzed by amixed-valent iron trifluoroacetate [Fe3O(O2CCF3)6(H2O)3], Polymer International, 61:5, 795-799 (2012).
53. Berrehal, D., Khalfallah, A., Kabouche, A., Karioti,A., Bilia, A.R., Goren, A.C., Kabouche, Z. Flavonol glycosides of Reseda arabica (Resedaceae), Records of Natural Products, 6:4, 368-370 (2012).
54. Güvenç, A., Küçükboyacı. N., Gören A.C., Fatty Acid Composition of Juniperus Species (Juniperus Section) Native to Turkey, Natural Product Communications , 7:7, 919-922 (2012)
55. Capan, A., Veisi, H., Goren, A.C., Ozturk, T. Concise Syntheses, Polymers, and Properties of 3-Arylthieno [3,2-b] Thiophenes, Macromolecules 45:20, 8228-8236 (2012).
56. Bostan, M.S., Senol, M., Cig, T., Peker, I., Goren, A.C., Ozturk, T., Eroglu,M.S. Controlled release of 5-aminosalicylicacid from chitosan based pH and temperature sensitive hydrogels, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 52:1; 177-183 (2013).
57. Bursal, E., Koksal, E., Gulcin, İ., Bilsel, G., Goren, A.C., Antioxidant Activity and Polyphenol Content of Cherry Stem (Cerasus avium L.) Determined by LC-MS/MS. Food Research International ,51, 66-77 (2013)
58. Binici, B., Bilsel, M., Karakas, M., Koyuncu, I.,Goren, A.C., An efficient GC–IDMS method for determination of PBDEs and PBB in plastic materials. Talanta, 116, 417-426 (2013).
59. Dinçel, D., Hatipoğlu, S.D., Goren, A.C., Topçu, G., Anticholinesterase furocoumarins from Heracleum platytaenium, a species endemic to the Ida Mountains. Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 37:4,675-683 (2013).
60. Küçükboyacı, N., Doğru Koca,A., Yildirimli, S., Kılınç, E.I., Goren,A.C., -Linolenic acid content and fatty acid profiles of the seed oils of some Anchusa species. Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, 10:1, 87-94 (2013).
61. Gören, A,C Use of Stachys Species (Mountain Tea) as Herbal Tea and Food, Records of Natural Products, 8:2, 71-82 (2014).
62. Ertaş, A., Boğa, M., Haşimi, N., Gören, A.C., Topçu, G., Kolak, U. Antioxidant, anticholinesterase, and antimicrobial activities and fatty acid constituents of Achillea cappadocica Hausskn. et Bornm. Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 38:4,592-599 (2014).
63. Ertaş, A., Gören, A.C., Boğa, M., Yeşil, Y., Kolak, U. Essential oil compositions and anticholinesterase activities of two edible plants Tragopogon latifolius var. angustifolius and Lycopsis orientalis, Natural Product Research, 28:17, 1405-1408 (2014).
64. Katircioglu, Z., Şakalak, H.,Ulaşan, M., Gören, A.C., Yavuz, M.S. Facile synthesis of “green” gold nanocrystals using cynarin in an aqueous solution, Applied Surface Science 318, 191–198 (2014).
65. Ertaş, A., Gören, A.C., Boga, M., Demirci,S., Kolak, U. Chemical composition of the essential oils of three Centaurea species growing wild in Anatolia and their anticholinesterase activities, Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 17(5), 922-926 (2014).
66. Ertaş A., Goren, A.C., Haşimi, N., Tolan, V., Kolak, U., Evaluation of antioxidant, cholinesterase inhibitory and antimicrobial properties of Mentha longifolia subsp. noeana and its secondary metabolites, Records of Natural Products, 9:1; 105-115 (2015).
67. Goren, A.C., Bilsel, G., Şimşek, A., Bilsel, M., Akçadağ, F., Topal, K. HPLC and LC–MS/MS methods for determination of sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate in food and beverages: Performances of local accredited laboratories via proficiency tests in Turkey, Food Chemistry, 175, 273-279 (2015).
68. Atay, İ., Kırmızıbekmez, H., Gören, A.C., Yeşilada, E.Secondary metabolites from Sambucus ebulus, Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 39, 34-41 (2015)
69. Ertaş, A., Boga, M., Kizil, M., Ceken, B., Goren, A.C., Hasimi, N., Demirci, S., Topçu G., Kolak, U. Chemical profile and biological activities of Veronica thymoides subsp. seudocinerea, Pharmaceutical Biology, 53:3, 334-339. (2015)
70. Vatansever, B., Öztuğ-Şenal, M., Akgöz, M., Gören, A.C. Development and validation of a generic method for quantification of collagen in food supplement tablets using liquid chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry , Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 407, 1981-1987(2015).
71. Kalın, P., Gülçin, İ., Gören, A.C. Antioxidant Activity and Polyphenol Content of Cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon), Records of Natural Products, 9:4, 496-502 (2015).
72. Köse, L.P., Gülcin, İ., Gören, A.C., Namiesnik, J., Martinez-Ayala, A.M., Gorinstein, S. LC–MS/MS analysis, antioxidant and anticholinergic properties of galanga (Alpinia officinarum Hance) rhizomes, Industrial Crops and Products, 74, 712-721 (2015).
73. Morales, V., Goren, A.C., Held, A., Bilsel, M., Gunduz, S., Yimaz H. Validation of a GC–IDMS method for the metrologically traceable quantification of selected FAMEs in biodiesel, Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 20,411-419 (2015).
74. Capan, A., Bostan, M.S., Mozioglu, E., Akgöz, M., Goren, A.C., Eroglu, M.S., Ozturk, T. Sequence specific recognition of ssDNA by fluorophore 3-hydroxyflavone, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology, 153, 391-396, (2015).
75. Ertaş, A. Yilmaz, M.A., Boga,M., Hasimi,N., Yesil,Y, Goren,A.C., Temel, H., Topcu, G. Chemical profile and biological activities of two edible plants: Chemical investigation and quantitative analysis using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry and gas chromatography mass spectrometry, International Journal of Food Properties, 19, 124-138 (2016)
76. Topal, M., Gocer, H., Topal, F., Kalin, P., Köse, P.L., Gülçin, İ., Çakmak K.C., Küçük, M., Durmaz, L., Gören A.C., Alwasel H. Saleh. Antioxidant,antiradical and anticholinergic properties of cynarin purified from the Iııyrian thistle (Onopordum illyricum L.), Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 31:2, 266-275,(2016).
