Osym Exam Coordination Office


ÖSYM was established on 19 November 1974 by the Interuniversity Council under the name of "Interuniversity Student Selection and Placement Centre (ÖSYM)" in accordance with Article 52 of the Universities Law No. 1750. With the Higher Education Law No. 2547, which entered into force in 1981, it was affiliated to the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) and renamed as "Student Selection and Placement Centre (ÖSYM)". 

The Student Selection and Placement Centre is an institution that prepares and conducts examinations for the purpose of admitting students to higher education institutions within the framework of the principles determined by the Council of Higher Education, evaluates student requests in accordance with the principles determined by the Council of Higher Education, ensures the placement of student candidates in higher education institutions, and conducts research and other services related to these activities. 

The Presidency of Measurement, Selection and Placement Center has become a public legal entity, administrative and financial autonomy, related to the Council of Higher Education, with a special budget, headquartered in Ankara, in order to fulfil the duties and exercise the powers given by Law No. 6114 and other relevant legislation. In accordance with the relevant laws, as the Examination Centre Management, our main goal is to carry out and follow the ÖSYM exams throughout Gebze in accordance with the rules.






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