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- Organik Kimya
Journal Articles
13.Çekiç, Y., Duyar, H., Hacıvelioğlu, F. (2024). Preparation and Characterization of Melamine–Benzoguanamine–Formaldehyde Resins and Their Flame-Retardant Properties in Impregnated Paper for Low Pressure Laminates.Coatings,14(7), 873.
12. Duyar H., Yalcin E., Kup Aylikci N., Celebi E.B., Aylikci V., Hacivelioğlu F. Bio-based lamb tail fat phase change material with enhanced thermal properties by incorporation of cyclophosphazene additives. Energy Storage. 2024; 6(1):e580. doi:10.1002/est2.580
11. Duyar, H., Çelebi, E. B., Güney, E., Hacivelioglu, F. (2024). Water‐soluble Polypyrrole‐Polybis (4‐oxy benzene sulfonic acid) phosphazene Composites and Investigation of Their Performance as Cathode Binder in Li‐ion Batteries. ChemSusChem, e202301799.
10. Gökoğlu, E., Doyuran, B., Özen, G., Duyar, H., Taskin-Tok, T., Seferoğlu, Z. (2023). Evaluation of the Binding Properties of A New Phenylurea Appended Carbazole Compound to Pepsin/Trypsin by Computational and Multi-Spectral Analysis. J Fluoresc.
9. Duyar, H., Çelebi, E. B., Ayar, C., Hacıvelioğlu, F. (2022). Synthesis and characterisation of epoxy-functional cyclotriphosphazenes and investigation of their thermal behaviour in powder epoxy resin formulations.;Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A, 1-10.
8. Gökoğlu, E., Kıpçak, F., Tok, T. T., Duyar, H., Seferoğlu, Z. (2022). Structural analysis and calf thymus DNA/HSA binding properties of new carbazole derivative containing piperazine. Journal of Photochemistry Photobiology, A: Chemistry. 113720.
7. Şirin S., Duyar H., Aslım B., Seferoğlu Z., (2021) Synthesis and biological activity of pyrrolidine/piperidine substituted 3-amido-9-ethylcarbazole derivatives. Journal of Molecular Structure. 130687.
6. Duyar H., Portakal H.S., Yalçın E., Kanat B., Doluca O., Seferoğlu Z. (2021) Fluorene/fluorenone carboxamide derivatives as selective light-up fluorophores for c-myc G-quadruplex. Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 127824.
5. Kıpçak, F., Tok, T. T., Duyar, H., Seferoğlu, Z., Gökoğlu, E. (2020). Synthesis of new morpholine containing 3-amido-9-ethylcarbazole derivative and studies on its biophysical interactions with calf thymus DNA/HSA. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 1-
4. Yalçin, E., Duyar, H., Çakmaz, D., Şahin, E., Seferoğlu, Z. (2019). The synthesis of blue emitting 3-amino-1-hetarylfluorenes and their unprecedented alkylated derivatives. Tetrahedron, 130464.;
3. Elmacı, G., Duyar, H., Aydıner, B., Yahaya, I., Seferoğlu, N., Şahin, E., … Seferoğlu, Z. (2019). Novel benzildihydrazone based Schiff bases: Syntheses, characterization, thermal properties, theoretical DFT calculations and biological activity studies. Journal of Molecular Structure.
2. Yalçın, E., Duyar, H., Ihmels H., Seferoğlu, Z. (2018). Spectroscopic studies on the interactions of 5-ethyl-6-phenyl-3, 8-bis ((3-aminoalkyl) propanamido) phenanthridin-5-ium derivatives with G-quadruplex DNA.Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 160;196, 432-438.
1. Elmacı, G., Duyar, H., Aydıner, B., Seferoğlu, N., Naziri, M. A., Şahin, E., Seferoğlu, Z. (2018). The syntheses, molecular structure analyses and DFT studies on new benzil monohydrazone based Schiff bases., Journal of Molecular Structure, 1162, 37-44.