77. Swart, C., Gantois, F., Petrov, P., Entwisle, J., Goenaga-Infante, H., Nousiainen, M., Bilsel, M., Binici, B., Gonzalez-Gago, A., Pröfrock, D., Gören A.C. Potential reference measurement procedures for PBDE in surface water at levels required by the EU Water Frame Directive, Talanta 152,251-258,(2016).
78. Cakmakcı, E., Gungor, A.,Goren, A.C. Fluorine and phosphine oxide containing homo and copolyimides, Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 186,66-78,(2016).
79. Hatipoglu, S., Zorlu, N., Dirmenci T.,Goren A.C.,Ozturk T., Topcu, G., Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Fourty Five Salvia Species by Thermal Desorption-GC-MS Technique, Records of Natural Products 10:6 659-700, (2016).
80. Gokcen, T., Gulcin I., Ozturk, T., Goren, A.C., A class of sulfonamides as carbonic anhydrase I and II inhibitors,Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 31(S2),180-188,(2016).
81. Alasonati, E., Fettig, I., Richter, J., Philipp, R., Milacic R.,Scancar J.,Zuliani, T., Tunc, M.,Bilsel, M., Goren, A.C., Fisicaro P., Towards tributyltin quantification in natural water at the Environmental Quality Standard level required by the Water Framework Directive, Talanta, 160,499-511,(2016).
82. Boğa,M., Alkan, H., Ertaş, A., Oral, E.V.,Yılmaz, A.M.,Yeşil, Y., Goren, A.C., Temel, H.,Kolak, U., Phytochemical profile and some biological activities of three Centaurea species from Turkey, Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 15:9, 1875,(2016).
83. Küçükboyacı,N., Ayaz, F., Adıgüzel, N., Bani B., Goren, A.C., Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Composition of Some Turkish Apiaceae Seed Oils: New Sources for Petroselinic Acid, Natural Product Communications, 11:11,1697:1700, (2016).
84. Ghasemi, N., Secen, H., Yılmaz, H., Binici, B., Goren, A.C., Determination of neurotoxic agents as markers of common vetch adulteration in lentil by LC-MS/MS, Food Chemistry, 221, 2005-2009, (2017).
85. Köksal, E., Bursal, E., Gülçin, İ., Korkmaz, M., Çağlayan, C., Gören, A.C., Alwasel, S.H. Antioxidant activity and polyphenol content of Turkish thyme (Thymus vulgaris) monitored by liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry, International Journal of Food Properties, 20:3 514-525 (2017).
86. Tohma, H, Gülçin, İ., Bursal, E., Gören, A.C., Alwasel, S.H., Köksal, E.Antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) determined by HPLC-MS/MS, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 20:3, 514-525 (2017).
87. Köksal, Z., Kalin, R., Camadan, Y., Usanmaz, H., Almaz, Z., Gülçin, İ., Gökçen, T., Gören, A.C., Secondary Sulfonamides as Effective Lactoperoxidase Inhibitors, Molecules, 24;22(6), (2017).
88. Balkan, İ.A., Akülke, A.Z.İ., Bağatur, Y., Telci, D., Gören, A.C., Kımızıbekmez, H.,Yeşilada E., Sambulin A and B, non-glycosidic iridoids from Sambucus ebulus, exert significant in vitro anti-inflammatory activity in LPS-induced RAW 264.7 macrophages via inhibition of MAPKs's phosphorylation, Journal of Ethnopharmacology,206 347-352 (2017).
89. Burmaoğlu, S., Seçinti H., Mozioğlu, E., Gören, A.C., Altundaş, R., Seçen, H., Syntheses and evaluation of multicaulin and miltirone like compounds as antituberculosis agents, Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry ,32:1,878-884 (2017).
90. Hatipoğlu, S.,Yalçınkaya,B.,Akgöz, M.,Öztürk, T., Gören, A.C.,Topçu, G., Screening of Hallucinogenic Compounds and Genomic Characterisation of 40 Anatolian Salvia Species, Phytochemical Analysis, 28:6,541-549 (2017).
91. Sadak, A.E., Gören, A.C., Bozdemir, Ö.A., Saraçoğlu, N., Synthesis of Novel meso-Indole- and meso-Triazatruxene-BODIPY Dyes, ChemistrySelect, 2,10512-10516 (2017).
92. Sagir, Ö.Z.,Carikci, S.,Kılıc, T.,Gören, A.C., Metabolic profile and biological activity of Sideritis, International Journal of Food Properties, 20:12, 2994-3005 (2017).
93. Yılmaz, H., Çarıkçı,S., Kılıç, T., Dirmenci, T, Arabacı, T. Gören, A.C. Screening of chemical composition, antioxidant and anticholinesterase activity of section Brevifilamentum of Origanum (L.) species. Records of Natural Products,11:5,439-455 (2017).
94. Balkan, İ.A., Doğan, H.T., Zengin, G., Colak, N., Ayaz, F.A., Gören, A.C., Kırmızıbekmez, H., Yeşilada, E., Enzyme inhibitory and antioxidant activities of Nerium oleander L. Flower extracts and activity guided isolation of the active components, Industrial Crops and Products,112,24-31 (2018).
95. Balkan, İ.A., Gören, A.C.,Kırmızıbekmez, H.,Yeşilada, E., Evaluation of the in vitro Anti-inflammatory Activity of Nerium oleander L. Flower Extracts and Activity-Guided Isolation of the Active Constituents, Records of Natural Products,12:2,128-141 (2018).
96. Dunn, P.H.J., Hill, S., Cowen,S., Goenaga-Infante, H., Sargent, M., Gören, A.C., Bilsel, M., Şimşek, A., Ogrinc, N., Potočnik, D., Armishaw, P., Hai, L., Konopelko, L.; Chubchenko, Y., Chesson, L.A:, van der Peijl, G., Blaga, C., Posey, R., Camin, F., Chernyshev, A., Chowdhury, S.A. Lessons learned from inter-laboratory studies of carbon isotope analysis of honey, Science & Justice, 59(1), 9-19. (2019).
97. Mozioğlu, E., Akyürek, S., Gündüz, S., Akgoz, M., Gören, A.C., Kocagöz, T. Oligomer based real-time detection of microorganisms producing nuclease enzymes, Analyst, 144 (4),1379-1385 (2019).
