Physics Laboratory IV

Laboratory Name

 Physics Laboratory IV

Laboratory Responsible

Prof.Dr. Bekir AKTAŞ  


Physics Department


+90 (262) 605 13 01 


Physics Department E BLOK NO:121

General Information

Experimental applications of the topics that are covered in Modern Physics course.

Laboratory Staff

RA. Duygu Önal Tayyar
RA. Ali Zerentürk
RA. Doğan Erbahar
RA. Yasin Şahin


Blackbody Radiation
Compton Experiment
Photoelectric Effect
Frank-Hertz Experiment
Zeeman Effect
Electron Spin Resonance (ESR)
Electron Diffraction
Cu (Cupper) Energy Levels
Duane Hunt Law
Hall Effect in Metals


Blackbody Radiation Experimental Setup
Compton Experiment Experimental Setup
Photoelectric Effect Experimental Setup
Frank-Hertz Experiment Experimental Setup
Zeeman Effect Experimental Setup
Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Experimental Set
Electron Diffraction Experimental Setup
Cu (Cupper) Energy Levels Experimental Setup
Duane Hunt Law Experimental Setup


brief explanations about completed and ongoing projects

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