
- Phone
- +90 (262) 6051427
- artar@gtu.edu.tr
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- Business Administration Building, 234
- Areas of interest
SCI/SCIE/SSCI-Indexed Journal Articles
[1]Balcıoğlu Y.S. and Artar M. (2024) The Evolution of Digital Leadership: Content and Sentiment Analysis of The New York Times Coverage, Current Psychology.
[2]Artar, M. and Erdil, O. (2024) Navigating the new normal: How workplace isolation impacted teleworkers’ psychological well-being in Covid-19? The roles of perceived organizational support and job insecurity. WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment Rehabilitation.
[3]Artar, M. Balcıoğlu Y.S. and Erdil O. (2024). Teleworking Sentiments on "X": Navigating The Shift From The Digital Advancement Era to a Post-Covid World.SageOpen, forthcoming.
[4]Artar, M.Balcıoğlu Y.S. and Erdil O. (2024). Improving The Quality of Hires via The Use of Machine Learning and An Expansion of The Person-Environment Fit Theory.Management Decision.
[5]Artar, M. Erdil, O. (2024). How Interpersonal Communıcatıon Satısfactıon Impacted Teleworkers' Job Satısfactıon? The Role of It Awareness and Creatıve Performance. RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas.
[6]Balcioğlu, Y. S. and Artar, M. (2023). Predicting Academic Performance of Students with Machine Learning.Information Development, 02666669231213023.
[1]Balcioğlu, Y. S., Artar, M. (2024). Artificial intelligence in employee recruitment.Global Business and Organizational Excellence.(Scopus)
[2]Artar M., Balcıoglu, Y.S. and Erdıl, O. (2023). A Study on Mıddle-Class Female Remote Workers: A Study on Work-Famıly Conflıct, Job Satısfactıon and Interpersonal Communıcatıon Satısfactıon. Journal of Management Marketing and Logistics, 10(2), 62-71.
[3]Balcıoğlu, Y. S., Artar, M. (2023). Unravelıng The Great Resıgnatıon: A Comprehensıve Lıterature Revıew on The Workforce Exodus Phenomenon.PressAcademia Procedia,17(1), 224-225.
[4]Balcıoğlu, Y. S., Artar, M. and Erdil, O. (2022). Artificial Intelligence in Project Management: An Application in The Banking Sector.Akademik Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD),14(27),323-334.
[5]Şener, İ. and Artar, M. (2022). How Green Strategy Research is Evolving? Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Global Strategic Management, 16(2), 49-56.
[6]Balcıoğlu Y.S. and Artar M. (2022). Machıne Learnıng and Analysıs of Twıtter Data: Identıfyıng Busıness Trends After Covıd-19. Socıal Scıence Development.
[7]Muceldili, B., Artar, M. and Erdil, O. (2021). Determining The Moderating Role of Career Guidance in The Relationship Between Social İsolation and Job Search Self-Efficacy: A Study on University Students. Business and Economics Research Journal, 12(4), 843-854.
[8]Artar, M., Adıgüzel, Z. and Erdil, O. (2019), ‘‘Örgütlerde Yöneticiye Duyulan Güvenin, Psikolojik Sözleşme İhlali, Örgütsel Dışlanma ve İş Tatmini Arasındaki İlişkilerin İncelenmesi (Examination of The Relationships Between Organisational Managerial Trust, Psychological Contract Violation, Organizational Exclusion and Job Satisfaction)’’ , Journal Of Business Research-Turk, 11(3), 1417-1432
[9]Karadal, H., Adıgüzel, Z., Artar M. (2018). Investigation of the mediator effect of strategic management in the relationship between ethics leadership, job satisfaction and intention to leave.Journal of Management Marketing and Logistics,5(1), 66-77.
[10]Artar, M., Adıgüzel, Z. and Erdil, O. (2017). Investigation of The Mediator Effect of Organizational Justice Procedural and Distributed Dimensions in The Relationship Between Psychological Contracting Violations and Organizational Externality on Job Satisfaction. Research Journal of Business and Management 4(4), 514-526.
[11]Artar, M. (2015). Tükenmişlik Sendromu(Burnout Syndrome). Anahtar Dergisi, 27(322), 28-33.
[1] TUBİTAK 3005Machine learning for disinformation detection: Multiplatform social media analysis Project Duration: October 2024 - October 2025 (Researcher)
[2] Using Machine Learning in Personnel Selection and Placement Processes. Director: Prof. Dr. Oya ERDİL.; Gebze Technical University,ADEP (Research Universities Support Program ), Project Code: 2022-A-113-02, (Researcher).
[1]Artar, A. Artar, M., Hüseynov, B. ve Akçaöz, B. (2020) “33 Vaka ile Kurumsal Gelişim (Corporate Development with 33 Cases)” 1st Edition Istanbul,Scala Yayıncılık.
