GTU Students Receive First and Second Prize in IEEE GRSS Thesis Awards

As a result of the evaluation made by IEEE GRSS Türkiye, Hasan Tonbul, one of GTU's doctoral students at the Department of Geomatics Engineering, has won the second prize with his doctoral dissertation titled "Nesne-tabanlı Sınıflandırmada Doğal Arazi Örtüsü Sınırlarını Esas Alan Bölge Tabanlı Bölütleme (Segmentasyon) Algoritmasının Optimizasyonu" (Optimization of Region-Based Segmentation Algorithm Based on Natural Land Cover Boundaries in Object-Based Classification) as supervised by GTU Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Taşkın Kavzoğlu.

At the same time, Alihan Teke, a GTU master's student at the Department of Geomatics Engineering, has won the first prize with his master's thesis titled "Applications of Ensemble Learning Paradigm and Advanced Hyperparameter Optimization Techniques in Landslide Susceptibility Mapping" also supervised by GTU Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Taşkın Kavzoğlu.

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