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- Ofis
- İşletme Binası, Z51
- Çalışma alanları
- Finite Geometry, Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Combinatorics, Group Actions.
1. A. Betten, J.W.P. Hirschfeld, F. Karaoglu, Classification of cubic surfaces with twenty-seven lines over the finite field of order thirteen. European Journal of Mathematics. (2018), 4 no. 1, 37—50.
2. A. Betten, F. Karaoglu, Cubic Surfaces Over Small Finite Fields. Design Codes and Cryptography (2019) 87: 931-953.
3. F. Karaoglu, Non-Singular Cubic surfaces over F2k. Turkish Journal of Mathematics (2021) 45 (6), 2492-2510.
4. F. Karaoglu, A. Betten, The Number of Cubic Surfaces with 27 Lines Over a Finite Field. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics (2022)56, 43–57. doi: 10.1007/s10801-020-01009-3.
5. A. Betten, F. Karaoglu, The Eckardt point configuration of cubic surfaces revisited. Design Codes and Cryptography. (2022).
6. F. Karaoglu, Smooth Cubic Surfaces with 15 Lines. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing (2022).
7. F. Karaoglu, A New Form of Smooth Cubic Surfaces with 9 Lines. Journal of New Theory,(2023) 44, 62-78
8. A. Betten, F. Karaoğlu, Isomorphism testing for Algebraic Varieties using canonical forms. (CASC 2021, extended abstract)
9. Del-pezzo surfaces of degree two over finite fields. (in progress with A. Betten and N. Kaplan)
10. An Atlas of Cubic Surfaces. (In progress with A. Betten and O. Oztunc)
11. The classification of smooth cubic surfaces with at least 9 lines over small finite fields. (in progress with master student)
Talks and Presentations
Seminar Talks:
1. December 2021 “ 27’den Az Doğruya Sahip Pürüzsüz Kübik Yüzeyler” Matematik Bölümü
Genel Seminerleri, Gebze Technical University, Turkey.
2. December 2021 “The smooth cubic surfaces with 15 lines” Symbolic Computation Istanbul
Meeting, IMBM, Boğaziçi University, Turkey.
3. November 2021 “27’ den az doğruya sahip pürüzsüz kübik yüzeyler” Matematik Bölüm Semineri,
Balıkesir Üniversitesi, T¨urkiye
4. March 2021 “Smooth Cubic Surfaces with at least 9 Lines” Number Theory Seminars at the
Department of Mathematics, University of California Ivrine, United States.
5. December 2020 “Some Cubic Surfaces over the Field of Characteristic Two ” Seminar talk at
Department of Mathematics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins,United States.
6. November 2017 “On Cubic Surfaces” Postgraduate Seminars at the Department of Mathematics,
Sabanci University, Turkey.
7. November 2017 “On Classification Problems in Finite Geometry” Postgraduate Seminars at
the Department of Mathematics, Sabanci University, Turkey.
8. April 2017 “Cubic surfaces over Finite Fields” Mathematics Postgraduate Seminars, University
of Sussex, United Kingdom.
9. February 2017 “Cubic Surfaces over F13” Rocky Mountain Algebraic Combinatorics Seminars,
Colorado State University, Fort Collins,United States.
Conference presentations:
10. September 2022 (Invited talk) “Küçük sonlu cisimler ¨uzerinde pürüzsüz kübik yüzeylerin
izomorfizmaya göre sınıflandırılması.” 34th National Mathematics Symposium, Izmir, Turkey
11. May 2021 (Invited talk) “On the number of lines of a cubic surface” Combinatorial and
Additive Number Theory (CANT 2021), New York, NY, United States.
12. March 2021 “Non-Singular Cubic Surfaces over F2k” 52th Southeastern International Conference
on Combinatorics, Graph Theory & Computing, Boca Raton, FL, United States.