[2]Artar, A. Artar, M. Hüseynov, B. ve Akçaöz, B. (2021) “33 Vaka ile Kurumsal Gelişim (Corporate Development with 33 Cases)” 2nd Edition Istanbul,Scala Yayıncılık.
[1]Balcıoğlu, Y. S., Artar, M., Erdil, O. Data-Driven Insights into HR Recruitment Performance: A Machine Learning Approach Based on Real-World Data from an Italian Security Company. In Meryem BULUT (Eds.), Current Debates on Social Sciences 15 (pp. 282-293).BİDGE Publications.
[2]Artar, M., Balcıoğlu, Y. and Erdil, O. (2023). The Next Step in Business: Digital Employees Experience. In Gönül Yüce Akıncı (Eds.),Technology and Management Comprehension in the Age of Digitalization (pp. 53-70). BIDGE Publications.
[3]Artar, M., Erdil, O. (2023). The Effect of Workplace Attachment Style on Work Behavior: Two Sides of The Coin.In Gönül Yüce Akıncı (Eds.), Technology and Management Comprehension in the Age of Digitalization (pp. 71-89). BIDGE Publications.
[4]Fred R. David, Forest R. David, Meredith E. David “İç denetim”, Melike Artar,</span>Stratejik Yönetim Rekabet Avantajlı Yaklaşımı (Strategic Management Competitive Advantage Approach), ed. İrge Şener, Ahmet Anıl Karapolatgil. (Ankara: Palme Yayınevi, 2022).</span>
[5]Artar M., Balcıoğlu Y.S. and Erdil O. (2022). İnsan Kaynakları Süreçlerinde Yapay Zeka Kullanımı (Use Of Artificial İntelligence in Human Resources Processes) In Safa ACAR (Eds.), Current Business, Management and Accounting Studies (pp.39-54). İksad Publishing House.
[6]Artar M. and Balcıoğlu Y.S. (2022). Çalışanların işten ayrılma olasılığının Makine öğrenmesi ile tahmini : K-En yakın komşu algotiması ile (Prediction of the probability of employee turnover using machine learning: K-nearest neighbor algorithm) In Safa ACAR (Eds.), Current Business, Management and Accounting Studies (pp.27-37). İksad Publishing House.
[7]Özer, G., Erdil, O., Artar,M. and Merter, A. K. (2021). Yasal Sistemler Perspektifinden Uluslararası Kurumsal Yönetim Yaklaşımları (International Corporate Governance Approaches from Legal Systems Perspective) In Ali USLU (Eds.), Academıc Perspectıve of Organızatıons In Socıal And Human Scıences (pp.3-33). İksad Publishing House.28-33.
[1]Balcıoğlu Y.S., Artar M., "The Use of AI in Metaverse", Springer Nature Business and Economics, March 2023.
[2]Balcıoğlu Y.S., Artar M., "Unraveling the Great Resignation: A Comprehensive Literature Review on the Workforce Exodus Phenomenon", 9uncu Global İşletme Araştırmaları, June. 2023
[3]Balcıoğlu Y.S., Artar M., Erdil O., "A Study on Middle-Class Married Female Telefoworkers: The Efeect of Work-Life Conflict on Job Statisfaction: A Study on Work-Family Conflict, Job Satisfaction and Interpersonal Communication Satisfaction", 9uncu Global İşletme Araştırmaları, June. 2023
[4]Balcıoğlu Y.S., Artar M., Erdil O., "Ethical Implications and challenges of using machine learning in personnel placement: A comprehensive discussion", International Izmir Congress on Life, Social, Health and Sports Sciences, July. 2023
[5]Balcıoğlu Y.S., Artar M., Erdil O., "Leveraging machine learning algorithms for enhanced employee recruitment and selection: case studies and practical implementations", International Izmir Congress on Life, Social, Health and Sports Sciences, July. 2023
[6]Balcıoğlu Y.S., Artar M., Erdil O., "Personnel Selection Application for HRM", 17th International Scientific Research Congress, August. 2023
[7]Balcıoğlu Y.S., Artar M., Erdil O., "Personnel selection with machine learning within the scope of Person-Environment Theory", 17th International Scientific Research Congress, August. 2023
[8]Şener, İ., Artar, M. ''How Green Strategy Research Is Evolving?A Systematic Literature Review''10 th International Conference on Leadership, Technology, Innovation and Business Management October 11-13, 2022, Baku,Azerbaijan.
