In the 4th edition of "Marschner's Mineral Nutrition of Plants", which is considered the Most Important Source Book in the Field of Plant Nutrition, Our Faculty Members Ümit Barış Kutman and Bahar Yıldız Kutman took part as the Chapter Authors.

The 4th edition of "Marschner's Mineral Nutrition of Plants", which is accepted as the most important source book by the international plant nutrition community, met with the readers in December 2022. The book, which has been rewritten to reflect all the current developments in the field by a strong team of former students and students of Horst Marschner, many of whom were the authors of the first two editions of the book, was published by the international academic publishing house Academic Press (Elsevier), also attributing to Marschner. Each chapter of the book, which consists of 20 chapters and was edited by the veteran professors of plant nutrition, Zed Rengel, İsmail Çakmak and Philip White, was written by experts in the relevant field. 37 authors from 13 different countries contributed to the work, including the editors.

In the book, one of our faculty members, Ümit Barış Kutman, is the author of the 9th chapter with a single author titled "Mineral Nutrition and Crop Quality", while one of our institute faculty members Bahar Yıldız Kutman wrote the "Nickel" section in the 7th chapter titled "Micronutrients", İsmail Çakmak, Philip White , Soren Husted, Zed Rengel, and Fang-Jie Zhao shared episode writing with respected names.

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