
Doç. Dr. Farid HUSEYNOV
Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri

(262) 605 14 85
İşletme Binası, 114
Çalışma alanları
Management Information Systems (MIS), Electronic Commerce, Machine Learning, Digital Consumer Behaviour, Information Technology (IT) Adoption and Use


[1] TÜBİTAK 1002: Using Machine Learning Algorithms To Predict Individuals' Tendency To Be Victim of Social Engineering Attacks [Coordinator]. Project Duration: January 2021 - January 2022.

[2] ADEP (RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES SUPPORT PROGRAM): Proposing a Multimodal Deep Learning Algorithm to Understand the Role of Social Media in Consumer Perception towards Green Consumption [Researcher]. Project Duration: September 2022 - September 2023.
[3] BAP (SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PROJECT): Investigation and Interpretation of The Effect of Social Networks in Disaster Relief and Coordination with Machine Learning: The Case of Kahramanmaraş and Hatay [Coordinator]. Project Duration: October 2023 - October 2024.


[1] Tas, N., Huseynov, F., Kose, B.Ö. (2024). A Unified Theoretical Model for Understanding Mobile Application Usage Behavior Supported with Real Usage Data. Information Development, DOI: 10.1177/02666669241257191 (SSCI)

[2] Huseynov, F., Kose, B.Ö. (2022). Using Machine Learning Algorithms To Predict Individuals' Tendency To Be Victim of Social Engineering Attacks. Information Development (SSCI)

[3] Huseynov, F. (2020). Understanding Usage Behavior of Different Mobile Application Categories Based on Personality Traits. Interacting with Computers, pp.1-15. DOI: 10.1093/iwc/iwaa005 (SSCI)

[4] Huseynov, F., Yıldırım, S.O. (2019). Online Consumer Typologies and Their Shopping Behaviors in B2C E-Commerce Platforms. SAGE Open, 9 (2), pp.1-19. DOI: 10.1177/2158244019854 (SSCI)

[5] Huseynov, F., Yıldırım, S.O. (2016). Internet users’ attitudes toward business-to-consumer online shopping: A survey. Information Development, 32(3), 452-465. DOI: 10.1177/0266666914554812 (SSCI)

[6] Huseynov, F., Huseynov, S.Y., Özkan, S. (2016). The influence of knowledge-based e-commerce product recommender agents on online consumer decision-making. Information Development, 32, 81-90. DOI: 10.1177/0266666914528929 (SSCI)

[7] Huseynov, F., Yıldırım, S.O. (2016). Behavioral issues in B2C e-commerce: The-state-of-the-art. Information Development, 32(5), 1343-1358. DOI: 10.1177/0266666915599586 (SSCI)

[8] Huseynov, F.,Yıldırım, S.O. (2017). Behavioral Segmentation Analysis of Online Consumer Audience in Turkey by Using Real E-Commerce Transaction Data. International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 14(1), pp. 12-28 (SCOPUS).

[1] Huseynov, F.(2021). Big Data in Business: Digital Transformation for Enhanced Decision Making and Superior Customer Experience, In Disruptive Technology and Digital Transformation for Business and Government (pp. 235-249): IGI Global.

[2] Huseynov, F.(2020). Gamification in E-Commerce: Enhancing Digital Customer Engagement Through Game Elements, In Digital Innovations for Customer Engagement, Management, and Organizational Improvement (pp.144-162): IGI Global.

[3] Huseynov, F.(2020). Intelligent Recommender Systems in E-Commerce: Opportunities and Challenges for Online Customers. In Handbook of Research on IT Applications for Strategic Competitive Advantage and Decision Making (pp.36-51): IGI Global.


[1] Güler, Y.C., Huseynov, F. (2021). The Impact of Online Consumer Reviews on Online Hotel Booking Intention. Journal of Business Research-Turk, 13(3) (ULAKBIM-TR).

[2] Dhahak, K., Huseynov, F. (2020). The Influence of Gamification on Online Consumers’ Attitude and Intention to Purchase Fast Moving Consumer Goods. Business and Economics Research Journal, 11(3) (ULAKBIM-TR).

[3] Dhahak, K. Huseynov, F. (2020). The Impact of Online Consumer Reviews (OCR) on Online Consumers’ Purchase Intention. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(2), 990-1005 (ULAKBIM-TR).

[4] Abasin, M.M., Huseynov, F. (2020). The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Loyalty in Fast-Moving Consumer Good (FMCG) Markets. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(2),1023-1035 (ULAKBIM-TR)

[5] Huseynov, F.(2019).The Usage of Cloud and Web Based Mobile Applications by Students at Higher Education: The Two-Step Cluster Analysis. Mediterranean Journal of Educational Research,13(30), 114-125. doi: 10.29329/mjer.2019.218.7(ULAKBIM-TR).

[6] Baloch, M. A.,Huseynov, F.(2019). Determinants of Consumer Satisfaction of Mobile Commerce in Turkey. Florya Chronicles of Political Economy, 5(1), 15-36.

