
Doç. Dr. Murat Oluş ÖZBEK
Kimya Mühendisliği

Murat Oluş ÖZBEK
(262) 605 2126
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B2 Blok, 201
Çalışma alanları
Süreç Denetimi, Heterojen Katalizör, Kimyasal Reaktörler, Hesaplamalı Kimya, Hesaplamalı Katalizör Araştırmaları, Matematiksel Modelleme, Mikrokinetik Modelleme.
Detaylı özgeçmiş

Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler

İklim Gökçe, M. Oluş Özbek, Bahar İpek (2023). Conditions for Higher Methanol Selectivity for Partial CH4 oxidation over Fe-MOR using N2O as the oxidant and Comparison to Fe-SSZ-13, Fe-SSZ-39, Fe-FER, and Fe-ZSM-5. Journal of Catalysis.

Nurkan Sarohan, M. Olus Ozbek, Yasemin Kaya, Mahmoud Abdellatief, Bahar Ipek (2022). Hydrogen adsorption on Co2+ - and Ni2+- exchanged -US-Y and -ZSM-5. A combined sorption, DR UV–Vis, synchrotron XRD and DFT study. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.07.130

Özbek Murat Oluş (2022). A theoretical study of CO adsorption on Cu(211) surface with coverage effects. Turkish J. Chem. Doi:10.55730/1300-0527.3427

Özbek Murat Oluş, Ipek Torun Bahar (2022). A Theoretical Investigation of Cu+, Ni2+ and Co2+-Exchanged Zeolites for Hydrogen Storage. ChemPhysChem, Doi: 10.1002/cphc.202200272.

Özbek Murat Oluş, Atmaca Deniz Onay, Düzenli Derya, Önal Işık (2016). A density functional theory study of propylene epoxidation on RuO2(110) surface. Applied Surface Science, 385, 99-105., Doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.05.090.

Çağlar Başar, Özbek Murat Oluş, Niemantsverdriet J W (2016). The effect of C–OH functionality on the surface chemistry of biomass-derived molecules: ethanol chemistry on Rh(100). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(43), 30117-30127., Doi: 10.1039/C6CP06069B.

Çağlar Başar, Özbek Murat Oluş, Niemantsverdriet J W (2015). Modeling the Surface Chemistry of Sugars: Glycolaldehyde on Rhodium (100). The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(40), 22915-22923., Doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b05916.

Özbek Murat Oluş, Niemantsverdriet JW (Hans) (2015). Methane, formaldehyde and methanol formation pathways from carbon monoxide and hydrogen on the (001) surface of the iron carbide χ-Fe5C2. Journal of Catalysis, 325, 9-18., Doi: 10.1016/j.jcat.2015.01.018.

Özbek Murat Oluş, Niemantsverdriet JW (Hans) (2014). Elementary reactions of CO and H2 on C-terminated χ-Fe5C2(001) surfaces. Journal of Catalysis, 317, 158-166., Doi: 10.1016/j.jcat.2014.06.009.

Özbek Murat Oluş, Bayram Göknur, Özgen Canan (2014). Molecular weight control of poly(ethylene terephthalate) in extrusion process. Polymer Engineering Science, 54(2), 459-465., Doi: 10.1002/pen.23577.

Özbek Murat Oluş, Önal Işik, van Santen Rutger (2013). Chlorine and Caesium Promotion of Silver Ethylene Epoxidation Catalysts. ChemCatChem, 5(2), 443-451., Doi: 10.1002/cctc.201200690.

Özbek Murat Oluş, van Santen Rutger (2013). The Mechanism of Ethylene Epoxidation Catalysis. Catalysis Letters, 143(2), 131-141., Doi: 10.1007/s10562-012-0957-3.

Özbek Murat Oluş, Önal Işik,van Santen Rutger (2012). Effect of Surface and Oxygen Coverage on Ethylene Epoxidation. Topics in Catalysis, 55(11-13), 710-717., Doi: 10.1007/s11244-012-9870-7.

Özbek Murat Oluş, Önal Işik, van Santen Rutger (2011). Why silver is the unique catalyst for ethylene epoxidation. Journal of Catalysis, 284(2), 230-235., Doi: 10.1016/j.jcat.2011.08.004.

Özbek Murat Oluş, Önal Işik, van Santen Rutger (2011). Ethylene epoxidation catalyzed by chlorine-promoted silver oxide. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 23(40), 404202, Doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/23/40/404202.

Özbek Murat Oluş, Önal Işik, van Santen Rutger (2011). Ethylene Epoxidation Catalyzed by Silver Oxide. ChemCatChem, 3(1), 150-153., Doi: 10.1002/cctc.201000249.

Erdogan Rezan, Özbek Murat Oluş, Önal Işik (2010). A periodic DFT study of water and ammonia adsorption on anatase TiO2 (001) slab. Surface Science, 604(11-12), 1029-1033., Doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2010.03.016.

Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :

Özbek Murat Oluş (2021). Theoretical Investigation Of Coverage Effects Of CO Adsorption On Cu(100) Surface. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 25(2), 297-307., Doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.795798.

Özbek Murat Oluş (2020). Yakıt Tankları İçin Bir Stok Yönetimi ve Sızıntı Tespit Sistemi (Ayşe Nur DALMAN, Murat Oluş ÖZBEK). Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences, 6(2), 303-316., Doi:

Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan bildiriler :

İklim Gökce, M. Oluş Özbek, Bahar İpek (2023). Active Site Candidates for Direct Methane to Methanol Conversion on Fe-MOR. 19th Asian Chemical Congress (ACC-2023), Türkiye (özet bildiri, sözlü sunum).

