Destroyed Architecture: Aleppo

Topic of "The Destruction of Cultural Heritage in Aleppo" was organized a conference by GTU Women In Business Club and GTU Young Movement Platform.

Senior Architect Mahmoud Zeyn El Abidin, a lecturer at Yıldız Technical University, attended the conference held at Gebze Technical University (GTU) Faculty of Architecture. Abidin talked about the characteristics of architectural structures in the east. He talked about the post-war demolition of Aleppo, where he had lived for some time. He talked about how he ruined the architectures, the architectural smuggling, how he will be restored Aleppo where everybody wants to escape, and how the old history will be able to smell. He said it wasn't just a neighborhood extinction, but a city's extinction. He said the architectural structures to be built in this city could be economically taken support from where. Even Unesco has limited possibilities, so he added that he was very desperate. Due to his participation in the conference to Abidin, who completed the conference with visual presentations; a plaque was presented by Faculty of Architecture Dean Prof. Nilay Coşgun.


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