
About Mendeley Reference Management Tool

Mendeley Reference Management Tool

 Mendeley is a reference management tool and an academic social network that helps you organize your research, collaborate online with other researchers, and explore the latest research done. It is not just a desktop software that helps you write a scientific article or a graduation thesis, but also a scientific It also serves as a social network.

Access and Membership address:


After a short registration to, you can download the program free of charge and take advantage of the facilities listed below. You need to use your gtu extension e-mail address to register and create a new password for this program.

With Mendeley;

• You can automatically generate bibliographies.
• You can collaborate easily with other researchers online.
• You can easily import papers from other research software.
• You can find relevant papers based on what you're reading.
• You can access your papers from anywhere online.
• You can read the articles from everywhere.
• You can open multiple PDF files at the same time, you can continuously return your research file, also you can take notes.
•You can reach the citation formats for over 1000 magazines and you can create new formats by selecting citation method.

Quick Reference Guide

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