Sevgi Sarıgül Özbek, Jülide Cansu Karakoç, Murat Oluş Özbek, Meriç Köksal (2023). The Structural Analysis of Acetohydrazide Derivatives by NMR and the Elucidation of the Formation Reaction Mechanism by DFT. 19th Asian Chemical Congress (ACC-2023), Türkiye (özet bildiri, sözlü sunum).

Sarohan Nurkan, Özbek Murat Oluş, Kaya Yasemin, Ipek Torun Bahar (2022). High H2 Uptake on Co(II)- and Ni(II)- exchanged ZSM-5 and US-Y having Optimal Heat of Adsorption Values. 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC-2022), Türkiye (Tam Metin Bildiri /Sözlü Sunum)

Sarohan Nurkan, Özbek Murat Oluş, Ipek Torun Bahar (2022). Effect Of Co2+ And Ni2+ Cations On H2 Storage Properties Of Zeolites. 20th International Zeolite Conference (IZC-2022), İspanya (Tam Metin Bildiri/Sözlü Sunum).

Özbek Murat Oluş (2018). Ab-Initio Thermodynamics Applications In Surface Science And Heterogeneous Catalysis. 12th Chemical Physics Congress, Türkiye (Özet Bildiri/Sözlü Sunum).

Özbek Murat Oluş, Niemantsverdriet JW (Hans) (2013), Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis on χ-Fe5C2(001): CO Dissociation, CH4 and CH3OH Formation. Europacat, Fransa (Özet Bildiri / Poster Sunum).

Özbek Murat Oluş, Niemantsverdriet JW (Hans) (2013), Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis on χ-Fe5C2(001): CO Dissociation, CH4 and CH3OH Formation. Catalysis for Sustainability, Hollanda (Özet Bildiri / Poster Sunum).

Özbek Murat Oluş, Niemantsverdriet JW (Hans) (2013), Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis on χ-Fe5C2(001): CO Dissociation, CH4 and CH3OH Formation. Gordon Research Conference, İsviçre (Özet Bildiri / Poster Sunum).

Özbek Murat Oluş, Niemantsverdriet JW (Hans) (2013), Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis on χ-Fe5C2(001): CO Dissociation, CH4 and CH3OH Formation. Netherlands Catalysis and Chemistry Conference (NCCC), Hollanda (Özet Bildiri / Poster Sunum).

Özbek Murat Oluş, Jansen A.P.J., Önal Işık, van Santen R.A. (2010), Effect of Oxygen Coverage on Ethylene Epoxidation on Ag(111) Surface, NWO Theory and Spectroscopy Conference, Hollanda (Sözlü Sunum)

Özbek Murat Oluş, Jansen A.P.J., Önal Işık, van Santen R.A. (2010), Effect of Oxygen Coverage on Ethylene Epoxidation on Ag(111) Surface, Netherlands Catalysis and Chemistry Conference, Hollanda (Özet Bildiri / Sözlü Sunum)

Özbek Murat Oluş, Jansen A.P.J., Önal Işık, van Santen R.A. (2008), Ethylene Epoxidation on Silver and Silver Oxide Surfaces, NWO Theory and Spectroscopy Conference, Hollanda (Poster Sunum)

Özbek Murat Oluş, Jansen A.P.J., Önal Işık, van Santen R.A. (2008), Ethylene Epoxidation on Silver and Silver Oxide Surfaces, Netherlands Catalysis and Chemistry Conference, Hollanda (Poster Sunum)

Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında basılan bildiriler:

Ayşenur Dalman, M. Oluş Özbek (2023). Yakıt Tankları İçin Gelişmiş Sızıntı Tespit Modeli. 15. Ulusal Kimya Mühendisliği Kongresi. (Özet Bildiri/Sözlü Sunum)

Özbek Murat Oluş (2018). Ab-Initio Thermodynamics Applications In Surface Science And Heterogeneous Catalysis. National Catalysis Conference (Özet Bildiri/Sözlü Sunum)

Özbek Murat Oluş, Özgen Canan, Bayram Göknur (2006), Control of PET Degradation During Extrusion Process, Otamatik Kontrol Türk Milli Kongresi, Türkiye, (Tam Metin Bildiri /Sözlü Sunum).

Yönetilen Yüksek Lisans Tezleri

  • A Wet-Stock Management And Leak Detection System For Fuel Tanks (Akaryakıt Tankları İçin Stok Yönetimi Ve Sızıntı Tespit Sistemi), Ayşe Nur Dalman, Kimya Müh. Böl.,Yeditepe Üni., 2017.
  • A Computational study of chlorine based copper corrosion and inhibitör effect (Klor bazlı bakır korozyonu ve inhibitör etkisinin hesaplamalı çalışması), Ezgi Uzlu,devam ediyor.
  • Theoretical Investigation of the Behavior of the Components in Liquid Electrolytes Used in Lithium-ion Batteries, İpek Yenda Çınar, devam ediyot</span>
  • Doktora: - Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Kimya Mühendisliği, 2011
    - Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 2011
  • Yüksek lisans: - Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Kimya Mühendisliği, 2005
  • Lisans: - Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Kimya Mühendisliği, 2003