98. Gulcin, İ., Kaya, R., Goren, A.C., Akincioglu, H., Topal, M., Bingol, Z., Çakmak, K.C., Ozturk Sarikaya, S.B., Durmaz, L., Alwasel, S. Anticholinergic, antidiabetic and antioxidant activities of cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) bark extracts: polyphenol contents analysis by LC-MS/MS. International Journal of Food Properties, 22(1), 1511-1526.
99. Bursal, E., Aras, A., Kılıç, Ö., Taslimi, P., Gören, A.C., Gülçin, İ. Phytochemical content, antioxidant activity, and enzyme inhibition effect of Salvia eriophora Boiss. & Kotschy against acetylcholinesterase, α‐amylase, butyrylcholinesterase, and α‐glycosidase enzymes. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 43 (3), e12776 (2019).
100. Seyhan, M.F., Yılmaz, E., Timirci‐Kahraman, Ö., Saygılı, N., Kısakesen, H.İ., Gazioğlu, S., Gören, A.C., Eronat, A.P., Ceviz, A.B., Öztürk, T., Yılmaz‐Aydoğan, H., Öztürk, O. Different propolis samples, phenolic content, and breast cancer cell lines: Variable cytotoxicity ranging from ineffective to potent.IUBMB Life, 71 (5), 619-631. (2019).
101. Tohma, H., Altay, A., Köksal, E., Gören, A.C., Gülçin, I. Measurement of anticancer, antidiabetic and anticholinergic properties of sumac (Rhus coriaria): analysis of its phenolic compounds by LC–MS/MS. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 13(2), 1607-1619 (2019).
102. Dunn, P.H.J., Bilsel, M., Şimşek, A., Gören, A.C., Tunç, M., Ogrinc, N., Horvat, M., Goenaga‐Infante, H.. Practical and theoretical considerations for the determination of δ13CVPDB values of methylmercury in the environment. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 33 (13), 1122-1136 (2019).
103. Kocyigit, A., Aydogdu, G., Balkan, E., Yenigun, V.B., Guler, E.M., Bulut, H., Koktasoglu, F., Gören, A.C., Atayoglu, A.T. Quercus pyrenaica honeydew honey with high phenolic contents cause DNA damage, apoptosis, and cell death through generation of reactive oxygen species in gastric adenocarcinoma cells. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 18, 1-12 (2019).
104. Kırmızıbekmez, H., İnan, Y., Reis, R., Sipahi, H., Gören, A.C., Yeşilada, E. Phenolic compounds from the aerial parts of Clematis viticella L. and their in vitro anti-inflammatory activities. Natural Product Research, 33(17), 2541-2544 (2019).
105. Sarikahya, N.B., Goren, A.C., Kirmizigul, S. Simultaneous determination of several flavonoids and phenolic compounds in nineteen different Cephalaria species by HPLC-MS/MS. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 173, 120-125 (2019).
106. Gülçin, İ., Tel, A.Z., Gören, A.C., Taslimi, P., Alwasel, S.H. Sage (Salvia pilifera): determination of its polyphenol contents, anticholinergic, antidiabetic and antioxidant activities. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 13 (3), 2062-2074 (2019).
107. Gülçin, İ., Gören, A.C., Taslimi, P., Alwasel, S.H., Kılıc, Ö., Bursal, E. Anticholinergic, antidiabetic and antioxidant activities of Anatolian pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)-analysis of its polyphenol contents by LC-MS/MS. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 23, 101441, 10 pages, (2020).
108. Taslimi, P.,Köksal, E., Gören, A.C., Bursal, E., Aras, A., Kılıç, Ö., Alwasel, S., Gülçin, İ. Anti-Alzheimer, antidiabetic and antioxidant potential of Satureja cuneifolia and analysis of its phenolic contents by LC-MS/MS. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 13 (3), 4528-4537 (2020).
109. Özer, Z., Gören, A.C., Kılıç, T., Öncü, M., Çarıkçı, S., Dirmenci, T. The phenolic contents, antioxidant and anticholinesterase activity of section Amaracus (Gled.) Vogel and Anatolicon Ietsw. of Origanum L. species. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 13 (4), 5027-5039 (2020).
110. Carikci S, Gören AC, Kilic T, Dirmenci T. Phytochemical screening, antioxidant and anticholinesterase activity of Origanum amanum Post endemic to Turkey. Zeitschrift für Arznei- & Gewürzpflanzen. 24 (1), 4–8 (2020).
111. Kilic, T., Topcu, G., Goren, A.C., Aydogmus, Z., Karagoz, A., Yildiz, Y.K., Aslan, İ. Ent-kaurene diterpenoids from Sideritis lycia with antiviral and cytotoxic activities. Records of Natural Products, 14(4), 256-268 (2020).
112. Carikci, S., Goren, A.C., Dirmenci, T., Yalcinkaya, B., Erkucuk, A., Topcu, G. Composition of the essential oil of Satureja metastasiantha: a new species for the flora of Turkey. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C, inpress 75(7–8)c: 271–277 (2020).
113. Carikci, S., Goren, A.C., Kilic, T. Diterpenoid and phenolic contents of Sideritis hololeuca Boiss & Heldr. Apud Bentham with antioxidant and anticholinesterase activity. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C, 75 (5-6), 161-169 (2020).
114. Polat Kose, L., Bingol, Z., Kaya, R., Goren, A.C., Akincioglu, H., Durmaz, L., Koksal, E., Alwasel, S.H., Gülçin, İ. Anticholinergic and antioxidant activities of avocado (Folium perseae) leaves – phytochemical content by LC-MS/MS analysis. International Journal of Food Properties, 23:1, 878-893 (2020).
