The project "Synthesis and Characterization of Fluorenylidene Bridged Cyclophospazene Compounds and the Investigation of Their Fluorescence and Biological Activity Properties", which has been coordinated by Prof. Gönül Yenilmez Çiftçi (PhD) from the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science at GTU, and supported by TÜBİTAK, has been granted the Project Performance Award*. The project team includes Prof. Adem Kılıç (PhD), Prof. Mahmut Durmuş (PhD), Assoc. Prof. Esra Tanrıverdi Eçik (PhD), Lecturer Elif Şenkuytu (PhD) and PhD Student Saadet Elif İncir from GTU's Department of Chemistry,  Assoc. Prof Tuba Yıldırım (PhD) from Amasya University, and Assoc. Prof. Emel Ergene (PhD) from Anadolu University, and the project has produced one PhD dissertation, one master's thesis, six articles published in international refereed journals, and eleven proceedings (seven national and four international). 

*Project Performance Award is an incentive that aims to increase the outputs, outcomes and effects of the projects in terms of quality and quantity that are supported by Academic Research Funding Program Directorate (ARDEB), and rewards project teams (the coordinator and researchers) for the projects that are highly achieved based on the criteria and evaluation method determined by TÜBİTAK.

Last Updated: 5 December 2018


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