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Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri

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- Çalışma alanları
- Management Information Systems (MIS), Electronic Commerce, Machine Learning, Digital Consumer Behaviour, Information Technology (IT) Adoption and Use
[1] TÜBİTAK 1002: Using Machine Learning Algorithms To Predict Individuals' Tendency To Be Victim of Social Engineering Attacks [Coordinator]. Project Duration: January 2021 - January 2022.
[2] ADEP (RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES SUPPORT PROGRAM): Proposing a Multimodal Deep Learning Algorithm to Understand the Role of Social Media in Consumer Perception towards Green Consumption [Researcher]. Project Duration: September 2022 - September 2023.[3] BAP (SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PROJECT): Investigation and Interpretation of The Effect of Social Networks in Disaster Relief and Coordination with Machine Learning: The Case of Kahramanmaraş and Hatay [Coordinator]. Project Duration: October 2023 - October 2024.
[1] Tas, N., Huseynov, F., Kose, B.Ö. (2024). A Unified Theoretical Model for Understanding Mobile Application Usage Behavior Supported with Real Usage Data. Information Development, DOI: 10.1177/02666669241257191 (SSCI)
[2] Huseynov, F., Kose, B.Ö. (2022). Using Machine Learning Algorithms To Predict Individuals' Tendency To Be Victim of Social Engineering Attacks. Information Development (SSCI)
[3] Huseynov, F. (2020). Understanding Usage Behavior of Different Mobile Application Categories Based on Personality Traits. Interacting with Computers, pp.1-15. DOI: 10.1093/iwc/iwaa005 (SSCI)
[4] Huseynov, F., Yıldırım, S.O. (2019). Online Consumer Typologies and Their Shopping Behaviors in B2C E-Commerce Platforms. SAGE Open, 9 (2), pp.1-19. DOI: 10.1177/2158244019854 (SSCI)
[5] Huseynov, F., Yıldırım, S.O. (2016). Internet users’ attitudes toward business-to-consumer online shopping: A survey. Information Development, 32(3), 452-465. DOI: 10.1177/0266666914554812 (SSCI)
[6] Huseynov, F., Huseynov, S.Y., Özkan, S. (2016). The influence of knowledge-based e-commerce product recommender agents on online consumer decision-making. Information Development, 32, 81-90. DOI: 10.1177/0266666914528929 (SSCI)
[7] Huseynov, F., Yıldırım, S.O. (2016). Behavioral issues in B2C e-commerce: The-state-of-the-art. Information Development, 32(5), 1343-1358. DOI: 10.1177/0266666915599586 (SSCI)
[8] Huseynov, F.,Yıldırım, S.O. (2017). Behavioral Segmentation Analysis of Online Consumer Audience in Turkey by Using Real E-Commerce Transaction Data. International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 14(1), pp. 12-28 (SCOPUS).
[1] Huseynov, F.(2021). Big Data in Business: Digital Transformation for Enhanced Decision Making and Superior Customer Experience, In Disruptive Technology and Digital Transformation for Business and Government (pp. 235-249): IGI Global.
[2] Huseynov, F.(2020). Gamification in E-Commerce: Enhancing Digital Customer Engagement Through Game Elements, In Digital Innovations for Customer Engagement, Management, and Organizational Improvement (pp.144-162): IGI Global.
[3] Huseynov, F.(2020). Intelligent Recommender Systems in E-Commerce: Opportunities and Challenges for Online Customers. In Handbook of Research on IT Applications for Strategic Competitive Advantage and Decision Making (pp.36-51): IGI Global.
[1] Güler, Y.C., Huseynov, F. (2021). The Impact of Online Consumer Reviews on Online Hotel Booking Intention. Journal of Business Research-Turk, 13(3) (ULAKBIM-TR).
[2] Dhahak, K., Huseynov, F. (2020). The Influence of Gamification on Online Consumers’ Attitude and Intention to Purchase Fast Moving Consumer Goods. Business and Economics Research Journal, 11(3) (ULAKBIM-TR).
[3] Dhahak, K. Huseynov, F. (2020). The Impact of Online Consumer Reviews (OCR) on Online Consumers’ Purchase Intention. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(2), 990-1005 (ULAKBIM-TR).
[4] Abasin, M.M., Huseynov, F. (2020). The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Loyalty in Fast-Moving Consumer Good (FMCG) Markets. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(2),1023-1035 (ULAKBIM-TR)
[5] Huseynov, F.(2019).The Usage of Cloud and Web Based Mobile Applications by Students at Higher Education: The Two-Step Cluster Analysis. Mediterranean Journal of Educational Research,13(30), 114-125. doi: 10.29329/mjer.2019.218.7(ULAKBIM-TR).
[6] Baloch, M. A.,Huseynov, F.(2019). Determinants of Consumer Satisfaction of Mobile Commerce in Turkey. Florya Chronicles of Political Economy, 5(1), 15-36.
[7] Fityan, A.,Huseynov, F.(2018). Factors Affecting the Adoption of Social Media as a Marketing Tool: A Case Study of Turkish Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Operating in Textile Manufacturing Sector. Journal of Management, Economic and Marketing Research, 2 (4), 27-44.