[7] Fityan, A.,Huseynov, F.(2018). Factors Affecting the Adoption of Social Media as a Marketing Tool: A Case Study of Turkish Small and Medium-­Sized Enterprises Operating in Textile Manufacturing Sector. Journal of Management, Economic and Marketing Research, 2 (4), 27-44.

[8] Amazhanova, K.,Huseynov, F.(2018). The Impact of Electronic Customer Relationship Management on Customer Satisfaction in Turkey. Journal of Management, Economic and Marketing Research 2 (4), 12-26.


[1] Cerasi, C. C., Balcioglu, Y. S., Kilic, A., Huseynov, F., Rasti, P. (2023). A Sentiment Analysis to Understand the Role of Twitter Towards Sustainable Consumption. In 27th International Conference on Information Technology (IT) (pp. 1-5), IEEE, Zabljak, Montenegro, 15-18 February.

[2] Huseynov, F.(2023). Non-Fungible Token (NFT): Awareness and Acceptance Among Internet Users: A Survey. In 7th International New York Academic Research Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences, New York, USA, 18-20 February.

[3] Huseynov, F.(2023). Non-Fungible Token (NFT): Overview, Opportunities And Challenges. In 7th International New York Academic Research Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences, New York, USA, 18-20 February.

[4] Huseynov, F.(2022). Installation and Utilization Rate of Mobile Applications According To Demographic Factors. In Baskent 2nd International Conference On Multidisciplinary Studies, Ankara, Turkey, 24-25 February.

[5] Huseynov, F.(2022). Mobile Application Access Frequency and Usage Duration According To Demographic Factors. In Baskent 2nd International Conference On Multidisciplinary Studies, Ankara, Turkey, 24-25 February.

[6] Arici, N., Huseynov, F. (2022). In-App Purchase On Google Play: Does The Freemium Strategy Work? In 6th Ankara International Congress On Scientific Research, Ankara, Turkey, 1-3 April.

[7] Arici, N., Huseynov, F.(2022). The Effects of In-App Advertisements on User Behavior in Google Play Store Games. In International Aegean Symposıums Social Sciences Humanities - V, Izmir, Turkey, 25-26 February.

[8] Huseynov, F., Köse, B.Ö.(2021). Social Engineering Attack Threats Against Internet Users: K- Means Cluster Analysis. In Istanbul International Modern Scientific Research Congress - II, Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 December.

[9] Sumru, K., Huseynov, F.(2021). Academic Studies on The Customer Reviews in Online Shopping. In International Antalya Scientific Research and Innovative Studies Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 18-21 December.

[10] Arıcı, N., Huseynov, F.(2021). The Effect of Being The “Editors' Choice” On Google Play Store Games: Does It Really Make Any Difference? In III. International Ankara Multidisciplinary Studies Congress, Ankara, Turkey, 5-7 December.

[11] Huseynov, F., Köse, B.Ö.(2021). The Inclination of the Internet Users to Be Deceived By Social Engineering Attacks in Different Sectors. In International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies, Ankara, Turkey, 23-24 September.

[12] Huseynov, F., Köse, B.Ö.(2021). A Survey Study Evaluating Internet Users' Proneness To Fall Prey To Social Engineering Attacks. In 5.ASIA PACIFIC International Modern Sciences Congress, Sydney, Australia, 16-18 July.

[13] Arıcı, N., Huseynov, F.(2021). A Descriptive Study Understanding The Current Status of The Games In Google Play Store. In International European Conference on Interdisciplinary Scientific Research-IV, Warsaw, Poland, 08-09 August.

[14] Arıcı, N., Huseynov, F.(2021). An Explanatory Study Comparing The Paid And Free Games In The Google Play Store. In International European Conference on Interdisciplinary Scientific Research-IV, Warsaw, Poland, 08-09 August.

[15] Nur, N. B., Huseynov, F.(2020). Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention Among Academicians In Turkey. In 2nd International Conference on Innovative Studies of Contemporary Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, 17-19 August.

[16] Huseynov, F.(2020). Evaluating System Usability of Mobile Banking Applications in Turkey. In International Asian Congress on Contemporary Sciences-IV, Baku, Azerbaijan, 26-28 June.

[17] Huseynov, F.(2020). Mobile Application Usage Analysis of Android Users in Turkey. In EUROASIA Congress on Scientific Researches and Recent Trends-VI, Baku, Azerbaijan, 18-20 May.

[18] Ibrahimova, N.,Huseynov, F.(2019). The Influence of Socio-Demographic Factors On Consumers' Perceptions About Social Media Influencers. In 5rd International Congress on Social Sciences - Humanities and Education, Istanbul, Turkey, 19-20 December.

[19] Irantaj, G., Huseynov, F. (2018). Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction Level in an E-Commerce Platform: A Case Study Analysis of Digikala In Iran. Proceedings of Researchfora International Conference, Vienna, Austria, 25-26 April

  • Doktora: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (ODTÜ) - Bilişim Sistemleri, 2016
  • Yüksek lisans: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (ODTÜ) - Bilişim Sistemleri, 2013
  • Lisans: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (ODTÜ) - İşletme, 2009