Conference Papers:
1. Duyar H., Çakmaz D., Yalçın E., Seferoğlu Z., “3-Amino-1-(2-Tiyenil ve 4-Piridil)-Floren Sentezi Üzerine Çalışmalar.”, 29.Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 10-14 Eylül 2017, ODTÜ Ankara, TÜRKİYE.
2. Yalçın E., Duyar H., Seferoğlu Z., "The Complementary Route for the Synthesis of Biologically Active 3-amino-1-hetaryl-2,4-dicyano-9(H)-fluorene/fluorenone and Its Derivatives" TRAMECH VIII, 11-15 November 2015, Antalya, Turkey
3. Şahin E., Elmacı G., Duyar H. , Aydıner B., Seferoğlu N., Seferoğlu Z. “X-Ray and DFT Studies of New Benzildihydrazone Based Schiff Bases” Tayland 1th International Conference on Advances Inengineering Sciences, April 2018
4. Şahin E., Elmacı G., Duyar H. , Aydıner B., Tunç T., Seferoğlu N., Seferoğlu Z. “Molecular Structure Analyses and DFT Studies on New Benzilmonohydrazone Based Schiff Bases.” Tayland 1th International Conference on Advances Inengineering Sciences, April 2018
5. Yalçın E., Duyar H., Ihmels H., Seferoğlu Z., “Spectroscopic studies of the interactions of 3,8-bis(3-aminoalkylamido)-5-ethyl-6-phenyl-5-phenanthridinium bromide derivatives with G-quadruplex DNA.” XVIIIth International Symposium on Luminescence Spectrometry, Brest, France, June 2018.
6. Şirin, S., Duyar, H., Aslım, B., Seferoğlu, Z. Exploring The DNA Binding/Cleavage, and Topoisomerase II İnhibition of Pyrrolidine/Piperidine Substituted 3-Amido-9-Ethylcarbazole Derivatives. Iı. International Science And İnnovation Congress, Ankara, Türkiye, 25 - 27 Haziran 2021
7. Çelebi Büşra E., Duyar H., Hacıvelioğlu F. Synthesis And Characterızation Of Terpyridine Functional Cyclophosphazene. 7th International Conference On New Trends İn Chemistry, September 25-26, 2021
8. Çelebi Büşra E., Duyar H., Hacıvelioğlu F. Fosfazen Esaslı Çok Dallanmış Terpiridin İçeren Molekülün Sentezi Ve Karakterizasyonu. VIII.Ulusal Anorganik Kimya Kongresi 2-5 Eylül 2021 / Online
9. Çelebi Büşra E., Duyar H., Ayar C., Baran R., Hacıvelioğlu F. Synthesis and Characterization of Phosphazene-Based Epoxy Binders, 6th International Conference on New Trends in Chemistry October 17-18, 2020
10. Çelebi Büşra E., Duyar H., Hacıvelioğlu F. Synthesis and Characterization of Sulfonic Acis Substituted Polyphosphazene/PolyPyrrole Composites. V. International ISCMP September 29 – October 1, 2021, Burdur/Turkey
11. Çelebi Büşra E., Duyar H., Hacıvelioğlu F. Sülfonik Asit Fonksiyonel Polifosfazen-Polipirol Kompozitlerinin Hazırlanması. 33. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi 7-9 Ekim 2021, Online
TÜBİTAK-KBAG 113Z704 "Yeni Nesil Kanser Terapisi İçin Bir Yaklaşım: G4-DNA'yı Kararlı Kılan Floren/Fluorenon Temelli Yeni Nesil Floresans Ligandların Sentezi, Ligand-DNA Etkileşim Mekanizmalarının ve Antitelomeraz Aktivitesinin Incelenmesi" Prof. Dr. Zeynel Seferoğlu (Yürütücü), Halil Duyar (Bursiyer), Dr. Ergin Yalçın (Araştırmacı) 2014-2018.
- Doktora: Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi 2019 - ...
- Yüksek lisans: Gazi Üniversitesi - Organik Kimya
- Lisans: Gazi Üniversitesi (2011 - 2014)