Trainings Offered

The new Turkish Building and Earthquake Code expected to take effect in 2017 includes many new concepts from earthquake risk maps to performance based design details.

In order to ensure that this new code is implemented more effectively, with a team of expert academics experienced in both applied and academic engineering, as affiliated with the Construction Program offered by the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture at Gebze Technical University and under GTU Lifelong Education Center (GTU SEM), the following trainings are provided in Turkish:

 “Türk Bina Deprem Yönetmeliği Kapsamında Performansa Dayalı Tasarım, Sismik Taban Yalıtımı Eğitimi ve PERFORM-3D ile Mühendislik Uygulamaları” (Performance Based Design, Seismic Isolation Training as per the Turkish Building Earthquake Code and Engineering Applications with PERFORM-3D)

“Yüksek Yapıların Tasarımı” (High Rise Building Design)

The details can be found under the following links: 


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