115. Bursal, E; Taslimi, P.; Gören, A.C, Gülçin, İ Assessments of anticholinergic, antidiabetic, antioxidant activities and phenolic content of Stachys annua, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 28, 101711 (2020)
116. CCQM-1. Westwood, S (Westwood, Steven)[ 1 ] ; Josephs, R (Josephs, Ralf)[ 1 ] ; Choteau, T (Choteau, Tiphaine)[ 1 ] ; Daireaux, A (Daireaux, Adeline)[ 1 ] ; Mesquida, C (Mesquida, Charline)[ 1 ] ; Wielgosz, R (Wielgosz, Robert)[ 1 ] ; Rosso, A (Rosso, Adriana)[ 2 ] ; de Arechavaleta, MR (Ruiz de Arechavaleta, Mariana)[ 2 ] ; Davies, S (Davies, Stephen)[ 3 ] ; Wang, HJ (Wang, Hongjie)[ 3 ] ; do Rego, ECP (Pires do Rego, Eliane Cristina)[ 4 ] ; Rodrigues, JM (Rodrigues, Janaina Marques)[ 4 ] ; Guimaraes, ED (Guimaraes, Evelyn de Freitas)[ 4 ] ; Sousa, MVB (Barreto Sousa, Marcus Vinicius)[ 4 ] ; Monteiro, TM (Monteiro, Tania Maria)[ 4 ] ; Valente, LAD (das Neves Valente, Laura Alves)[ 4 ] ; Violante, FGM (Marques Violante, Fernando Gustavo)[ 4 ] ; Almeida, RRR (Ribeiro Almeida, Renato Rubim)[ 4 ] ; Quaresma, MCB (Baptista Quaresma, Maria Cristina)[ 4 ] ; Nogueira, R (Nogueira, Raquel)[ 4 ] ; Windust, A (Windust, Anthony)[ 5 ] ; Dai, XH (Dai, Xinhua)[ 6 ] ; Li, XM (Li, Xiaomin)[ 6 ] ; Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei)[ 6 ] ; Li, M (Li, Ming)[ 6 ] ; Shao, MW (Shao, Mingwu)[ 6 ] ; Wei, C (Wei, Chao)[ 6 ] ; Wong, SK (Wong, Siu-kay)[ 7 ] ; Cabillic, J (Cabillic, Julie)[ 8 ] ; Gantois, F (Gantois, Fanny)[ 8 ] ; Philipp, R (Philipp, Rosemarie)[ 9 ] ; Pfeifer, D (Pfeifer, Dietmar)[ 9 ] ; Hein, S (Hein, Sebastian)[ 9 ] ; Klyk-Seitz, UA (Klyk-Seitz, Urszula-Anna)[ 9 ] ; Ishikawa, K (Ishikawa, Keiichiro)[ 10 ] ; Castro, E (Castro, Esther)[ 11 ] ; Gonzalez, N (Gonzalez, Norma)[ 11 ] ; Krylov, A (Krylov, Anatoly)[ 12 ] ; Lin, TT (Lin, Teo Tang)[ 13 ] ; Kooi, LT (Kooi, Lee Tong)[ 13 ] ; Fernandes-Whaley, M (Fernandes-Whaley, M.)[ 14 ] ; Prevoo, D (Prevoo, D.)[ 14 ] ; Archer, M (Archer, M.)[ 14 ] ; Visser, R (Visser, R.)[ 14 ] ; Nlhapo, N (Nlhapo, N.)[ 14 ] ; de Vos, B (de Vos, B.)[ 14 ] ; Ahn, S (Ahn, Seonghee)[ 15 ] ; Pookrod, P (Pookrod, Preeyaporn)[ 16 ] ; Wiangnon, K (Wiangnon, Kanjana)[ 16 ] ; Sudsiri, N (Sudsiri, Nittaya)[ 16 ] ; Muaksang, K (Muaksang, Kittiya)[ 16 ] ; Cherdchu, C (Cherdchu, Chainarong)[ 16 ] ; Goren, AC (Goren, Ahmet Ceyhan)[ 17 ] ; Bilsel, M (Bilsel, Mine)[ 17 ] ; LeGoff, T (LeGoff, Thierry)[ 18 ] ; Bearden, D (Bearden, Dan)[ 19 ] ; Bedner, M (Bedner, Mary)[ 19 ] ; Duewer, D (Duewer, David)[ 19 ] ; Hancock, D (Hancock, Diane)[ 19 ] ; Lang, B (Lang, Brian)[ 19 ] ; Lippa, K (Lippa, Katrice)[ 19 ] ; Schantz, M (Schantz, Michele)[ 19 ] ; Sieber, J (Sieber, John)[ 19 ] CCQM-K55.b (Aldrin) Final Report: October 2012 CCQM-K55.b Key Comparison on the Characterization of Organic Substances for Chemical Purity, Metrologia, 49, S, 2012.
117. CCQM-2. Steven Westwood1, Ralf Josephs1, Tiphaine Choteau1, Adeline Daireaux1, Robert Wielgosz1, Stephen Davies2, Michael Moad2, Benjamin Chan2, Amalia Muñoz3, Patrick Conneely3, Marina Ricci3, Eliane Cristina Pires do Rego4, Bruno C Garrido4, Fernando G M Violante4, Anthony Windust5, Xinhua Dai6, Ting Huang6, Wei Zhang6, Fuhai Su6, Can Quan6, Haifeng Wang6, Man-fung Lo7, Wai-fun Wong7, Fanny Gantois8, Béatrice Lalerle8, Ute Dorgerloh9, Matthias Koch9, Urszula-Anna Klyk-Seitz9, Dietmar Pfeifer9, Rosemarie Philipp9, Christian Piechotta9, Sebastian Recknagel9, Robert Rothe9, Taichi Yamazaki10, Osman Bin Zakaria11, E Castro12, M Balderas12, N González12, C Salazar12, L Regalado12, E Valle12, L Rodríguez12, L Ángel Laguna12, P Ramírez12, M Avila12, J Ibarra12, L Valle12, M Pérez12, M Arce12, Y Mitani12, L Konopelko13, A Krylov13, E Lopushanskaya13, Teo Tang Lin14, Qinde Liu14, Lee Tong Kooi14, Maria Fernandes-Whaley15, Désirée Prevoo-Franzsen15, Nontete Nhlapo15, Ria Visser15, Byungjoo Kim16, Hwashim Lee16, Pornhatai Kankaew17, Preeyaporn Pookrod17, Nittaya Sudsiri17, Kittiya Shearman17, Ahmet Ceyhan Gören18, Gökhan Bilsel18, Hasibe Yilmaz18, Mine Bilsel18, Muhiddin Çergel18, Fatma Gonca Çoskun18, Emrah Uysal18, Simay Gündüz18, Ilker Ün18, John Warren19, Daniel W Bearden20, Mary Bedner20, David L Duewer20, Brian E Lang20, Katrice A Lippa20, Michele M Schantz20 and John R Sieber20
118. Final report on key comparison CCQM-K55.c (L-(+)-Valine): Characterization of organic substances for chemical purity, Metrologia, 51, S, 2014. 08010 doi:10.1088/0026-1394/51/1A/08010
119. CCQM-3 R D Josephs1, M Li1,2, D Song1,2, S Westwood1, N Stoppacher1, A Daireaux1, T Choteau1, R Wielgosz1, P Xiao2, Y Liu2, X Gao2, C Zhang2, T Zhang2, W Mi2, C Quan2, T Huang2, H Li2, R Flatschart3,R Borges Oliveira3, J E Melanson4, R Ohlendorf5, A Henrion5, T Kinumi6, L Wong7, Q Liu7, M Oztug Senal8,B Vatansever8, I Ün8, A C Gören8, M Akgöz8, M Quaglia9 and J Warren9, CCQM-K115 Key Comparison Study on Peptide Purity - Synthetic Human C-Peptide Final Report, Metrologia, 54, S, 2017.
