Yet Another Success Story of GTU Faculty

Within the framework of the collaboration between TÜBİTAK, Turkey, and L'Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), France, GTU Faculty Assoc. Prof. Erhan Abdullah's project is to receive grant support

As a result of TÜBİTAK-ANR's call for joint projects for 2018, GTU Computer Engineering Faculty Assoc. Prof. Erhan Abdullah (PhD) has earned the right to receive grant support with his project titled "MULTI-variate, temporal, resolution and SourCe remote sensing image Analysis and LEarning (MULTISCALE)". The Turkish team in the project will consist of GTU (coordinator) and ITU (Istanbul Technical University) and the French will team consist of IRISA Lab (coordinator, Université de Bretagne Sud) and LETG-Rennes Lab (Université de Rennes 2). The purpose of the project is to develop an integrated image viewing approach that can deal with image variety, and design unique tools that can interpret images in line with the developed approach.

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