Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics, which offers a total of six programs including Applied Mathematics, Analysis and Functions Theory, Algebra and Number Theory, Foundations of Mathematics, and Logic, aims to conduct research on international level, produce scientists in every field of Mathematics by providing high quality undergraduate and graduate education, and support the other departments at the university on teaching and advising level. At our department, to which quality and diversity are essential, Mathematics education on undergraduate, master's and doctoral level is provided with internationally competent faculty and experienced teaching assistants. The undergraduate education at our department started in 2002-2003 Academic Year, which made us one of the most preferred departments in the country.

Students studying at the Department of Mathematics can choose to advance in the field of Mathematics, or they can easily draw a different road map for themselves by doing a minor or major program or doing master's in another field, building on the strong mathematical foundations they have. Under various exchange programs, they can also experience living and studying abroad during the course of their undergraduate education. The lively research environment at our department is reinforced by the departmental seminars held weekly, where an acknowledged mathematician is hosted, and our students can broaden their perspectives by joining in these seminars. The Mathematics Club, established by our students and one of the most active clubs on campus, solidifies students' interest in Mathematics with the events they organize.






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