120. A1.119. CCQM-4. P J H Dunn1, H Goenaga-Infante1, A C Goren2, A Şimşek2, M Bilsel2, N Ogrinc3, P Armishaw4 and L Hai5 CCQM-K140: Carbon Stable Isotope Ratio Delta Values in Honey, Metrologia, 54, S 2017.
121. CCQM-5. Xinhua Dai1, Wei Zhang1, Hongmei Li1, Ting Huang1, Mengwan Li1, Can Quan1, Qinghe Zhang1, Stephen R Davies2, John Warren3, Man-fung Lo4, Elias Kakoulides5, Ahmet Ceyhan Gören6, Sornkrit Marbumrung7, Dietmar Pfeifer8, İlker Ün6, Simay Gündüz6, Hasibe Yilmaz6, Pornhatai Kankaew7, Nittaya Sudsiri7, Kittiya Shearman7, Preeyaporn Pookrod7, Joachim Polzer9 and Wolfgang Radeck CCQM-K104 Key Comparison on the Characterization of Organic Substances for Chemical Purity - Avermectin B1a Final Report, Metrologia,54,S 2017.
122. Tang Lin Teo1, Ee Mei Gui1, Ting Lu1, Pui Sze Cheow1, Panagiota Giannikopoulou2, Elias Kakoulides2, Evgenia Lampi2, Sik-man Choi3, Yiu-chung Yip3, Pui-kwan Chan3, Sin-kam Hui3, Wagner Wollinger4, Lucas J Carvalho4, Bruno C Garrido4, Eliane C P Rego4, Seonghee Ahn5, Byungjoo Kim5, Xiuqin Li6, Zhen Guo6, Dyah Styarini7, Yosi Aristiawan7, Dillani Putri Ramadhaningtyas7, Nurhani Aryana7, Benilda S Ebarvia8, Aaron Dacuaya8, Alleni Tongson8, Kim Christopher Aganda8, Thippaya Junvee Fortune9, Pradthana Tangtrirat9, Thanarak Mungmeechai9, Ahmet Ceyhan Gören10, Simay Gündüz10 and Hasibe Yilmaz10 APMP.QM-S8: determination of mass fraction of benzoic acid, methyl paraben and n-butyl paraben in soy sauce, Metrologia 54S, (2017)
123. CCQM-7. Marina Ricci1, Penka Shegunova1, Patrick Conneely1, Roland Becker2, Mauricio Maldonado Torres3, Mariana Arce Osuna3, Tang Po On4, Lee Ho Man4, Song-Yee Baek5, Byungjoo Kim5, Christopher Hopley6, Camilla Liscio6, John Warren6, Véronique Le Diouron7, Sophie Lardy-Fontan7, Béatrice Lalere7, Shao Mingwu8, John Kucklick9, Veronica Vamathevan10, Shigetomo Matsuyama11, Masahiko Numata11, Martin Brits12, Laura Quinn12, Maria Fernandes-Whaley12, Ahmet Ceyhan Gören13, Burcu Binici13, Leonid Konopelko14, Anatoli Krylov14 and Alena Mikheeva14 CCQM-K102: polybrominated diphenyl ethers in sediment, Metrologia 54S (2017)
124. CCQM-8. Stephen A Wise1, Susan S -C Tai1, David L Duewer1, Mary Bedner1, Johanna E Camara1, Katrice A Lippa1, Liu Qinde2, Dukjin Kang3, Byungjoo Kim3, Can Quan4, Lianhua Shi4, Jintana Nammoonnoy5, Veronica Vamathevan6, Ahmet Ceyhan Gören7, Gökhan Bilsel7 and Hasibe Yilmaz7 CCQM-K132: low-polarity analytes in a biological matrix: vitamin D metabolites in human serum, Metrologia 54S, (2017)
125. CCQM-9. Stephen A Wise1, Karen W Phinney1, David L Duewer1, Lorna T Sniegoski1, Michael J Welch1, Guiomar Pabello2, Marco A Avila Caldero2, Liu Qinde3, Lee Tong Kooi3, Eliane Rego4, Bruno Garrido4, Gabriella Allegri4, Marcia de La Cruz4, Juliana Barrabin4, Celia Puglisi5, Eduardo Lopez5, Hwashim Lee6, Byungjoo Kim6, Vincent Delatour7, Maud Heuillet7, Jintana Nammoonnoy8, Ahmet Ceyhan Gören9, Gokhan Bilsel9, L Konopelko10, A Krylov10 and E Lopushanskaya10 CCQM K6.2 determination of total cholesterol in human, Metrologia 55S, 08011. (2018)

126. CCQM-10. Stephen A Wise, Karen W Phinney, David L Duewer, Lorna T Sniegoski, Michael J Welch, Jeanita Pritchett, Guiomar Pabello, Marco A Avila Calderon, Miryan Balderas, Liu Qinde, Lee Tong Kooi, Eliane Rego, Bruno Garrido, Gabriella Allegri, Marcia de La Cruz, Juliana Barrabin, Tânia Monteiro, Hwashim Lee, Byungjoo Kim, Vincent Delatour, Maryline Peignaux, Migaku Kawaguchi, Xu Bei, Quan Can, Jintana Nammoonnoy, Katrin Schild, Rüdiger Ohlendorf, Andre Henrion, Ahmet Ceyhan Gören, Hasibe Yılmaz, Mine Bilsel, L Konopelko, A Krylov, E Lopushanskaya. CCQM-K11. 2 determination of glucose in human serum and CCQM-K12. 2 determination of creatinine in human serum, Metrologia 55S, 08012. (2018)