13. July 2019 “The number of Cubic Surfaces with twenty-Seven Lines over a Finite Field” 27th
Biritish Combinatorial Conference, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
14. June 2019 “Cubic surfaces and Associated Arcs” 17th Geometry Symposium, Erzincan,
15. May 2019 “Two New Families of Cubic Surfaces in Characteristic Two” Antalya Cebir Günleri
XXI, Izmir, Turkey.
16. May 2018 “Cubic surfaces over Finite Fields” Antalya Cebir Günleri XX, Izmir, Turkey.
17. March 2017 “Cubic Surfaces over F13” 48th Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics,
Graph Theory, Computing, Boca Raton, FL, United States.
18. June 2016 “The classification of Cubic Surfaces with twenty-seven lines over the field of
thirteen elements” 3rd Istanbul Design Theory, Graph Theory and Combinatorics Workshop,
Istanbul, Turkey.
19. June 2016 “ Classification of cubic surfaces with twenty-seven lines over the field of thirteen
elements” Combinatorics 2016, Maratea, Italy.
Software demo:
20. July 2020 “Classifying Cubic Surfaces over Finite Fields with Orbiter” International Congress
on Mathematical Software, Braunschweig, Germany.
Poster Presentation:
21. January 2011 “Hilbert Functions of One-Dimensional Cohen-Macaulay Local Ring” Izmir
Algebraic Geometric Topology Days II, 9-14 January 2011, Izmir, Turkey.
2020-2021: PostDoc., Colorado State University, United States. Mentor: Prof. Dr. Anton Betten
2014-2018: Ph.D., University of Sussex, United Kingdom. Supervisor: Prof Dr.James W. P. Hirschfeld
Yüksek lisans:
2013-2014: M.Sc., University of Sussex, United Kingdom. Supervisor: Prof Dr.James W. P. Hirschfeld
2010-2012: M.Sc., Balikesir University, Turkey. Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pınar Mete
2005-2009: B.Sc., Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversity, Turkey.
1. LMS-ECR: London Mathematical Society Early Career Researcher, “Turkey Earthquake Emergency Summer School”, award number: AH-2223-02, ≈ £2900, 2023
2. TMD-MAD: Türk Matematik Derneği’nin Matematik Araştırma Dostları, ≈ 25,000 TL, 2023
3. TUBITAK 2224-A: Yurt Dışı Bilimsel Etkinliklere Katılma Desteği, award number: 1919B022300472,
≈ 30,000 TL, 2023-1
4. TUBITAK grant:“2237-A Grant Program for Scientific Training”,award number:1129B372200312
≈ 90,000.00 TL, 2022-1
5.TUBITAK grant: “2221 - Fellowships for Visiting Scientists and Scientists on Sabbatical Leave”
(award number:1059B212200107 ) 2022-2
6. TUBITAK grant: “2221 - Fellowships for Visiting Scientists and Scientists on Sabbatical Leave”
(award number: 1059B212200146) 2022-2
7. TUBITAK grant: “2221 - Fellowships for Visiting Scientists and Scientists on Sabbatical Leave”
(award number:1059B212200030 ) 2022-1
8. TUBITAK grant: “2219-International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program for Turkish Citizens”
(award number 1059B192000479) September 28, 2020 – September 26, 2021. $30,000.00
9. TUBITAK 2224-A: Yurt Dışı Bilimsel Etkinliklere Katılma Desteği, award number: 1919B021901359,
≈ 4,500 TL, 2019-5
10. TUBITAK grant: “2221 - Fellowships for Visiting Scientists and Scientists on Sabbatical Leave”
(award number: 1059B211900731) 2019-5
11. TUBITAK grant: “2221 - Fellowships for Visiting Scientists and Scientists on Sabbatical Leave”
(award number: 1059B211900062) 2019-1
12. IMA: Institute of Mathematics and its applications, Small Grant Scheme, ≈ £1000, 2017
13. BCC: British Combinatorial Committee, conference organization, ≈ £500, 2017
14. US: University of Sussex Doctoral School, conference organization, ≈ £1000
15. MEB grant: “YLSY 2011/2 Study Abroad in Graduate Program” (award number: 3HXR9259)
2012 – 2018. ≈ £200,000.00