General Secretariat


Nadir YILDIRIM, Secretary-General

Ali Hükümran ERDEM, Deputy Secretary-General 


Secretary-General     +90 (262) 605 15 34
Fax : +90 (262) 653 84 90
E-mail :
Address : Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü
    Genel Sekreterlik

41400    Gebze/Kocaeli TÜRKİYE


GTU General Secretariat is responsible for fulfilling its duties under the Rectorate including ensuring that the offices within the university’s administrative organization work effectively, properly and in coordination with one another, the services determined within the framework of the article 27 of the Delegated Legislation numbered 124 on Higher Education Supreme Institutions and the Administrative Organization of Higher Education Institutions are provided in an exact and healthy manner, and the senior management is supported in terms of the institution’s administrative organization.


Click here for the organization chart.


Gerekli Formlar
FR-0532 Delegation of Authority Form
FR-0533 Signature Transfer Form
FR-0160 Postal Shipments Monitoring Form


Historical Development:
Established on July 11, 1992 by Law No. 3837 and started its activities in Istanbul, Gebze Institute of Technology (GIT) moved to its new building in Gebze on December 03, 1993. In accordance with Article 51 of the Law No. 2547 and Articles 26 and 27 of the Decree Law No. 124 on the Administrative Organization of Higher Education Supreme Institutions and Higher Education Institutions, the first Secretary General for GIT was appointed on December 16, 1993 and the General Secretariat of the Institute wrote the first Senate decisions on July 01, 1994 and the first Executive Board decisions on July 13, 1994. Under the General Secretariat, the Office of Correspondence was established by the Institute Board of Directors' Decision dated dated May 10, 2005 and numbered 2005/13-6, and the Disaster and Emergency Management Division was also established by the Institute Board of Directors' Decision dated December 09, 2009 and numbered 2009/47-03. The Secretariat continues to carry out its duties of organizing official meetings, visits, and ceremonies and ensuring the execution of Press and Public Relations services since 1997 through The Office of Press and Public Relations under its structure.

The mission of the General Secretariat of Gebze Technical University is to fulfill its responsibility towards the Rector for the efficient, proper, and harmonious operation of the divisions in the administrative organization of the institution in the best way, to carry out its services in a healthy and complete manner within the framework of the Article 27 of the Decree Law No. 124 on the Administrative Organization of Higher Education Supreme Institutions and Higher Education Institutions, and to support the top management in the administrative management of the institution.

The vision of the General Secretariat of Gebze Technical University is to carry out activities to take measures to increase satisfaction by evaluating the wishes, requests, and complaints of the top management of the institution and to develop a management culture that utilizes information technologies at the highest level; reconciles, fuses, directs, reinforces the sense of belonging by improving the communication among the administrative divisions of the institution; follows the national agenda and legislation; adheres to institutional values; is people-oriented, future-oriented, and dynamic.




 Decision on Establishment




Secretary General  


General Secretariat 

As per the Article 51 of the Law No. 2547 and Articles 26 and 27 of the Decree-Law No. 124 on the Administrative Organization of Higher Education Supreme Institutions and Higher Education Institutions


Manager, Office of Correspondence

Office of Correspondence

 With the Institute Board of Directors' Decision dated 10 May   2005 and numbered 2005/13-6



Correspondence Bureau



Manager, Office of Press and Public Relations

Office of Press and Public Relations


Article 27 of the Decree Law No. 124 on the Administrative Organization of Higher Education Supreme Institutions and Higher Education Institutions




Press and Public Relations Bureau




Deputy Secretary General

 General Secretariat 

As per the Article 51 of the Law No. 2547 and Articles 26 and 27 of the Decree Law No. 124 on the Administrative Organization of Higher Education Supreme Institutions and Higher Education Institutions




Disaster and Emergency Management Division

With the Institute of Board of Directors' Decision dated 09 December 2009 and numbered 2009/47-03








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