
The pace of progress in electronics engineering during the last decades has been breathtaking, and today, electronics engineering affects every aspect of our society from medicine, communication, software to satellites. Consequently, electronics engineers are highly demanded, well rewarded, and practically are employed in every branch of industry and commerce. The department aims to educate and train students who could pursue research, and perform engineering tasks at the highest levels. Faculty members are young and highly motivated to fulfill this mission. The curriculum is prepared to teach both the theory and the practice in electronics engineering. The theory is taught to the students by lectures (given in classrooms of 20 students), while for the practice, the department has laboratories equipped with the state of the art devices. The courses given cover a wide range of topics to educate expert engineers in their own field of interest. The syllabus is developed and updated continuously, in line with the latest technological needs.

 The collaboration and cooperation of the faculty members with different institutes under TÜBİTAK-MAM (Turkish Scientific Research Council) enable our students to get experience through participation in a variety of scientific projects.

The department offers Bachelors Degree (BS), Masters Degree (MS) and Doctoral Degrees (PhD).


The department aims to train and educate students so that they can:

 • Apply the mathematical, scientific and engineering knowledge for real life problems.

 • Design and conduct experiments, as well as analyze and interpret data.

 • Perform systems design, maintenance and development.

 • Work in multidisciplinary projects.

 • Define, formulate and solve engineering problems.

 • Excel in using different techniques and modern equipment for engineering applications.

Job Opportunities:

There is high demand for electronics engineers almost in all economic sectors. Specifically, the graduates of the department can be employed by:

• Electronics and communication systems manufacturers.

• Television and radio companies.

• Automotive industry.

• The research and development departments of various institutions.

• Consulting companies.

• Military electronics industry.

• Universities and research institutions.

• Government institutions.

Research Area:

Computer aided power system analysis, transient stability analysis and optimization, performance analysis of grounding electrical installations, dynamic system analysis, problems about power quality, modern control techniques.

 Cryptography and data security, fast implementations of secret key and public key algorithms, computer arithmetic, algebraic number theory.

Electromagnetic field and wave theory, diffraction theory, inverse scattering problems, high frequency techniques, experimental electrodynamics, wave propagation in complex media, magnetic and oscillation radio-spectroscopy, theoretical and computational electromagnetism, wave guides, space function techniques in electromagnetism, analytical and computational techniques for simulating wave motion, resonance, spectral theory and excitation of open structures, operator theory and its applications

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