International Civil Aviation Day Dedicated To The Memory of İsmail Cevheri

GTU's Space and Aviation Club students dedicate the event they organize for the International Civil Aviation Day to the memory of the famous Turkish scientist İsmail Cevheri, the first Turkish aviation martyr ever known

An event titled "İsmail Cevheri 1st Civil Aviation Day" was recently organized at GTU for 7 December, which was declared the International Civil Aviation Day by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in 1994. At the event, important names from the aviation sector provided the students with information about aviation.


The event, which was organized at the Faculty of Electronics Lecture Hall by GTU's Space and Aviation Club, was declared to be dedicated to the memory of the famous Turkish scientist İsmail Cevheri, the first Turkish aviation martyr ever known. Making the opening speech of the event, Kazım Yıldız, Director for the Darıca Branch of Turkish Aeronautical Association, provided information about the organization and shared with the participants their goal of establishing aviation training centers in the 81 cities of Turkey by 2025. The first session ended with the Space and Aviation Club students presenting the speakers with thank you plaques.

In the afternoon session, representatives from the civil aviation sector shared their experiences with the audience and answered questions. The event ended with photos taken with the participants.

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