TeaTalksWie Event by GTU IEEE Student Community

GTU IEEE Student Group, which brought successful women and students together, was made by the WIE Committee of Tea Talks Wie activity at Technology Transfer Office Technocafe, which is located at GTU Campus.

Oya Kalender who is founder of the Mother Council and Oya Kalender Brand and People Solutions, General Electric Six Sigma Black Belt Ülkü Celikkol, General Electric Senior Software Development Director Arife Yüce, Blog Writer Funda Güleç Yalçın and Güvensan General Manager of Cleaning Services and Arya Women Investment Platform investment partner Münteha Adalı participated. The first session of the activity, which took place with the participation of Rector of GTU Haluk Görgün, started with talks about engineering of Ülkü Çelikkol and Arife Yüce from General Electric Gebze Aviation. Then Funda Güleç, also known as 2nd Chamber Fundalina, continued with Yalçın's conversation about social media. Oya Kalender talked about motivation, being a human, road to success, motherhood and business life. The last session was held with the conversation of General Manager of Securities Clearing Services and Münteha Adalı, the investment partner of Arya Women Investment Platform, on the subtleties of business life and experience transfers.

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