B-19 (Mass Analysis Lab.)

Laboratory Name B-19 (Mass Analysis Lab.) 
Laboratory Responsible Prof.Dr.Adem Kılıç
Department Chemistry
Telephone +90 (262) 6053100
Address Gebze Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science, Chemistry Department, Muallimköy Campus, P.O.Box 141 Gebze-Kocaeli, 41400, TURKEY
General Information There are two mass Analyzer system in laboratories;1) ESI-MS: Soluble in common organic solvents, low molecular weight (<3000) of organic, inorganic, and some biological molecules, 2) MALDI-MS: High molecular weight organic and inorganic and large molecules such as proteins and polymers. 
Laboratory Staff Exp. Dr. Bünyemin Coşut, Exp. Ayşen Orhan Erkovan
Equipment 1)ESI-MS (Bruker Micro TOF-ESI/MS) ms1.JPEG2)MALDI-MS (Bruker microflex LT MALDI-TOF MS) ms2.JPEG
Projects TÜBİTAK research projects, bilateral cooperations, DPT, GYTE-BAP projects 


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