127. A1.126. CCQM-11. Steven Westwood, Ralf Josephs, Tiphaine Choteau, Adeline Daireaux, Norbert Stoppacher, Robert Wielgosz, Stephen Davies, Eliane de Rego, Wagner Wollinger, Bruno Garrido, Jane Fernandes, Jonathan Lima, Rodrigo Oliveira, Rodrigo de Sena, Anthony Windust, Ting Huang, Xinhua Dai, Can Quan, Haihong He, Wei Zhang, Chao Wei, Na Li, Dexin Gao, Zhao Liu, Man-fung Lo, Wai-fun Wong, Dietmar Pfeifer, Matthias Koch, Ute Dorgerloh, Robert Rothe, Rosemary Philip, Nobuyasu Hirari, Mohd Fazlin Rezali, Claudia Marcela Salazar Arzate, Mercado Pedraza Evelina Berenice, Victor Serrano Caballero, Mariana Arce Osuna, A Krylov, S Kharitonov, E Lopushanskaya, Qinde Liu, Teo Tang Lin, Maria Fernandes-Whaley, Laura Quinn, Nontete Nhlapo, Desiree Prevoo-Franzsen, Marcelle Archer, Byungjoo Kim, Song-Yee Baek, Sunyoung Lee, Joonhee Lee, Sornkrit Marbumrung, Ponhatai Kankaew, Kanokrat Chaorenpornpukdee, Thitiphan Chaipet, Kittiya Shearman, Ahmet Ceyhan Goren, Simay Gunduz, Hasibe Yilmaz, Ilker Un, Gokhan Bilsel, Cailean Clarkson, Mary Bedner, Johanna E Camara, Brian E Lang, Katrice A Lippa, Michael A Nelson, Blaza Toman, L Yu Lee. Mass fraction assignment of folic acid in a high purity material.Metrologia 55S, 08012. (2018)
128. CCQM-12. David L Duewer, Jacolin A Murray, Laura J Wood, Stephen A Wise, Lane C Sander, Katrice Lippa, Sebastian Hein, Matthias Koch, Rosemarie Philipp, Martina Werneburg, Rudolf Hackenberg, Joachim Polzer, Marco A Avila, Victor Serrano, Elias Kakoulides, Charalampos Alexopoulos, Panagiota Giannikopoulou, Ee Mei Gui, Ting Lu, Tang Lin Teo, Tang Hua, Chen Dazhou, Li Chunxin, Ye Changjun, Li Hongmei, Jintana Nammoonnoy, Laura Quinn, Caitlin Swiegelaar, Maria Fernandes-Whaley, Ahmet Ceyhan Gören, Taner Gökçen. CCQM-K95. 1 Low-polarity analytes in a botanical matrix: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in tea, Metrologia 56S, 08002. (2019)
129. CCQM-13. David L Duewer, Lane C Sander, Stephen A Wise, Katrice Lippa, Rosemarie Philipp, Sebastian Hein, Rudolf Hackenberg, Joachim Polzer, Marco A Avila, Victor Serrano, Elias Kakoulides, Charalampos Alexopoulos, Panagiota Giannikopoulou, Pui-kwan Chan, Ho-man Lee, Po-on Tang, Yiu-chung Yip, Ting Lu, Pui Sze Cheow, Tang Lin Teo, Eliane CP do Rego, Fernando GM Violante, Lucas J de Carvalho, Rodrigo VP Leal, Michela Sega, Francesca Rolle, Song-Yee Baek, Byungjoo Kim, Sunyoung Lee, Julie Cabillic, Carine Fallot, Tang Hua, Chen Dazhou, Ye Changjun, Li Chunxin, Li Hongmei, Nobuyasu Itoh, Laura Quinn, Desiree Prevoo-Franzsen, Maria Fernandes-Whaley, Ahmet Ceyhan Gören, Taner Gökçen, Simay Gündüz, Anatoliy Krylov, Alena Mikheeva, Annarita Baldan, J Wouter van der Hout, Adriaan MH van der Veen. CCQM-K131 Low-polarity analytes in a multicomponent organic solution: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in acetonitrile. Metrologia 56S, 08002. (2019)
130. CCQM-14. Qinde Liu, Hong Liu, Yizhao Chen, Sharon Yong, Hui Ling Teo, Lingkai Wong, Tang Lin Teo, Veronica Vamathevan, Eliane CP do Rego, Wagner Wollinger, Jane LN Fernandes, Tania M Monteiro, Bruno C Garrido, Fernando M Violante, Lian Hua Shi, Hai Hong He, Can Quan, Bei Xu, Hong Mei Li, Xin Hua Dai, Ya Juan He, Man-fung Lo, Yiu-chung Yip, Julie Cabillic, Vincent Delatour, Rüdiger Ohlendorf, Andre Henrion, Migaku Kawaguchi, Dukjin Kang, Hwashim Lee, Mariana Arce Osuna, Victor Serrano, Claudia Marcela Salazar Arzate, Anatoliy Krylov, E Lopushanskaya, Jintana Nammoonnoy, Ahmet Ceyhan Gören, Simay Gündüz, Hasibe Yilmaz, Christopher Mussell, John Warren, Jeanita S Pritchett, Katrice Lippa, Michael A Nelson, Blaza Toman, Lorna T Sniegoski, David Duewer. High polarity analytes in biological matrix: determination of urea and uric acid in human serum (CCQM-K109). Metrologia 56S, 08002. Metrologia 56S, 08006. (2019)
131. CCQM-15. Mine Bilsel, Ahmet C Goren, Taner Gokcen, Simay Gunduz, Mathias Koch, Elias Kakoulides, Panagiota Giannikopoulou, Gary Tang Wai-tong, Andy Chan, Estela Kneeteman, Isaac Mugenya, Geoffrey Murııra, Cheerapa Boonyakong, Maria Fernandes-Whaley, Anatoliy Krylov, Alena Mikheeva. Report on key comparison CCQM-K138: determination of aflatoxins (AFB1, AFB2, AFG1, AFG2 and total AFs) in dried fig. Metrologia 56S, 08008.
