1-Day Technology Diet from GTU Students

As part of their awareness activities to fight addictions of any kind, GTU students go on a 1-day technology diet this time 
The awareness activity titled "Technology Diet" and organized jointly by Young Green Crescent Society and Social Life and Media Society from GTU's student societies and Radio GTU took place on November 8, 2018 in the library garden with the participation and support of GTU's Psychological Counselor Lütfi Yapıcı.
As part of the activity, participants were asked to put away their cell phones for 1 hour, which aimed to cut the participants' physical and psychological ties with their cell phones. During that 1 hour, the participants were asked how they felt; what they thought about the time they spend using technology, about addictions; whether they maintain their social relations through social media or in real life; the anxiety and psychological problems social media creates, and exchanged their opinions with each other, which aimed to raise their awareness for technology addiction. At the end of the activity, the participants reached the general conclusion that it would not be possible to live completely without technology, that even staying 1 hour away from it creates enough anxiety, but that technology would be much more useful if it were used properly and moderately.

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