[8] Amazhanova, K.,Huseynov, F.(2018). The Impact of Electronic Customer Relationship Management on Customer Satisfaction in Turkey. Journal of Management, Economic and Marketing Research 2 (4), 12-26.
[1] Cerasi, C. C., Balcioglu, Y. S., Kilic, A., Huseynov, F., Rasti, P. (2023). A Sentiment Analysis to Understand the Role of Twitter Towards Sustainable Consumption. In 27th International Conference on Information Technology (IT) (pp. 1-5), IEEE, Zabljak, Montenegro, 15-18 February.
[2] Huseynov, F.(2023). Non-Fungible Token (NFT): Awareness and Acceptance Among Internet Users: A Survey. In 7th International New York Academic Research Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences, New York, USA, 18-20 February.
[3] Huseynov, F.(2023). Non-Fungible Token (NFT): Overview, Opportunities And Challenges. In 7th International New York Academic Research Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences, New York, USA, 18-20 February.
[4] Huseynov, F.(2022). Installation and Utilization Rate of Mobile Applications According To Demographic Factors. In Baskent 2nd International Conference On Multidisciplinary Studies, Ankara, Turkey, 24-25 February.
[5] Huseynov, F.(2022). Mobile Application Access Frequency and Usage Duration According To Demographic Factors. In Baskent 2nd International Conference On Multidisciplinary Studies, Ankara, Turkey, 24-25 February.
[6] Arici, N., Huseynov, F. (2022). In-App Purchase On Google Play: Does The Freemium Strategy Work? In 6th Ankara International Congress On Scientific Research, Ankara, Turkey, 1-3 April.
[7] Arici, N., Huseynov, F.(2022). The Effects of In-App Advertisements on User Behavior in Google Play Store Games. In International Aegean Symposıums Social Sciences Humanities - V, Izmir, Turkey, 25-26 February.
[8] Huseynov, F., Köse, B.Ö.(2021). Social Engineering Attack Threats Against Internet Users: K- Means Cluster Analysis. In Istanbul International Modern Scientific Research Congress - II, Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 December.
[9] Sumru, K., Huseynov, F.(2021). Academic Studies on The Customer Reviews in Online Shopping. In International Antalya Scientific Research and Innovative Studies Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 18-21 December.
[10] Arıcı, N., Huseynov, F.(2021). The Effect of Being The “Editors' Choice” On Google Play Store Games: Does It Really Make Any Difference? In III. International Ankara Multidisciplinary Studies Congress, Ankara, Turkey, 5-7 December.
[11] Huseynov, F., Köse, B.Ö.(2021). The Inclination of the Internet Users to Be Deceived By Social Engineering Attacks in Different Sectors. In International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies, Ankara, Turkey, 23-24 September.
[12] Huseynov, F., Köse, B.Ö.(2021). A Survey Study Evaluating Internet Users' Proneness To Fall Prey To Social Engineering Attacks. In 5.ASIA PACIFIC International Modern Sciences Congress, Sydney, Australia, 16-18 July.
[13] Arıcı, N., Huseynov, F.(2021). A Descriptive Study Understanding The Current Status of The Games In Google Play Store. In International European Conference on Interdisciplinary Scientific Research-IV, Warsaw, Poland, 08-09 August.
[14] Arıcı, N., Huseynov, F.(2021). An Explanatory Study Comparing The Paid And Free Games In The Google Play Store. In International European Conference on Interdisciplinary Scientific Research-IV, Warsaw, Poland, 08-09 August.
[15] Nur, N. B., Huseynov, F.(2020). Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention Among Academicians In Turkey. In 2nd International Conference on Innovative Studies of Contemporary Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, 17-19 August.
[16] Huseynov, F.(2020). Evaluating System Usability of Mobile Banking Applications in Turkey. In International Asian Congress on Contemporary Sciences-IV, Baku, Azerbaijan, 26-28 June.
[17] Huseynov, F.(2020). Mobile Application Usage Analysis of Android Users in Turkey. In EUROASIA Congress on Scientific Researches and Recent Trends-VI, Baku, Azerbaijan, 18-20 May.
[18] Ibrahimova, N.,Huseynov, F.(2019). The Influence of Socio-Demographic Factors On Consumers' Perceptions About Social Media Influencers. In 5rd International Congress on Social Sciences - Humanities and Education, Istanbul, Turkey, 19-20 December.
[19] Irantaj, G., Huseynov, F. (2018). Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction Level in an E-Commerce Platform: A Case Study Analysis of Digikala In Iran. Proceedings of Researchfora International Conference, Vienna, Austria, 25-26 April
- İŞL 106 İşletmelerde Veritabanı Yönetimi
- İŞL 107 Dijital İş
- İŞL 205 İşletmelerde Python Programlama
- İŞL 363 Girişimci Firmalarda Yenilik Yönetimi
- İŞL 510 Dijital İş
- YBS 513 Bilişim Sistemleri Teorileri ve Uygulamaları
- YBS 514 Dijital Dönüşüm
- YBST 513 Bilişim Sistemleri Teorileri ve Uygulamaları
- YBST 514 Dijital Dönüşüm
- Doktora: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (ODTÜ) - Bilişim Sistemleri, 2016
- Yüksek lisans: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (ODTÜ) - Bilişim Sistemleri, 2013
- Lisans: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (ODTÜ) - İşletme, 2009