132. CCQM-16. Anthony Windust, Garnet McRae, Juris Meija, Zoltán Mester, Jeremy E Melanson, Meg Croft, Lesley Johnston, John Murby, Eliane CP do Rego, Fernando GM Violante, Jane LN Fernandes, Wagner Wollinger, Rodrigo VP Leal, Hongmei Li, Qinghe Zhang, Yan Gao, Detlef Bohm, Joachim Polzer, Elias Kakoulidis, P Giannikopoulou, Charalampos Alexopoulos, Clare Ho, Simon CM Yau, Byungjoo Kim, Seok-Won Hyung, Sunyoung Lee, Song-Yee Baek, A Krylov, E Lopushanskaya, M Belyakov, Qinde Liu, Juan Wang, Ting Lu, Tang Lin Teo, Kittiya Shearman, Ahmet Ceyhan Gören, Burcu Binici, Luis Ruano Miguel, Christopher Hopley. High polarity analytes in food-enrofloxacin and sulfadiazine in bovine tissue (CCQM-K141). Metrologia 56S, 08008. (2019)
133. CCQM-17. Steven Westwood, Ralf Josephs, Tiphaine Choteau, Adeline Daireaux, Robert Wielgosz, Jeremy Melanson, Marie-Pier Thibeault, Juris Meija, Can Quan, L Hongmei, Ting Huang, Wei Zhang, Dewei Song, Gustavo Martos, Vincent Delatour, Rüdiger Ohlendorf, André Henrion, Elias Kakoulides, Panagiota Giannikopoulou, Charalampos Alexopoulos, Kelly Chan, WH Lam, WH Fung, Taichi Yamazaki, A Krylov, E Lopushanskaya, S Kharitonov, M Belyakov, O Sokolova, Qinde Liu, Hong Liu, Sharon Yong, Déirée Prevoo-Franzsen, Maria Fernandes-Whaley, Byungjoo Kim, Ji-Seon Jeong, Ha-Jeong Kwon, Inchul Yang, Jintana Nammoonnoy, Ahmet Ceyhan Gören, Simay Gündüz, Ilker Ün, Gökhan Bilsel, Sabine Biesenbruch, Mark Lowenthal. Mass fraction assignment of Amino Acids in acidic aqueous solution (CCQM-K78. Metrologia 56S, 08010.
134. Gören, A.C., Bilsel, G., Bilsel, M., Rapid and simultaneous determination of 25-OH-vitamin D2 and D3 in human serum by LC/MS/MS: Validation and uncertainty assesment. Journal of Chemical Metrology, 1:1, 1-10 (2007).
135. Gunduz, S., Yilmaz, H., Goren, A.C. Halal Food and Metrology: Ethyl Alcohol Contents of Beverages Journal of Chemical Metrology, 7:1, 7-9 (2013).
136. Ün, İ., Vatansever, B., Şimşek, A., Gören, A.C. Comparison of qNMR and HPLC-UV techniques for measurement of Coenzyme Q 10 in dietary supplement capsules, Journal of Chemical Metrology, 10:1 ; 1-11 (2016).
137. Şimşek, A., Gören, A.C., İşleyen, A., Topal, K. Sucrose certified reference material - UME CRM 1309 d 13 C VPDB value assignment by EA-IRMS, Journal of Chemical Metrology, 10:2 ; 16-26 (2016).
138. Kılıç,T.,Dirmenci,T.,Çarıkçı S.,and Gören, A.C. Chemical composition of Lophanthus turcicus Dirmenci, Yıldız & Hedge. Essential oil from Turkey, American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products,4(4)06-08 (2016)
139. Ün İ. and Gören, A.C., Accurate determination of ethanol in water by qNMR: Validation and uncertainty assessment, Journal of Chemical Metrology 11:1 ; 9-15, (2017).
140. Gökçen, T., Bilsel, G., Tarhan, T., Ün, İ.,Gören, A.C., Venn., A., Validation and sensitivity evaluation of the ID-GC-TOF-MS method for determination of PAHs in biogas, Journal of Chemical Metrology, 11:2 ; 78-85, (2017).
141. Gören, A.C., Şahin, G., Gümilcineli, İ., Binici, B. Rapid and reliable 25-OH vitamin D2 and 25-OH vitamin D3 measurements by multitasker LC-MS/MS, Journal of Chemical Metrology 12:1 ; 17-25, (2017).
142. Bayıl, S.B., Karagul, B., Aksoy, E.S., Uzun, A., Can, M., Yilmaz, H., Ugras, H.İ., Binici, B., Goren, A.C. Determination of taxanes by validated LC-MS/MS method in hazelnut collected from different regions and altitudes in Turkey, Journal of Chemical Metrology 12:1 ; 26-33. (2018).
143. Unsal, I.A., Tasan, M., Gokcen, T., Goren, A.C. Determination of sulfonamides in milk by ID-LC-MS/MS, Journal of Chemical Metrology 12:1 ; 70-78. (2018). (2018).
144. Çarıkçı, S., Kılıç, T., Özer, Z., Dirmenci, T., Arabacı, T., Gören, A.C. Quantitative determination of some phenolics in Origanum laevigatum Boiss extracts via validated LC-MS/MS method and antioxidant activity, Journal of Chemical Metrology 12:2 ; 121-127. (2018)
145. Özer, Z., Çarıkçı, S., Dereli, S., Acar, D., Gören, A.C., Kılıç, T. Essential oil composition of five Sideritis species endemic to Turkey, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22, 301-305. (2018).
146. Özgen, U., Şener, S.Ö., Badem, M., Seçinti, H., Hatipoğlu, S.D., Gören, A.C., Kazaz, C., Palaska, E. Evaluation of HPLC, Phytochemical, anticholinesterease and antioxidant profiles of the aerial parts of Asperula taurina subsp. caucasica, Ankara Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi, 42 (1), 1-13 (2018).
147. Özer, Z., Çarıkçı, S., Yılmaz, H., Kılıç, T., Dirmenci, T., Gören, A.C. Determination of secondary metabolites of Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum and O. vulgare subsp. vulgare by LC-MS/MS. Journal of Chemical Metrology 14:1 ; 25-34. (2020).
148. Dincel, D.,Olgan, H., Canbaloglu, Z., Yalcin, S., Erkucuk, A., Tiris, G., Gören, A.C. Determination of dihydrocapsaicin adulteration in dietary supplements using LC-MS/MS, . Journal of Chemical Metrology 14:1 ; 77-82. (2020).