[9]Artar, M.,Balcıoğlu Y.S., Erdil O."The use of AI in Metaverse", the 6th International Conference on Economic Development, Public Finance, Energy and Environment (ICBFP'2022), May 2022
[10]Balcıoğlu Y.S., Artar M., Erdil O.,"Machine Learning and analysis of Twitter data: Identifying Trend Jobs after Covid-19", 7. International Battalgazi Scientific Studies Congress, Jan 2022
[11]Artar M., Balcıoğlu Y.S., Erdil O.,"Machine Learning in Employee Selection", 7. International Battalgazi Scientific Studies Congress, Jan 2022
[12]Balcıoğlu Y.S., Artar M., Tunca S.,"LSTM Method Analysis of U.S. Employees turnover after Covid-19 Comparative with the Sars-Cov2 Post Omicroc Variant", 4. International NewYork Academic Research Congree, Jan 2022
[13]Artar M.,Balcıoğlu Y.S., Erdil O.,"The Effect of Work-Family balance on interpersonal communication in Teleworkerst", 4. International NewYork Academic Research Congree, Jan 2022
[14]Balcıoğlu Y.S., Artar M.,"Employee turnover prediction with Machine Learning: An Application with The K-Nearest Neigbors", 7. International Zeugma Conference on Scientific Researches, Jan 2022
[15]Artar M.,Balcıoğlu Y.S., Erdil O., "Use of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resources Processes", 7. International Zeugma Conference on Scientific Researches, Jan 2022
[16]G. Özer, O. Erdil, M. Artar, A. K. Merter, “Yasal Sistemler Perspektifinden Uluslararası Kurumsal Yönetim Yaklaşımları,” 16. Uluslararası Muhasebe Konferansı (Modavıca 2019),October 5-8, 2019 İzmir.
[17]Artar, M., Usta, T. A., Erdil, O., Gök, M. Ş., “Identification of The Unknown Unknowns in The Project Management Process” Business and Organization Research Congress, September 4-6, 2019, İzmir, Turkey.
[18]Artar, M., Usta, T. A., Erdil, O., Gök, M. Ş., “The Role Of Perceived Support In Of Entrepreneurial Intention” Business and Organization Research Congress, September 4-6, 2019, İzmir, Turkey.
[19]Artar, M., Usta, T. A., Erdil, O., Gök, M. Ş., ‘‘Tüketicinin Sürdürülebılır Ürün Satın Alma Niyeti İle Davranışı Arasındaki İlişki: Kavramsal Bır İnceleme” Business and Organization Research Congress, September 4-6, 2019, İzmir, Turkey.
[20]Artar, M., Mücedilli, B., Erdil, O., “‘Generation Y’ and Narcissism”, 14th International Strategic Management Conference, July 27-29, 2019, Poznań, Poland.
[21]Adıgüzel, Z. Artar, M.Erdil, O., “Relationships Between Organisational Trust, Psychological Contract Violation, Organizational Exclusion And Job Satisfaction ”, 13th International Strategic Management Conference, 12-14 July, 2018, Prag,Czech
[22]Artar, M., Adıgüzel, Z., Erdil, O.,”A Study Of The İmpact Of Organizational Justice On The Relationship Between Psychological Contract Violations, Organizational Exclusion, And Job Satisfaction As An İntervening Variable”, ”, 7th International Conference on Leadership, Technology, Innovation and Business Management”, Nov., 9-11, 2017, Marmaris, Turkey.
[23]Artar, M., Erdil, O., “Relationship Between Job Satisfaction, Organizational Trust and Work Alienation”, 13th International Strategic Management Conference, 6-8 July, 2017, Podgorica, Montenegro.
[24], M., Erdil, O., “A Study of the Effects of Psychological Contract Violations on Intention to Leave by the Intervening Variables of Organizational Trust”, 13th International Strategic Management Conference, 6-8 July, 2017, Podgorica.
[25]Artar M., Sener I., ‘‘Duygusal Emeğin İşe Yabancılaşmaya Etkisi: Eğitim Sektöründe Bir Uygulama’’. 12. Ulusal İşletmecilik Kongresi, 2017, İzmir.
Dissertation Title
Evaluatıon of The Effect of Teleworking on Employee Attıtude and Behaviour
MBA Thesis Title
Factors Affecting Work Alienation and Effect of Leaving Work
Third Cycle (Doctoral): 2018- Present Ph. D. in Management
GPA: 3.76/4.00
Gebze Technical University, Turkey
Dissertation: Evaluatıon of The Effect of Teleworking on Employee Attıtude and Behaviour
Second Cycle (Master's): 2015-2018 M.Sc. in Management
GPA: 4.00/4.00
Gebze Technical University, Turkey
MBA Thesis Title: Factors Affecting Work Alienation and Effect of Leaving Work
First Cycle (Undergraduate): 2009-2014(Jan) B.Sc in Psychology(High Honors)
GPA: 3.68/4.00
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, (Full Scholarship)
Okan University, Turkey