GTU Signs Collaboration Agreement with High Schools

November 04, 2022

GTU has recently signed a social and scientific collaboration agreement with two schools in its region, Private Enka Occupational and Technical Anatolian High School and Dilovası Yahya Kaptan Anatolian High School. 

Thanks to the collaboration agreement, high school students will have the opportunity to benefit from GTU's scientific and social facilities such as laboratories, libraries, conference halls, gymnasiums at certain times determined by the university. With the agreement, signed to increase efficiency, quality and ensure continuous development in education, training and management, scientific consultancy will be provided by the university for the preparation of high school students for scientific programs and projects. In the disciplines needed, presentations will be made by the university instructors to the high school teachers and students. Academic support will be provided for education and teaching-based seminars, panels and conferences to be organized for students, teachers, parents and other stakeholders.

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