"Accessible Communication" Seminar Held at GTU

A seminar titled "Accessible Communication for Everyone" was held with the organization of Assoc. Prof. Meral Elçi, Coordinator of GTU's Center for Students with Disabilities. The seminar was delivered by Hanife Baykal, Istanbul Branch Director of Türkiye Beyazay Derneği (Turkish White Crescent Association), which has been guiding everyone with or without disabilities with its career path project for the disabled and activities on accessibility.

At the event carried out in the lecture hall of the Faculty of Business Administration at GTU, the participants were given information on the ratio of people with disabilities in Turkey, disability in general, mistakes made while communicating with people with disabilities, the behaviors to display and the things to do for an accessible life.

Having one-on-one conversations with the students interested in the topic and answering their questions following her presentation, Baykal provided the students with information about the social responsibility projects they can take part in and and with suggestions for the fields they can work in.

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