149. Özgen, U., Şener, S.Ö., Šmejkal, K., Vaclavik, J., Şenol Denİz, F.S., Orhan, İ.E., Svajdlenka, E., Gören, A.C., Žemlicka, M.. Cholinesterase and tyrosinase Inhibitory potential and antioxidant capacity of Lysimachia verticillaris L. and isolation of the major compounds, Turkish Journal of Pharmeceutical Sciences, 17:5, 528-534 (2020).
150. Un-Sahin, S., Altundas, R and Goren A.C. Synthesis of ɣ-glutamyl β-cyanoalanine precursor, Organic Communications, 13:4, 202-206 (2020).


1. Ozturk, T., Tekin, E., Sahin, O., Sevinis, E.B., Eroğlu, M., Goren, A.C., Çınar, M.E., Türkoğlu, G. Poly(thienothiıphenylborane (s) Poly(dithienothiophenylborane)snfor White Emitting Diodes. (PCT). WO2015033187A1. (March 12, 2015)
2. Thienothiophenes and Dithiyenothiophenes, Incorporating Triphenylene and Compostions for Organic Light Emitting Diodes, T. Oztürk, A. Buyruk, E. Tekin, S. Pravidili Mucur, A.C. Goren. CA2977170 (A1) ― 2016-08-25
3. Beyaz ışık yayan diyot yapımı için poli(tiyenotiyofenilboran), poli(ditiyenotiyofenilboran)’lar ve selenyum türevlerini içeren bor polimerleri”, Turan Öztürk, Emine Tekin, Onur Şahin, Emine Billur Seviniş, Mehmet S. Eroğlu, Ahmet C. Gören, Mehmet E. Çınar, Gülşen Türkoğlu, TC Patent
4. Method for rapid identification of microorganisms producing nuclease enzymes WO2018167666. Erkan Mozioğlu, Sema Akyürek, Simay Gündüz, Müslüm Akgöz, Ahmet Ceyhan Gören, Zühtü Tanıl Kocagöz Türk Patent Enstitüsü (2020)
5. Early diagnosis method and kit for breast cancer, O. Ozturk, H.Yılmaz Aydoğan, Ahmet Ceyhan Goren, Alison Pınar Eronat, PCT- 20190345564 (2019).

Yüksek Lisans Tezleri

1.“Satureja pilosa ve Satureja icarica bitkilerinin seconder metabolitlerinin ve biyolojik aktivitelerinin incelenmesi” Betül Kiraz Kınoğlu (2021). Bezmialem Vakıf Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Danışman: Prof.Dr. Ahmet. Gören

Doktora Tezleri
1.Bazı Sideritis (Sideritis niveotomentosa, Sideritis hololeuca, Sideritis brevidens) Türlerinin Diterpenik Bileşenlerinin İzolasyonu ve Yapılarının Tayini” Sema Çarıkçı (2010). Balıkesir, Balıkesir Universitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Danışmanlar: Doç.Dr. Turgut Kılıç; Doç.Dr. Ahmet C Gören

2.“3-Hidroksiflavon temelli organik ve polimerik floresans sensörlerin geliştirilmesi” Simay Gündüz (2013). İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Danışmanlar Prof.Dr. Turan Öztürk; Doç. Dr. Ahmet C Gören

3.“Yeni meso-indol-BODIPYtürevlerinin sentezi”, Ali Enis Sadak (2014). Erzurum, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Danışmanlar: Prof.Dr Nurullah Saraçoğlu; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Özgür Altan Bozdemir; Doç. Dr. Ahmet C Gören

4.“Plastik maddeler içerisinde PBDE ve PBB bileşiklerinin GC-IDMS yöntemiyle tayini, Burcu Binici (2014). İstanbul, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Danışmanlar: Doç. .Dr. İkbal Koyuncu; Doç. Dr. Ahmet C Gören

5.“Et ve Sütte sülfonamid bileşiklerinin ID LC-MS yöntemiyle analiz” Işın Aydın Ünsal (2016)..Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Danışmanlar: Prof.Dr. Murat Taşan; Doç.Dr. Ahmet C Gören

6.“Yeni Sekonder Sülfonamidlerin Sentezi ve in vitro Karbonik Anhidraz İzoenzimleri Üzerine İnhibisyon Aktivitelerinin” Taner Gökçen (2017). İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Danışmanlar Prof.Dr. Turan Öztürk; Doç. Dr. Ahmet C Gören

  • Doktora: Balıkesir University, Insitute of Science, Balıkesir, Turkey
  • Yüksek lisans: Balıkesir University,Insitute of Science Balıkesir, Turkey
  • Lisans: Atatürk University, kazım Karabekir Education Faculty, Department of Chemistry Education, Balıkesir, Turkey
Ahmet C Goren (1973) graduated from the Department of Education in Chemistry, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey. He has obtained his Ph.D. degree in the field of Natural Product Chemistry from Balikesir University, Turkey in 2002. His thesis focused on the isolation and structure elucidation of secondary metabolites (especially on diterpenoids) of plant species. He worked as a researcher at TUBITAK Marmara Research Center (1999-2003) and collaborated with different research groups in the USA, Netherlands and Turkey on the topic of natural product chemistry and synthetic organic chemistry. He worked at TUBITAK UME (Ulusal Metroloji Enstitüsü - National Metrology Institute of Turkey) as a senior researcher and Deputy Director and coordinates and manages many projects related with chemical metrology, clinical chemistry and energy related projects. He was the CCQM delegates of Turkey in Organic Analysis Working Group and CCQM. He was worked as a delegate of EURACHEM as well. He was managed the most prestigious and the biggest project of National Metrology Institute which is National Fuel Marker for 11 years. He worked at Bezmialem Vakif University, Faculty of Pharmacy as a full time professor in Analytical Chemistry Division. He is currently employed at Gebze Technical University, Faculty of Basic Science, Department of Chemistry as a full time professor in Organic Chemistry division. He is founder of ACG publications and the Co-Editor-in Chief of the scientific journal “Records of Natural Products” Executive editors of “Journal of Chemical Metrology” and "Organic Communications". He has more than 160 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals (SCI, SCI-E and others) on the areas of natural product chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry and analytical chemistry. His “H” index is 30. He is also the master of felt and felt cloak which are special kinds of traditional handcraft and Turkish Carpet. He is also a farmer for olive and olive oil in his family farm.