Assist. Prof. Sonay ÖZKAN
Molecular Biology and Genetics

+90 (262) +90 (262) 605 25 15
Block C2, 114
Areas of interest
Molecular biology. Microbiology. Bacterioplanktons. Marine biodiversity. Probiotic microorganisms.

Journal Article

  1. Ozkan,  S. Genetic and functional characterization of Rhodobacter capsulatus photosynthetic reaction centres carrying triple mutations near to or far from the quinone sites. Photosynthetica 40(1):71-75, 2002.

Books and Chapters

  1. Ozkan, Sonay. Thesis & Dissertation: Genetic and functional characterization of Rhodobacter capsulatus photosynthetic reaction centers carrying mutations near to or far from the quinone sites. UMI Dissertation Services, Bell & Howell Company (Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346 USA), ProQuest Information and Learning Company (Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346 USA). UMI Microform 3010022. 2001. Advisor: B.C. Stark
  2. Özkan, Sonay, 2001. Plasmid Biyolojisi (basımda)
  3. Özkan, Sonay, 2001. Bakteri Genetiği (basımda)
  4. Özkan, Sonay, 2007. Deniz Biyoteknolojisi (yazım aşamasında)
  5. Özkan, Sonay, 2004. Bakteri Ekolojisi (basımda)
  6. Özkan, Sonay, 2005. Moleküler Deniz Mikrobiyolojisi (basımda)

Other Publications

  1. Yüksek Lisans Tez Başlığı ve Tez Danışmanı  : Marmara Denizini Kıyı Zonu Araştırmaları”, Paşalimanı Adasının Littoral Zonu Üzerinde Gözlemler, 25 s., İstanbul. 1991 Ocak ayında savunulmuştur. Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Necdet Tunçdilek
  2. Doktora Tezi Başlığı ve  Danışmanı : Genetic and functional characterization of Rhodobacter capsulatus photosynthetic reaction centers carrying mutations near to or far from the quinone sites, 147 s. Illinois Institute of Technology, Department of Biological Chemical & Physical Sciences, Chicago Illinois, USA. 2001 Nisan ayında savunulmuştur. Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Ben C. Stark,
  • Third Cycle (Doctoral): Department of Biology, Biological, Chemical and Physical Sciences, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616 USA
    YÖK'ten Denklik: Genel Biyoloji/ Moleküler Biyoloji
  • Second Cycle (Master's): Deniz Biyolojisi, Deniz Bilimleri ve Coğrafya Enstitüsü, Istanbul Üniversitesi, Vefa, Istanbul.
  • First Cycle (Undergraduate): Biyoloji Bölümü, Fen Fakültesi, Istanbul Üniversitesi. Vezneciler, Istanbul

Project Title: Screening and Identification of Bioluminescent Bacterioplanktons of Izmit Bay (Marmara Sea). Project No: 2016-A-10

Project Title: Isolation, characterization by biochemical methods, and selection of potential probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) from fermented green and black olive. Project No: 2015-A-8

Project Title: Screening and Identification of PUFA (Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids) Producing Bacterioplanktons of Izmit Bay (Marmara Sea). Project no: 2013-A-1

Project Title: Investigations on biochemical characteristics of yellow pigmented marine bacteria. Project no: 2011-A-19.

Project title: Studies on Phenotypic Characterization of Bacteriyoplantons from İzmit Bay (Marmara Sea) and Maintenance of Culture Collection. Project no: GYTE 2010-A-07

Project Title: Identification and classification of bacterioplanktons of Izmit Bay (Marmara Sea) by using biochemical tests, microbiological and image processing techniques. Project no: GYTE BAP-2008-A-18

Project Title: Investigations on bacterioplanktons of Izmit Bay (Marmara Sea). Project no: GYTE BAP-2007-A-15

Project Title: Investigations on biodiversity of littoral zone of Izmit bay (Sea of Marmara). Project no: 2006-A12